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Yep pal, i've only 4 years on you at 34; but that's it for me. Its not that long ago that I was merrily drinking myself into oblivion at Uni, and got up to plenty of 'young lad' escapades.

But, I can say hand on heart, even pissed out of my nut, my moral compass still worked to extent that I would not have ever got myself into the situation Ched Evans got himself into.

Whether you have an opinion on his conviction being correct or not, I would surely like to think that everyone could agree his behaviour that night was abhorrent.


Wider issue, is that sadly, from following the links posted on here from Twitter (im not on it, thankfully so, it seems from days like today and yesterday) - there are great swaths of the population - young men mostly - who can see no wrong whatsoever with the behaviour of CE that night. And the trivialisation of such a serious and life-damaging crime as rape is truly shocking actually.


Some of our fans, mostly young men it has to be said, coming out in such vocal support for CE and for his signing.....and the vile putrid bile they're coming out with to anyone daring to an opinion that differs to theirs is quite unbelievable.

Society is plumbing new depths in this it seems, its bringing out the worst modern society has to offer it appears.


This whole sorry mess just continues to get worse & worse.

I have anger towards the people pertaining to run our club for bringing this on us - it was an awful decision in the first place and their subsequent handling of it since has been shambolic, amateurish and frankly incompetent.

I now can add embarrassment and shame towards a section of our support.

And a head wobble towards the younger generation and the way society in our country seems to be heading. I'm expecting my first child in April; really looking forward to welcoming them into a Nation where its believed 'laddy' and is apparently acceptable to behave like a character from A Clockwork Orange.

Can't upboat on phone but good to see some common sense

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Somewhere in the depths of this thread someone mentioned that Simon Corney might not be aware of the :censored:storm this affair is creating in the UK media. Being a USA resident I can confirm that if I wasn't a Latics fan I wouldn't have heard a dickey bird about this over here.

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I don't give a :censored: for Ched's apologies. Fact is he's been running an unnecessary and ruinous campaign against the victim. There's no reason for it but malice. It won't help to clear him if he further ruins her reputation.

Sorry but I disagree with this


Lets get this clear now I'm not saying Evans shouldn't have been found guilty at all, but if I myself was wrongly convicted of rape, I'd be calling the girl that accused me of it every name under the sun, and there'd be no way in hell I'd ever apologise for something I didn't do. The fact is that he is protesting his innocence and not giving this girl all the :censored: that could be flung, just saying why he believes she's wrong


I'm firmly sitting on the fence with this one. I dont post on here much but I do read pretty much every day, but some of the double standards and hypocrisy that's been spouted on this board about this tpoic has actually made me laugh more than once

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Somewhere in the depths of this thread someone mentioned that Simon Corney might not be aware of the :censored:storm this affair is creating in the UK media. Being a USA resident I can confirm that if I wasn't a Latics fan I wouldn't have heard a dickey bird about this over here.

But surely he's not so out of touch no fellow director told him of the Sheffield United reaction?

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Somewhere in the depths of this thread someone mentioned that Simon Corney might not be aware of the :censored:storm this affair is creating in the UK media. Being a USA resident I can confirm that if I wasn't a Latics fan I wouldn't have heard a dickey bird about this over here.



Simon: "So, any reaction?"

Barry: "olololololol have a look at #oafc on twitter or have a look at http://www.thepaperboy.com/uk/front-pages.cfm olollloollolo"

Simon: ":censored:."

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Somewhere in the depths of this thread someone mentioned that Simon Corney might not be aware of the :censored:storm this affair is creating in the UK media. Being a USA resident I can confirm that if I wasn't a Latics fan I wouldn't have heard a dickey bird about this over here.

But you are a Latics fan. And Corney owns the club.
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Not seen the site so can't comment on the content. But for everyone criticising evans' website and the hounding of the victim why have you all openly accepted Connor brown into our club? Applauded him and praised him? Is that not hypocritical and morally wrong also?

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Couldn't budge the weather off the front page of the Express though could we?


Unless Evans developed a cure for cancer and alzheimers whilst increasing house prices with the Queen and Baby George whilst simultaneously controlling a 90mph! storm and something something immigrants then he won't get on the front page of the Express

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I agree with that but I think that's were the separate verdicts has been formulated from. She went back with Clayton, Evans rocked up later uninvited. Just putting across why I don't buy this "two or none" argument

Yeah I'll take that. But then how, if she hasn't (allegedly) drunk anymore, does her state of mind deteriorate to not remembering. Surely once u stop drinking you effectively start to sober up. I know it takes time, but she had spent an hour in the kebab house at this point so anything she had drunk previously would have already had taken its course? No expert, maybe rudemedic can clear that up?

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Having had time to think about this more. We were not in the court. We can only go with the jury and they found him guilty. The issue with our justice system is an appeal can only be made in the light of an error in the action/summing up by the judge and/or new evidence coming to light.

It was clear that the appeal in this case never had a chance. I believe there can be miscarriages of justice and that in some cases it is very difficult to have this over turned. I doubt he will be successful in the current process either. Where will the new evidence come from?


I for one would struggle with being jailed for 2.5 years if I had been found guilty when I was not guilty. From what I can see CE regrets getting himself in the situation that left him open. I understand that you would want to clear your name, I do not agree with his website and think it is a poor way to respond and whoever is advising him surely can't be doing it for his good especially as the victim is being put through hell because of it.


I dont understand how he can end up in the situation he put himself in and do find that abhorrent. However in all of this he has served his time in jail and has been released to rehabilitate back into daily life. I think that everyone should be given a chance and I struggle with the remorse angle when he pleads it was consensual. My own theory is that the PFA have played a major part in this and I some of the delay is likely down to standing together in support. In regard to being able to resume a career as a role model in football. We are a third tier club with 3-4k crowd and the wages will be poor. This is not a man returning to normality this is someone who will get abuse everywhere he goes and unlikely to move higher unless proved to be not guilty.


From a club perspective I find it difficult to understand that they had not done due dilligence last week. I thought it was a brave decision if somewhat of a gamble. The delay has cast doubts on the competence of all involved. Gordon Taylor's statement about step forward and backward and 100% committed appears to be either a threat or frustration.


From a fan perspective this has split opinion and created tension, that to me is the sad thing because we have all looked at our morals and made judgement and as a football fan we all just want to follow our team and enjoy the banter.

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For all we know she could've just said she couldn't remember due to being embarrassed for allowing 2 guys to...


Just a thought

And then it all snowballed. Maybe she thought taking it to court would result in them being called naughty boys, made to do com service, fined heavily, and her getting a nice compo sum. She may have been as shocked as him when he was sent down?

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Ched has the right to sing the blues and there's no such thing as a guilty man in jail. The hounding really has happened. Google Ched Evans cousin twitter conviction.


Ched and his family can all :censored: off. Ched's dog can :censored: off, as can his girlfriend, his father in law, anyone who's ever met Ched, Ched's priest...all the way down to Ched's midwife.


Does the victim have sympathy for McDonald? I could not care less. It's not as if she's legally obliged to get all gooey about McDonald's plight, whereas Ched is obliged not to hound the victim. (The Attorney-General is currently considering whether Ched's website constitutes contempt of court. If it does, Ched's people could all find themselves in the :censored:.)





Yes. You're missing quite a lot actually. More than I can be arsed with. Why is everyone else obliged to help you with the details?

Alright. Chill. It's a discussion. Your argument in this post is hardly balanced

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Not true.... The beer is in your stomach slowly being absorbed long after you finish drinking if you have drunk a lot.


Yes but she had left the club and spent an hour in a kebab shop, then travelled to the hotel..... We're looking at 90 mins here. She isn't getting drunker, she's getting soberer erer ererer.


Edit. Typed is rather than isn't. Which changes the whole point!

Edited by BlueJazzer
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Yes but she had left the club and spent an hour in a kebab shop, then travelled to the hotel..... We're looking at 90 mins here. She is getting drunker, she's getting soberer erer ererer.


I will let you keep playing pretend detective... You can play shop afterwards as well if you want... I am going back to the world of grown ups...

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Is it true she was seen with both men entering the room?

Is it true she didn't appear that drunk on cctv footage?

Is it true she text a friend & what did she say?

Is it true she said/communicated to a friend she would benefit financially?

Is it true she tried to extort money from Ched Evans?

Is it true she has similar previous with 2 rugby players & what were those circumstances?

Is it true an expert said she would have been capable of consenting with the alcohol in her system?

If these allegations are true is it possible CE is more the victim?


These are the questions that make me doubt the safety of the conviction. I don't know if these allegations are true, but it makes me wonder what was included in court & not.


Having seen British justice close at hand I am not convinced in anyway of its infallibility.

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