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I really hope so, only problem with this is Kelly and Holden have no experience of properly blooding kids and know how to protect them, also negative football is not what young lads flourish in, need enthusiasm to be encouraged but playing across the middle with one up top I can't see working? When will we get someone in who just goes for it and attack teams properly, so bloody depressing



As you just said, nobody knows anything about him. Perhaps he wants to play attacking football.

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Was that the first time in umpteen years no one invaded the pitch at the end of the last home match?..just shows the apathy set in.

What made me chuckle more was because no one was.....a steward open the gate near the hoardings in the RRE to let some little ones on....and then opened it again to let them back out.

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Maybe he couldn't due to contract or whatever but I'd have had him in charge today, positive performance would have sent plenty away for the summer in good heart or at least took the heat off (I think it helped Johnson that he had a game the next day)


Instead we will have weeks of negativity and people questioning his aptitude.


But then they might not have flogged as many season tickets if they had announced it a week ago...

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Living where I do, I was a bit gutted at the number of Southern teams we've lost for next season. Now I'm not so sure. At the same age as BP1960, it may not be a bad thing that I can't get to as many games as usual. On the other hand, if Kelly is appointed, he could turn out to be a 24 carat diamond that will surprise everyone.


I'm just hoping that the first 4 to 6 weeks of the new season will see games too far away for me to get to. At least I'll then have an idea what kind of football is being played and whether it's worth bothering. I never, ever thought I would be thinking that way after nearly 65 years.


Underwhelmed doesn't even get close. Of course, everybody including Matt Chambers could be wrong and we see Dowie, Rosler or Adkins rock up at BP next week amidst a huge announcement. Somehow, I doubt it.

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I know nothing of Kelly, its the retaining of Holden. His coaching tactics are not what Im willing to put up with, and by association he will have a big influence on Kelly..For this reason I'm out.

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I know nothing of Kelly, its the retaining of Holden. His coaching tactics are not what Im willing to put up with, and by association he will have a big influence on Kelly..For this reason I'm out.

Will you be leaving us a poster BP?

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I know nothing of Kelly, its the retaining of Holden. His coaching tactics are not what Im willing to put up with, and by association he will have a big influence on Kelly..For this reason I'm out.

I suppose if you try to look for a positive, you could say that Holden inherited a team that was designed to play without genuine wingers and had to work with what he'd got. New signings could remedy that, but I see where you're coming from.

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I know nothing of Kelly, its the retaining of Holden. His coaching tactics are not what Im willing to put up with, and by association he will have a big influence on Kelly..For this reason I'm out.

If you're not happy with Holden's tactics and won't be renewing, why haven't you mentioned it before?

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Was that the first time in umpteen years no one invaded the pitch at the end of the last home match?..just shows the apathy set in.

Said that to Omar Don't Scare after the game. People care that little at the moment that the usual final day invasion didn't happen...

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I know nothing of Kelly, its the retaining of Holden. His coaching tactics are not what Im willing to put up with, and by association he will have a big influence on Kelly..For this reason I'm out.

You're on my wavelength there, BP. I'm not ready to abandon ship yet, but the fact Holden is still there sets alarm bells ringing...

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I suppose if you try to look for a positive, you could say that Holden inherited a team that was designed to play without genuine wingers and had to work with what he'd got. New signings could remedy that, but I see where you're coming from.

Today the corner kicks were atrocious, one lightweight up front - even against 10 men. sideways backwards passing..thats his template as far as I'm concerned, injuries or not.

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You're on my wavelength there, BP. I'm not ready to abandon ship yet, but the fact Holden is still there sets alarm bells ringing...

I want to go next season, but watching Holden's tactics today, particularly against 10 men it took the steam out of me. Kelly might be ok but Holden's influence will still be there.

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Today the corner kicks were atrocious, one lightweight up front - even against 10 men. sideways backwards passing..thats his template as far as I'm concerned, injuries or not.

Who would you have played up front then? We haven't got any players.

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Waaa waaa waaa waaaa waaaa!!!!


Something may or may not be happening that I don't have full possession of the facts about so I am going to make a judgement based on nothing about something that may not even come to light.


If it is Kelly he has more managerial experience than our last two full time appointments had when they were appointed and a similar amount as Tony Philiskirk, the man who most Latics fans would as manager.


Managing OAFC is not brain surgery, nor does it require oodles of previous experience but it does require nouse, intelligence, guts, drive and desire. Kelly's playing career suggests he either lives like a monk or is able to make not much money go a long way in his private expenses, he won't have made much cash out of his playing days with that career behind him. I'll take a frugal manager over one that spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave!


If it is Kelly then good luck to him, there are some good young prospects at the club that can be turned into a team next season before the cash from the new stand is added to the pot. I can't wait for the trademark backpeddling on here if he were to win his first three games.

To win three games in a row here would be a bloody miracle not many managers done that here lately
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I just can't see Holden as assistant manager. Rejected for the top job and then having to be secondary to some inexperienced nobody who beat you to it? Can't see it.


Going into a season with Kelly and Holden. We're a joke club. I hope it goes well - who knows, we might strike a lucky combination, but I'm frustrated at the fact that Corney is just going for hit and hope with the cheapest candidate available. It saps all enthusiasm out of you and you feel thoroughly dejected at the idea of another season where we have to watch a guy make mistakes and then use it as an excuse when we finish in the bottom half.

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The problem with trying to seed youth is it takes time and patience...something fans will never allow a manager especially someone who's head is on the block from day 1...


Pressure will eventually make him cave to finding instant solutions and that means loanees!

And a reserve team in my opinion so there is a step up for the youth
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Who would you have played up front then? We haven't got any players.

He's played one up front, often a lightweight when he had other options (Wilkinson was often sub).

He had plenty of striking alternatives like Philliskirk and Poleon but chose to stick to one lightweight up front.

IMO he prefers to pack midfield rather than risk pressing the opposition defence, and I cant see him changing this to my mind boring tactic at home.

If you were there TPs youth team v MK Dons was how I like to see football played. Maybe a litle direct, but bags of goalmouth action and energy.

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I just can't see Holden as assistant manager. Rejected for the top job and then having to be secondary to some inexperienced nobody who beat you to it? Can't see it.

Being number two to a more experienced coach who's better qualified.


Going into a season with Kelly and Holden. We're a joke club.

It's a bit of a punt. But the last logical management appointment we made was Dave Penney. So I'm not averse to a punt. Again.


And it's very much reversible if it all goes horribly wrong.


I know nothing of Kelly, its the retaining of Holden. His coaching tactics are not what Im willing to put up with, and by association he will have a big influence on Kelly..For this reason I'm out.

I wouldn't worry about Holden. He will do what his boss tells him.


Kelly's the key.

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He's played one up front, often a lightweight when he had other options.

He had plenty of striking alternatives like Philliskirk and Poleon but chose to stick to one lightweight up front.

IMO he prefers to pack midfield rather than risk pressing the opposition defence, and I cant see him changing this to my mind boring tactic at home.

If you were there TPs youth team v MK Dons was how I like to see football played. Maybe a litle direct, but bags of goalmouth action and energy.

The season was effectively over after the Rochdale game, not sure why you have continued to put so much weight by what has happened since.

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A few things I've been told from the only person I'm aware of that had actually heard of Kelly - a well placed source here in Ireland: "He's fond of the sunbeds" and "he's not the brightest".


When told the deal was apparently done my source said "mad".


I also heard a story about how he was completely unaware of one of if not the most significant chapter in Irish history, but I'll leave that at that.


We're not hiring a historian, and if he likes to take to a sunbed then good for him... It's the "he's not the brightest" bit that worries me.


I trust my source's judgement 100 per cent - but hope he's wrong.

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