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whittles left foot

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Everything posted by whittles left foot

  1. I know-I have this great idea to save our season and keep us up. Lets get a new manager from a division lower than us that has just lost 9- yes 9 straight games in a row. He must be doing something right. If he keeps us up then we can offer him the job for the following season-as long as no one else offers him 10 bob more than us and he jumps ship just before we start preseason.
  2. Not in a million years. Let him sweat, lower his handicap and look at his bank balance which was boosted when he left us in the lurch. Sometimes in football you want to say 'justice has been done'. On this occasion it has!!!
  3. Talking of unpaid bills and money shortages. Bolton chairman says they are losing £800,000 a month-Wow!!
  4. Er, think you need to look at last nights results before you post.
  5. Not in a month of Sundays. Left the club at the worst possible time. Funny how some players leave to further their careers and are never forgiven by fans. This fella left for a lower league club with little or no prospect of a big money injection yet still people hold him in some kind of reverance. No doubt when he is fired by Notts County for being an abject failure there will be an avalanche of posts wanting him back. No Thanks. Move on!!!
  6. Was it a decision to scrap last years team? Did we really consider many of last years team as worth keeping? Modern football in our league means most clubs have massive release lists at the end of the season-several let over a dozen players go last year. Your comment:- You may think that's why he left but it is just supposition-no fact. Many believe it was because he was offered better money. What is the obsession with him anyway? He left this club in the lurch and has done nothing at Notts County.
  7. It exists because you create and continue it-therefore you tolerate it. You could make a stance against it? Don't want to get into a slanging match over this-it just something that is slowly pushing me away from football. Enough said on the subject.
  8. It is this attitude in football that really gets my goat. The game is now riddled with players that are basically cheats-our media refuse to condemn such attitudes-in fact they seem to condone it. Have you watched any of the recent rugby union internationals on TV? What a breath of fresh air-The refs have mikes on so you can hear their comments as well as some of the players comments. In one of the recent games a player was heard to swear at the ref and an opposition player told him 'hey don't swear at the ref'!! With the above disgraceful attitudes who on earth would contemplate becoming a referee?
  9. You frightened and need somebody to hold your hand?
  10. Well I have been to Port Vale many times watching Latics and have to say that this is probably the best performance I have seen from them there. First half Vale had one shot off target and hardly entered our half. Second half played well again spoiled by conceding from their first attempt on target. Still thought we would get something from the game but then they scored again. At no time did Latics settle for a draw-they kept going forward all the game and should have won at a canter-sooooo pleased to see that second goal go in. For me the best player on the pitch was Banks, don't think he misplaced a pass all night and got the first goal. Having said that all the team played well but the poorest player from a Latics point of view was Ladapo-the ball is always under his feet and he has no anticipation of where a ball may go. As per usual comments on here from so called fans who didn't go but know best what went on.
  11. You've answered your own point. Long list of managers who all eventually see the light!!
  12. Isn't Burgess a 6 month loan anyway with season option?
  13. Nonaenever. If you could guarantee signing so many players that will all be a success then you would not be managing at Boundary Park. Yes expectations were/are higher but coming from the base that the club had reached over the summer then a team on the pitch seems like some sort of progress. Hopefully the team will improve as players achieve full fitness and get to know each other and the type of football the manager wants. Have to agree about the apparent lack of foresight over cover for Clarke.
  14. The answer is I don't know-just as you don't know. It suits you to say it is because nobody can prove you wrong and it becomes a stick to beat the club with. Some budget facts that seem to escape you however are. A new manager with some pedigree in the game. A support staff with some pedigree in the game. 21 new players signed. Fees paid for more than one player this season. All this has cost serious money.
  15. And so it begins again. Usual posters who having had their argument blown out of the water that Corney doesn't care-is trying to run the club into the ground etc. Having signed 21 players and lost that discussion-what can we moan about now? I know lets make up the story that our budget is rubbish/smallest in the division-what did you expect with Corney in charge? FFS!!!!
  16. Bloody Hell there's some good teams/players selected here. I would have just about any of the above players in the current team. GREAT memories!
  17. Doesn't the fact that he can and did play well in several positions during last season make him a useful signing?
  18. That's poor. Lee Clarke at Kilmarnock signed 11 in one day this past week.
  19. I found him strange and eccentric, seem to remember he liked a cake called a millefeuille which I had never heard of in those days. Now Abdul the physics teacher, he did worry me.
  20. No it doesn't. The price is for a different deal. Try reading things properly.
  21. How is 'undisclosed' pretty transparent? The fact it has sold below book value is not really relevant- but the quote 'it is struggling and sold for a very modest sum' could be our club.
  22. I have read loads of posts on here about not stating company details and transfer fees details not being released and some people have replied saying financial details have to be revealed for limited companies etc. Well Tesco have sold a company this morning and low and behold this is their statement. Tesco has announced it is to sell its Giraffe restaurant chain to the owner of Harry Ramsden's restaurants, Boparan, for an undisclosed sum.
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