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Season tickets for £100

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season tickets, granted i dont know how much they are (terrible fan) but if they're much over £200 thats pretty absurd when you consider the standard of football. the standard of football should dictate the price but to me we've got it the wrong way round. the golden ticket idea seems to have been ok but i think we under charged it. £20 for 5 games is still a bargin and i doubt many who paid £15 would have been put off by an extra fiver or even a tenner, which would effectively mean you're going to 5 games at a fiver each (bargin!)


They are between £308 and £329, which equates to just over £14 a game


Why is that absurd? Do your research, thats one of the cheapest at this level.


If fans want a £200 price as standard for a season ticket, then be prepared to accept 5th tier football (Blue Square Premier/Conference National) that comes with it.

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because we were going to watch oldham at anfield, one of the best grounds in the country and not a 3 sided shed thats falling down


secondly, we should cash in on the away fans when they come but why should we punish home fans by over pricing the product?


But what if we had managed to get a replay out of Liverpool and taken them back to the 3 sided falling down shed do you think we will have had the ususal 3000 die hards turning up or do you think we will have got a few more? Its abit of a double edged sword this one. We have to cash in on the away fans coming but football league rules will dictate that we have to charge a similar amount to the away fans so we have to charge the same amount. One of the arguments for introducing the catergorisation was that people didnt like paying £20 to watch us play the likes of Yeovil at home £14 seems alot fairer price in comparison.

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They are between £308 and £329, which equates to just over £14 a game


Why is that absurd? Do your research, thats one of the cheapest at this level.


If fans want a £200 price as standard for a season ticket, then be prepared to accept 5th tier football (Blue Square Premier/Conference National) that comes with it.


i accept your point but i thought the idea was that we were discussing ways of getting more fans into BP. if the season tickets are closer to £200 than over £300, i reckon they'd be a much more attractive option for fans who couldn't make all the home games but wanted to get to as many as possible, instead of having to pay £20+ for most of the games. its a bit catch 22, obviously you don't want to sell tickets too cheap and lose out but if you sell them too high you'll discourage people from coming. i just think £300+ is a bit too much for a league one side in a 3 sided ground with little signs of going anywhere in the near future but thats just my opinion

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i accept your point but i thought the idea was that we were discussing ways of getting more fans into BP. if the season tickets are closer to £200 than over £300, i reckon they'd be a much more attractive option for fans who couldn't make all the home games but wanted to get to as many as possible, instead of having to pay £20+ for most of the games. its a bit catch 22, obviously you don't want to sell tickets too cheap and lose out but if you sell them too high you'll discourage people from coming. i just think £300+ is a bit too much for a league one side in a 3 sided ground with little signs of going anywhere in the near future but thats just my opinion


S/T prices have little sway on the target crowd that Latics want to pull in.

If we reduce the S/T price all that happens is that instead of say average gate 4000

(2000 S/T and 2000 pay on day) we would get 4000 (3000 S/T and 1000 pay on day)


We wouldn't increase our gates and it would actually cost the club money.


Ultimatley the only way to increase gates is what's on the pitch and probably would help a little more if the stadium was more upto date.


The only other way they could do it is to have a scheme where S/T price is scaled to the number sold -

ie if we sell 4000 then £50 back , sell 5000 then £100 back or something like that , but it would have to be more than the avergae gate before the offer kicks in.


IF that worked they could then put match day prices up for Cat A games , say £25 to take advantage of the away fans.

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Right, just reading through this thread since I posted early on the 1st page; and there are some pretty good ideas being generated here by fans who; let's be honest, have minimal experience in these matters. It's just Latics fans trying to think outside of the box a little, trying to look at ways the club could try to increase gates etc.

Broady used to come on here & post. Jenny W has posted on here. Darth Hardy was a reader of this site; if not a poster. Barry Owen is on here; though due to feedback he doesn't post as much as he used to (or should IMO but that's for another thread eh?). What I'm getting at is, hopefully people at the club will have noted this thread & the ideas that have come from it. I'm almost tempted to email Jenny / Broad and just tip them off that this is going on here; so they can have a read of the posts & see what the fans are discussing. In fact, feck it; I will.


My thoughts are that we should look at doing a sliding scale season ticket price as others have alluded to; in a 'the more people buy; the cheaper they become' style.

I also think that aggressive "match day sells" need to be employed to go hand-in hand with the reduced rate tickets.


I have no experience in this; I'm just the ideas man (!! :wink: ) and I know nothing of whether this would be feasible or not with licencing laws and planning permissions etc, but - to expand on one of Prozac's points:


We have a horrible void where the Looker's stand once was. It makes our ground look even more of a :censored: tip than it otherwise would do. So, why not think a little bit out of the box and attempt to make it into a pre & post game venue?

I'm thinking of a semi-permanent structure akin to the Manchester Christmas Market Bars, utilise the bit of wall that's still left as a back-wall and create a structure that runs the length of the pitch.

Have 2 or 3 separate "bars" in there; with heaters for the Winter months, and have some hot food counters in there also selling pies, hot dogs, burgers etc.

Yeovil had a marquee doing something similar of sorts - there's was just a place to get a drink pre-game, and Exeter do something similar also I believe? Both of those a relatively small scale, I'm talking of expending on those and making something much more ambitious in size. You could have a smaller section for away fans also (stewarding would come into that I guess so that might need some more thought)

The bars would be can bars as Prozac mentioned; selling beers bought in by the club at wholesale prices. As long as they were slightly cheaper than the Clayton Green, Grey Mare & Range; it just might encourage fans to come to the ground that little bit earlier.

Have some Strike it Lucky stands in there; properly sign-written up so they are visual…..have some bookies stands in there also. Try to make it a place where fans would want to come to; at 1:30pm-2pm and stay for 45mins/1 hour + before making their way round to their chosen seats……..and to come back again to after the game's finished.


Just like the Bury CEO said, if just 100 fans come in and buy a drink, some food & strike it lucky ticket - it's 100 more than you had by offering the sum total of feck all. And you have something to build on each game; geneate the interest as you go....


We have enough fans who are tradesman & women. If it was to be a structure akin to the Xmas markets idea; I'm sure enough man power could be mustered from the fan base to make it happen?


What has gone before hasn't worked, and if the club continues in that vein; then it'll only extenuate the reductions we see now on the match day attendances. The club needs to think a little bit out of the box, and look at new ways to bring in new fans or encourage the existing ones to part with more money; that money going into the club & not the tills of the local pubs & shops. harsh on the local businesses I realise; but it's dog eat dog when you're in a situation like we find ourselves……

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Last summer the board moaned that we have the highest percentage of ST being bought by OAP's than any other club in the league. Hopefully instead of moaning they are actually going to do something about it this season and incentivise ST's being bought.


Half price tickets if we double the number of adult ST's sold. Won't lose any money on it but have the chance to sell more when they are here.


It's not all down to the club though, we can help as well which for a few seasons I don't think the majority of fans have stepped up to do so.

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Fantastic idea Sly, one that would undoubtedly work and the big local games apart you could invite away fans in too. Also instead of the pie and pint idea which mostly doesn't sell out, if people are simply not going to pay for Hospitality, blank the windows out in the Corner Flag, remove the inner partitions and turn it into an all singing all dancing bar, no tables couple of 'shelves' along the walls around pillar etc for people to place their beers and you have a bar already there. I think it holds about 60 with tables crammed in you'd probably at a squeeze by removing partitions etc, get between 150-180 in there all buying beer, couple of Plasmas with Sky on etc open at 12 close at 2.50pm, charge 50p-£1 to get in and open up from 4.30-7.30, ket people get :censored:-faced on bought-in cans and bottles. Nothing flashy, Bitter, Lager, Cider, red and white and a couple of spirits. It's not quantum physics, now certain people have left the club there's a real chance to gain some momentum with new ideas, not teh old attitude of 'that won't work because…' or we can't do that because…. I want to see an attitude of, 'let's give it and go, and give it a chance to work', rather like the 5 games for £15 offer.

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I will wait to see how Bradford and Hartlepool go on with their schemes, but Bradford despite excellent crowds from season ticket sales could actually finish up in non league next season, bigger crowds don't always guarantee success, look at Luton Town in the Conference who have gates far higher than Latics.

I would love to see crowds double at Latics, but still have reservations on how any advanced revenue would be spent.


as discussed in another thread Bradford have had to pay large amounts in rent and Hartlepool may of gone on a bad run but they're 11th and they tore us a new one on Boxing Day. I think Capacity might be the issue for us though, it would be a much better idea if we had a 20,000 ground that was only a quarter full on a good day

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Right just been sat in what has to be the most boring marketing meeting at my place ever


Simple soultion


Why not charge the same price for ST as this season but dont quote me is it 2500 region? at 320 (all priced on adults which they arent)= £800,000

Now if we sell 3500 so we beat the target by 1,000 then we will sell them at £230 which = £805,000 the club would make 5,000 and have 1,000 extra fans in a week plus as fans u get ST £90 cheaper


This is all based on just adult tickets I know the club could not lose as at worst they would just sell ST at the same price, it would also make us try and make our mates buy even harder if u got near the target

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Right just been sat in what has to be the most boring marketing meeting at my place ever


Simple soultion


Why not charge the same price for ST as this season but dont quote me is it 2500 region? at 320 (all priced on adults which they arent)= £800,000

Now if we sell 3500 so we beat the target by 1,000 then we will sell them at £230 which = £805,000 the club would make 5,000 and have 1,000 extra fans in a week plus as fans u get ST £90 cheaper


This is all based on just adult tickets I know the club could not lose as at worst they would just sell ST at the same price, it would also make us try and make our mates buy even harder if u got near the target


Danger with that is everyone waiting until the 2500th gets sold before getting theirs.

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Not really as the club would then have our details and refund the £90 back to you even as easy as saying you can get this if you come to the ticket office before 1st game season if u live far away as i do


Just thinking of a simple way

In a situation where a refund was due, the club could offer the option of either a refund of, say, £90 or a £120 (for example) club shop voucher.

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Probably already mentioned...


IMO, Reducing season ticket prices will work only if we either get promoted, or keep them reduced for future seasons. Our support is gradually reducing and it might swell by a few thousand if we offer the £100 tickets, but how many of those fans will realistically come back if neither of the above 2 are achieved? I fear it would leave us in a worse off situation.


I cant see any realistic chance of us getting promoted on a budget like ours (that will likely be down even more coz of ticket revenue being reduced)


So that leaves us with keeping them reduced for future seasons, and is this sustainable for us?


Its a massive gamble for a club like ours, can we afford to take the risk?

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Right just been sat in what has to be the most boring marketing meeting at my place ever


Simple soultion


Why not charge the same price for ST as this season but dont quote me is it 2500 region? at 320 (all priced on adults which they arent)= £800,000

Now if we sell 3500 so we beat the target by 1,000 then we will sell them at £230 which = £805,000 the club would make 5,000 and have 1,000 extra fans in a week plus as fans u get ST £90 cheaper


This is all based on just adult tickets I know the club could not lose as at worst they would just sell ST at the same price, it would also make us try and make our mates buy even harder if u got near the target

The problem with that (as mentioned earlier in the post) is that the most of the extra 1000 that buy would normaly pay on the day so even tho the club would make and extra 5k they would have hardly any pay on the day fans.

We need an idea that the pay on the day fans will take up as well as a couple of thousand stay away.

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The only way to do that i would say is to have a loyalty card for pay on the day fans that they get stamped, get to 5 games and the 5th game is half the price so if people had been to 3 games then it would make them pay for a 4th so that they get the 5th half price and maybe give them a £5 gift shop voucher as £5 in the shop would get u anything so people will have to pay say an extra £10 to in to get something


Thus more income for the club


It really is a diffucult one no easy soultion, i think the club need to take a risk to get more in but it has to be a calculated one that doesnt put us at risk on administartion or anything stupid like that, something that in reality may not even be that far away now :(

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