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And why the :censored: are stories spread over three and four pages? Why can't we just scroll down? Obviously has been rolled out when nowhere near ready to go live. Yet more :censored:e content from the FL preferred media provider.

Completely agree

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Hudds and Scunny although the same format look nowhere near as amateurish as ours, what's going on? Or does the switch over need an amount of expertise that we do not have at our end?


Hudds & Scunthorpe have used a different template to us - there where a few to choose from, ours is the same template as Tranmere & Bournemouth - there is also another template used by Doncaster - not sure how many more templates there are?

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Hudds & Scunthorpe have used a different template to us - there where a few to choose from, ours is the same template as Tranmere & Bournemouth - there is also another template used by Doncaster - not sure how many more templates there are?


Just looked at Bournemouth's site, will we have the white text on black background or french blue?


Off topic just seen their Fila training kit, they've gone for the reverse of ours ie players in light grey, staff in blue. Thought they had a lot of staff for a moment!

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It looks terrible, having looked at Tranmere's it would seem what we've got is pretty much the finished article! The Huddersfield and Hull template is ok, ours just looks poorly designed, a solid white background with an awful font over the top!

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Gordy's just tweeted


Gordon Lawton@GordonLawton

Just to let you know,no-one at the club can even see the Latics website, let alone work on it..Latics had no control over anything SOS!!


What the plebs at PTV need to realise for a club that hasn't a pot to piss in the Official Site brings in important revenue, pissing off and alienating its core users could affect the club and lose traffic.

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message from big gordon lawton

Just to let everyone know that no-one at the club currently has any control over the Latics website..we can't even see the site, because like a lot of you we are still just receiving the front page of the old site..they tell us (London) it could take 24-48 hours to flush through, meanwhile nothing is working and we are totally hamstrung! H-E-L-P!! (Lord knows what will happen on Player at Fleetwood tonight?!?) Please stick with us, we are as frustrated as you!


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no no bbc sport still takes that accoldade

I think its better than the old personally, i prefer the white space to break up content the old one was too clutted and things were hard to find... It is a big buggy however and it needs some standadisation with the size of photos etc - Cisaks head looks a bit stretched for instance.


It does kinda look basic tho as almost likes its been done by an A level kid in a WYSIWYG editor....


Hopefully the flaws will get ironed out and it will be fine

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Gordy's just tweeted


Gordon Lawton@GordonLawton

Just to let you know,no-one at the club can even see the Latics website, let alone work on it..Latics had no control over anything SOS!!


What the plebs at PTV need to realise for a club that hasn't a pot to piss in the Official Site brings in important revenue, pissing off and alienating its core users could affect the club and lose traffic.


thats strong words indeed!!!!!

u tell em Mr L

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Hated new BBC one at first, but got used to it and think it's alright.


On our new OS, it came to the new one when i went on it before, took ages to load, got confused as it brought up a story from around a year ago, then on the next click it took to the the Bryne story on the old design.. Friggin shambles from whoever it is provide the sites and do all the updates!

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It can't be the finished article, surely. Big blank spaces all over the home page, a match gallery that shows pics of last season's play offs, a truly awful mix of fonts and a bloody great pic between the huge (Times New Roman ffs) title and tiny (Arial?) text.


I've had a quick squint at Udders, Hull & Dippers sites to see how different layouts look and have come to the conclusion that they're all bobbins. Is this the best Premier TV/FL/whoever came up with the idea can do? Amateurish.

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I assume the "plebs" Premium TV or whatever they're called were chosen by the Football league because they were cheap.

Now we know why they were cheap.


Pay peanuts, get monkeys.


BTW to those who complain about stories going over 2-3 pages if you decrease the size of the text using "Ctrl -" until it's barely visible, the whole story then fits on 1 page. Use "Ctrl +" to enlarge the text back to a comfortable size.

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I assume the "plebs" Premium TV or whatever they're called were chosen by the Football league because they were cheap.

Now we know why they were cheap.


Pay peanuts, get monkeys.


BTW to those who complain about stories going over 2-3 pages if you decrease the size of the text using "Ctrl -" until it's barely visible, the whole story then fits on 1 page. Use "Ctrl +" to enlarge the text back to a comfortable size.

Good popint (although it does not work 100%) you can also use your mouse wheel in place of the + or - ie

Cntrl as well as mouse wheel back for smaller or forward for larger

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Most new websites are tested over and over again before going live. Other clubs are still using the old version, perhaps they are making sure the new site is completely operational before putting it in the public domain. Once again the club shows that it lacks technical ability.

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Most new websites are tested over and over again before going live. Other clubs are still using the old version, perhaps they are making sure the new site is completely operational before putting it in the public domain. Once again the club shows that it lacks technical ability.

Mine goes back to the old site now.

I think it has been pointed out, that OAFC could not even get access to the sites themselves.

This is run by Premium and is almost wholly a Football LEague run operation.

I think even Ackey might confirm that they wanted the content providor, as alot of the technical stuff is done not by the club but PTV.

I am hapy to be corrected on that

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