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bet with a tranmere fan

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Tranmere will do well again, Ronnie's no mug and hell have them easily top half. Couple of big :censored:ers up top along with the option of Lowe they've hot goals in them wish we had someone like Goodison in our ranks (maybe a bit younger)

Isnt Goodison like about 56 or something,

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I reckon we're gonna be in for a good season. I'm not talking about promotion, but I honestly think we won't be in a relegation dog fight, which is a refreshing change for me as usually I'm pessimistic before the start of a new season.


I look at our attack and I don't see many better in our division. We have guile, pace, and strength. Our midfield is fairly solid with enough creativity and pace to cause teams problems.


Our weakness is our defence but I'd imagine a few teams have similar problems and even if we don't add to the defence I don't think it's by far the worst in the division.


On top of that we have a manager who seems to have a set way of playing and has bought players who will fit into the system, he also seems to have a plan a, b, c and so on.


My only really worry is we have a really young squad and if we suffer a bad run of results it can often affect youngsters more than more experienced players.

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On paper they're a much safer bet than us, but that's only because you know what type of football you'll get from Moore over the season whereas our team is a bit of an unknown quantity. I'd say our ceiling is higher though.

Our ceiling is higher? With rugby Ron I'd say the sky is the limit for the dippers.....HOOF!!!!

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Is it just me that thinks Tranmere will finish above us this season then? I can't see much past a bit of a relegation dogfight once again myself.

I'd said before that talk of playoff's / promotion is way wide of the mark for me, but i also think we'll be clear of the relegation dog fight we found ourselves in last season.

We've more options going forward, and a manager who appears unafraid to make changes where neccessary.

That for me stands us a better position than last term.


I've said it before, and i'll say it again, my prediction is lower mid-table. I'd be more than happy with that too; after last years mess.

Most of LJ's signings are 2 year deals outright; or we have options on others to extend.

This season is progression. Next one is the one to really kick on with; as the group have this coming season under their belts and LJ has the chance to make key additions to what we already have.

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I think you could have started this thread a year ago to the day and you would have 98 percent the same answers - look what happened


Take the bet but truth be known nobody has a clue! should be an interesting season

Edited by palmer1
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Without the hope there's no bleedin' point.


Therein lies the killer. There is always hope, but nine times out of ten that hope will be dashed on the rocks of despair.


Or something.


On the bet, I'd have a sporting bet with a workmate but I'd want at least 3/1 to finish above the Trannies.

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Therein lies the killer. There is always hope, but nine times out of ten that hope will be dashed on the rocks of despair.


Or something.


On the bet, I'd have a sporting bet with a workmate but I'd want at least 3/1 to finish above the Trannies.

But most Trannies would probably want 3/1 also. Its a lower division mindset you know.

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