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Kirk Millar out on loan

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How many contract extensions has this lad had based on 2 or 3 games at the end of a season?


If he was good enough then a loan to a league 2 club would be benificial, as it is he is of to Stockport which sums him up for me...not good enough. Please do not offer him another deal

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Had it not been for LJ coming in and seeing something in the lad I very much doubt he would have been here this season. One thing is for sure he'll never cut it as a striker. Yet he's been played up top a few times this season. Not good enough for me consistently, sure it's in his locker now and again, but too fleeting.

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I'd get rid of all three

So would I. Mellor I reckon can still make a career as a good midfielder but he's not had enough of a run in his favoured position to make a claim. In fairness to Winchester and Millar, if you're getting offered new deals you'd expect to be playing more.

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I'd be inclined to keep Winchester providing he puts on a couple of stone : he's a lovely footballer.


Bin the other two off though. Mellor impressed the end of last season, but hasn't kicked on since. Millar is just plain garbage...

Been saying this about Winchester the last two seasons. He'd be a much better player if he beefed up abit. He's far too lightweight at the moment, especially for a midfield player.

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I still find it amusing that a lot of posters on here wanted Mellor to start this season in midfield as the preferred partner for Korey and have Wes as back up.Was that because he had a handful of decent performances at the end of last season mixed up with some gash ones or is it because he's a homegrown player?I wouldn't say Mellor's crap,he can certainly pick a pass now and again.As Lee Sinnott has said of the three I'd be looking to keep Winchester if any at all.More importantly I'd be moving heaven and earth to renew the out of contract Wes at the end of the season.

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I still find it amusing that a lot of posters on here wanted Mellor to start this season in midfield as the preferred partner for Korey and have Wes as back up.Was that because he had a handful of decent performances at the end of last season mixed up with some gash ones or is it because he's a homegrown player?I wouldn't say Mellor's crap,he can certainly pick a pass now and again.As Lee Sinnott has said of the three I'd be looking to keep Winchester if any at all.More importantly I'd be moving heaven and earth to renew the out of contract Wes at the end of the season.

We could get better than Wes for the wages, isn't he 1 of the 2 highest paid players (with Grounds?) I agree with 4froale to get rid of the 3 non players! Harkins,get him!

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I still find it amusing that a lot of posters on here wanted Mellor to start this season in midfield as the preferred partner for Korey and have Wes as back up.Was that because he had a handful of decent performances at the end of last season mixed up with some gash ones or is it because he's a homegrown player?.

In my case it was because he was instrumental in us staying up when played alongside Smith for most of the back end of last season. He added a bit of size & height in CM and looked a cert to kick on this year.

And, yes, I do like to see a homegrown, local lad do well.


Wes had been poor by his previous standards and looked likely to follow the rest of the Banana Rating Boys out.

He's since nailed his spot down and become our most consistent performer.


Why do you find it amusing?

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What Harry says re: Wes and Mellor.


It's only a few stubbern posters who continue to resist to praise the work Wes has done this season; the improvements in his game LJ has been instruemental in shaping.


Mellor has kicked on this season as i expected him to do. I thought he had a chance, as LJ clearly rates him as a footballer. I just think he's failed to find him a position to get him into the side: he obviously wants him in there and has tried to get him in at CB, CM and latterly at LB.

Big end of season for him; and TBH i could reason with either decision that could be made re: keeping him or not.


Millar wise; he's huffed & puffed really. I thought he did well in the game he came on as a 1st half sub for JCH (cant remember who it was against) - really positive, caused problems and went really close with a curling shot from 25yards....but thats clearly not enough.

I think enough is enough with him and he should be released at the end of this season.

We have plenty of examples of players who leave and then go onto better things elsewhere.

I doubt Millar will be one of them though.


Winchester wise. Physically; i dont think any amount of time in the gym is actually going to add bulk and weight unfortunately. You only have to watch a Killie game in the SPL and look at his elder brother, he's exactly the same shape and size.

Tailored workout schedules will add definition and tone, but to add weight and muscle bulk will negatively affect his footballing ability - he'll become something that isnt required for a fotballer.

I think of the 3; he's by far the better player. But mentality wise; i'm not sure he wants it enough?

Again, big end of season for him too; and again, if he's kept or released; I dont think i will be able to complain much either way.

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Winchester wise. Physically; i dont think any amount of time in the gym is actually going to add bulk and weight unfortunately. You only have to watch a Killie game in the SPL and look at his elder brother, he's exactly the same shape and size.

Tailored workout schedules will add definition and tone, but to add weight and muscle bulk will negatively affect his footballing ability - he'll become something that isnt required for a fotballer.

I think of the 3; he's by far the better player. But mentality wise; i'm not sure he wants it enough?

Again, big end of season for him too; and again, if he's kept or released; I dont think i will be able to complain much either way.



That isn't actually true. With the right routine he can easily build up the size and strength to make it in the game. It isn't all about size, he should be hitting the big compound lifts as a major part of his weekly routine. Some deadlifts'll sort out his core body strength in no time.


It's always amazed me how footballers who are slight in build never seem to address it by building their core, it's all that's really required in football for balance and strength on the ball. Maybe it's lack of understnading, maybe it's lack of dedication. Hardwork, but well worth it.

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Yep, all valid points.


The worry would be that by looking to make improvements in his core strength via deadlifts etc as you list, would also obviously have added effects of increasing muscle bulk in other areas; other than the abdominal area you are targeting.

Bulking in thigh, quads and calves aswell as lower back and upper arms wouldn't IMO be helpfull for a slight footballer moving forwards.


I highly doubt that Winchester (and the other players for that matter) aren't working their cores in their individual training regimes.


I'm not saying i dont think he'd benifit from more gym work. He could well do. But he'll experience negative effects if he does the wrong type of focus and works on wrong areas.

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Yep, all valid points.


The worry would be that by looking to make improvements in his core strength via deadlifts etc as you list, would also obviously have added effects of increasing muscle bulk in other areas; other than the abdominal area you are targeting.

Bulking in thigh, quads and calves aswell as lower back and upper arms wouldn't IMO be helpfull for a slight footballer moving forwards.


I highly doubt that Winchester (and the other players for that matter) aren't working their cores in their individual training regimes.


I'm not saying i dont think he'd benifit from more gym work. He could well do. But he'll experience negative effects if he does the wrong type of focus and works on wrong areas.



It's very much down to the training that they do. Alongside deadlifts you would want some heavy squats with low reps and some body weight exercises designed for power building rather than size. When I started deadlifting at 20 I was hitting about the 50kg mark, by the time I was 23 I was lifting 180kg at a max. I was very committed but I think for a professional athlete this shouldn't be any issue. I don't doubt you can lose some pace through the wrong regime, but the club employs people to do these things and get it right. We have a player who has a lot of ability but is blown over by a summer breeze, its a lot easier in my opinion to build a bit of size and strength than to try and teach someone how to play football who already has the physical attributes - something our country tries and fails at over and over again.

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I reckon Sly and LL talk like this whilst naked in the gym changing room, occasionally stopping to flick a passing butt with a wet towel.


That aside, I'm surprised Winchester hasn't played more this season across all of the wide positions even if LJ sees him as too wet for the center. I don't think Millar has been helped by being played up front, especially when Rooney was bizarrely hiding on the right wing. There's a really good winger in there if we could bring it out. Mellor I think will stay as cover at lb and cm and should play even to give him a chance to push for first choice

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We've Lee Steele in charge of fitness and S&C at the moment (along with i guess Jon Guy too?)

He's a ex-pro footballer, so should, in theory, have real life experience of what is & isnt required, plus his qualifications to add to that.


I hope, and expect, that each player has a tailored regime to follow.


I think there is evidence that LJ and his team have this in place. Mellor is trimmer snd leaner than under PD. Wes is still small and somewhat stocky; you obviously cant change a players height, but again, i'd argue Wes is trimmer and all round fitter than he's ever been whilst with us.


Winchester looks the same as when he 1st broke through.


That to me is strange.


There are plenty of examples of people, no matter how hard they train, they just cant achieve their desired results. It's not inconceivable that Carl Winchester is one of those types? As i mention above, his brother is up in Scotland, and is exactly the same shape and size. It might well be that for all both their graft in the gym, neither can manage to bulk up?

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