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BP1960 you really are a tiresome bitter old git.

No need for that. Consistent in opinion. Argue with the view instead of throwing insults.


I bet you look forward to us losing, suddenly your wizened old fingers are magically working and typing your vitriolic anti-Johnson ramblings.

I don't know the bloke personally. Sometimes it does seem a bit repetitive. But he has often tabled suggestions to improve rather than just having a moan. And was quite complimentary after more successful games recently.

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We do, Rooney bagged 3 in 3 for us earlier in the season, JCH bagged 3 in 4 games (but he only played in 3) between Mansfield (a) and Coventry (a) in December and Philliskirk got 4 in 4 between Notts County (h) and Shrewsbury (a) in November. Macdonald also managed to get 3 in 5 games, that he played in, where the first two games of his 5 game sequence he appeared as a sub so he got 3 goals in less than 360 minutes (4 full games worth) between August and October.


But this is all semantics and pedantry. Rooney is a decent player, who is probably going to struggle in League one due to his size, strength and speed, but in the SPL, which I think is a comparable standard, he does well because the players don't tend to be as physiologically gifted than in League 1. It also explains a bit about Dayton sometimes struggling and why Harkins, who is bigger and presumably stronger than both of them and who's game doesn't rely on speed of movement has done well.


Then again according to one poster in this thread Sports Science is all a bit of mumbo-jumbo and players in the old days didn't rely on sports science complicating matters, despite them tending to follow some scientific methodology but probably without really realising it or possibly understanding it. But what would I and several other posters on here know about that.

I wouldn't say this was the most condescending post ever on OWTB but it's certainly right up there.

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BP1960 you really are a tiresome bitter old git.


I bet you look forward to us losing, suddenly your wizened old fingers are magically working and typing your vitriolic anti-Johnson ramblings.

I have praised the signing of Harkins and Lockwood in particular as they are the type to do well in this physical division. My main gripes have been team formations and the lack of a sharp striker in the squad.

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I have praised the signing of Harkins and Lockwood in particular as they are the type to do well in this physical division. My main gripes have been team formations and the lack of a sharp striker in the squad.


Can't deny to attempts to find a striker though, Rooney and now Stead (proven, at some point in their careers) as goal scorers. We've also not seen Turner yet, he might turn out to be our saviour...

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Blah blah


Modern techniques & methods


Didnt need them in the old days


Lee Johnson is <insert this weeks moan>


Blah blah


Repeat to fade...






Add "Alfie Alberts from the Dog and Duck is about to sign for a Premier team and no-one from the club will listen to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and thats BP''s entire posting history.

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I wouldn't say this was the most condescending post ever on OWTB but it's certainly right up there.

It's only just about up there in the list of my personal condescending posts. Now if you don't mind I'm going to drown my sorrows after being told that something I spent 5 years of my teens working at and for is just mumbo jumbo.

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Add "Alfie Alberts from the Dog and Duck is about to sign for a Premier team and no-one from the club will listen to ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and thats BP''s entire posting history.


Glad you have read all my posts, you must be interested in my thoughts.

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Blah blah


Modern techniques & methods


Didnt need them in the old days


Lee Johnson is <insert this weeks moan>


Blah blah


Repeat to fade...



"Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."

"I didn't think it was necessary to take an FA coaching course. I didn't think it was going to make me any better. If I take a course am I going to be a better man six days later because I've got a piece of paper? That's nonsense".

"I got two FA Cup winner's medals, three championships and a Second Division championship, one UEFA Cup, three Charity Shields and six Central League winner's medals... that's 16 in 15 seasons. So I'd like them [FA coaches] to come to my coaching school! I'd have probably failed some of them."

Bill Shankly (who wouldn't have qualified for a managers job in today's academic qualifications above all world).

Edited by BP1960
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And what's that got to do with the price of fish?



He's a legendary manager from a by-gone era.


Whilst the main principle of kicking a ball into a netty thing has remined the same, that's about all that has.


It's a completely different game behind the scenes, on the pitch and off the pitch - in the board rooms, all over.


I think you have to note that the game, in all aspects of it, has evolved. It's changed.


And, no matter how many Wiki quoted you cut & paste from the 60s, it won't change that fact.


LJ is a manager for this time. "All theories and coaching badges" as you'd point out.

Well, yeah - he is. And that's the way the game is

Edited by slystallone
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And what's that got to do with the price of fish?



He's a legendary manager from a by-gone era.


Whilst the main principle of kicking a ball into a netty thing has remined the same, that's about all that has.


It's a completely different game behind the scenes, on the pitch and off the pitch - in the board rooms, all over.


I think you have to note that the game, in all aspects of it, has evolved. It's changed.


And, no matter how many Wiki quoted you cut & paste from the 60s, it won't change that fact.


LJ is a manager for this time. "All theories and coaching badges" as you'd point out.

Well, yeah - he is. And that's the way the game is


I go back to my first sentence;


"Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


That hasn't and never will change no matter how many theories and manuals they dish out these days.


By your reckoning Harkins is a player from a bygone age, is he a dinosaur too who has no place in today's modern football age?

Edited by BP1960
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I go back to my first sentence;


"Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


That hasn't and never will change no matter how many theories and manuals they dish out these days.


By your reckoning Harkins is a player from a bygone age, is he a dinosaur too who has no place in today's modern football age?

Great your quoting a manager who has been dead for 30 years!


Since then football has changed a hell of a lot. Look at the pitches that were being played on then look at the tackles that people made. You couldn't get away with that now.


Spain has 12000 pro licence coaches

Germany has 5000 pro licence coaches

We have 1000 in England


Why are they so far ahead of us when we have equal if not greater resources at our disposal.


By your thinking the likes of Xavi iniesta messi are all weedy little lightweights how much have they won?


If Harkins had fitness and stamina of Korey smith he would easily be playing championship football now.


Alright some thing won't change it's still 11 v 11 I wasn't old enough to see Tom Finney play but I'm sure he was playing today he would be ripping full backs to shreds, but not accepting that we live in a changing world is basically the reason why this football club has gone nowhere for a long time but hey if it was good enough for Joe Royle...

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I go back to my first sentence;


"Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple."


That hasn't and never will change no matter how many theories and manuals they dish out these days.


By your reckoning Harkins is a player from a bygone age, is he a dinosaur too who has no place in today's modern football age?

I'm of into Manchester for a gig, fair few beers and hopefully a good night.


I'll leave this there. I can see i'm not winning, nor ever will...

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I don't agree with his constant sniping at Johnson but BP is right about it being a simple game.


But, it's not Johnson's fault that there's a necessity to get all these daft badges these days.

You don't need any of these daft badges all you need to do is shout


Kick it

Pass it



academics are all gay anyway

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