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After a :censored: day at work, frequently punctuated by unwitty comments from gloating imbeciles, I am struggling to comprehend how a small group of fairly successful businessmen could actually sit down and agree that this was a good idea. For christs sake it was plainly obvious the :censored:storm would erupt once this was announced, and to think these people are in charge of our football club.

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As LeeSinnott and Pukka say, how is this rolling into a 3rd Day?


And from Beags multiple choice; i'd need a 5th box: all of the above.


Its a real head mess this. I've run the whole gammet of emotions.

Whilst still being opposed to signing CE; my main emotions today as this whole sorry mess is dragged out for all & sundry to see are one's of anger towards club officials and seniors for their huge part in all this, and embarrassment of my club. We've been shown to be naieve, amateurish, tin pot and plain stupid in all this - and i'm genuinely gutted at the club i support having got themselves into this situation.


"They" should never have even entertained the thought of signing CE, let alone follow through on it. The apparent U-turn (whilst it's what I want) has only shown them to be even more incompetent than than appeared yesterday.

Its a shambles. An utter shambles this, and it rolls into a 3rd day at the circus...

Edited by slystallone
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Totally agree, I suppose this is then down to the playershare committee and possibly all contributors.

I can understand why playershare would be effected, but I beg can we please discuss this if it is true that this player has signed.


The reason why I am asking is that I need to check as I can't remember if we have made a donation for George outright to cover Until the end of the season, or we have partially funded and made forecast made on the regular monthly contributors to cover. If fans are considering withdrawing their support of this scheme with regards to monthly donations, then the committee will need to look at the impact.


Thanks for your input .What a bloody mess eh...

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The vast, vast majority of managers choose the staff that they manage. There's a damn good reason why.


Not vast I feel, in my organisation there were many office moves with staff shunted to different departments over several years, some managers didn't want the staff foisted on them, sometimes the staff didn't want to work for them.

I'm sure however LJ will do the best he can under the circumstances.

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My personal opinion:

Evans has been released from prison and allowed to reintegrate with society because in the laws eyes, he is no longer a danger to it. For me, he should be free to resume his career in his chosen profession; this case being football. On the other hand, I don't want him anywhere near this football club. This makes me a hypocrite. If there's one thing I hate it's hypocrites, and it's the club's/board's fault for making me feel like this, and spending 32 hours questioning my own morals.

Why did we need to go anywhere near this? We do not need this horrendous publicity at the moment, halfway through a season that was suppose to transform us from the humdrum of league one into a very decent side with a fantastic young manager and some real prospects on and off the pitch. After all this, I cant see us not signing Evans.


In another field is this; Evan's case for his appeal is going through the courts as we all sit here discussing and could take potentially 35 weeks to come to a resolution. If we sign him and he fires in 20 goals between now and the end of the season and we reach the playoff final AND he wins his appeal, how are we all going to feel then? Having spoken about him in such disdain and hatred, and then finding out the guy was completely innocent, and you stayed away from a promotion winning team because of your prejudice towards a man who was wrong accused?


Flip it again; if he fires in 20 goals between now and the end of the season and has his case thrown out because he was guilty after all, how are the other half going to feel? You'd have been cheering for a man who was justly punished for the grave crime he committed. To sum it up, the only feeling I have right now is anger. Anger towards the club for bringing us into the spotlight when we could have just very easily stayed out of it, and had nothing to do with it, just like we said we were going to do at the start of December.

tl;dr - Damn you to the Oldham Board for making me question my morals as a football supporter

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Agree that this waiting is an absolute shambles.


At least if the club had announced it and just followed through they could have appealed to a sense of principle, second chances, rehabilitation and so on. Then every fan would have had a choice to make.


By doing this we just look like sneaky opportunists who had a punt in the hope that people had got it out of their systems with Sheff Utd.


So not only do we look trashy, we also alienate fans. Magic.

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Wasn't impressed with Craig Verlin choosing to appear on TV to say pulling out no class but then again none of this has. Can all be done quietly and directly.As for gutters never in a million years would I use them and do buy a few. Cheap publicity... Significant main sponsor you are having a laugh.


Got to admit, I thought the same. Didn't even know what their line of business was until today.

Edited by JoeP
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My personal opinion:


Evans has been released from prison and allowed to reintegrate with society because in the laws eyes, he is no longer a danger to it. For me, he should be free to resume his career in his chosen profession; this case being football. On the other hand, I don't want him anywhere near this football club. This makes me a hypocrite. If there's one thing I hate it's hypocrites, and it's the club's/board's fault for making me feel like this, and spending 32 hours questioning my own morals.


Why did we need to go anywhere near this? We do not need this horrendous publicity at the moment, halfway through a season that was suppose to transform us from the humdrum of league one into a very decent side with a fantastic young manager and some real prospects on and off the pitch. After all this, I cant see us not signing Evans.


In another field is this; Evan's case for his appeal is going through the courts as we all sit here discussing and could take potentially 35 weeks to come to a resolution. If we sign him and he fires in 20 goals between now and the end of the season and we reach the playoff final AND he wins his appeal, how are we all going to feel then? Having spoken about him in such disdain and hatred, and then finding out the guy was completely innocent, and you stayed away from a promotion winning team because of your prejudice towards a man who was wrong accused?


Flip it again; if he fires in 20 goals between now and the end of the season and has his case thrown out because he was guilty after all, how are the other half going to feel? You'd have been cheering for a man who was justly punished for the grave crime he committed. To sum it up, the only feeling I have right now is anger. Anger towards the club for bringing us into the spotlight when we could have just very easily stayed out of it, and had nothing to do with it, just like we said we were going to do at the start of December.


tl;dr - Damn you to the Oldham Board for making me question my morals as a football supporter

Flip it another way... He's crap, and this whole sorry affair has such a bad effect on the club that we drop like a stone. The resentment that could cause could be catastrophic for the club.

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I agree. All regular contributors is doable if we get a roll, otherwise it'll be the committee. It'll make a stronger statement than people leaving individually.

I suppose a full playershare package withdrawn would have a larger impact, whether we can do this in time before a decision is made on Evans I dont know, also there are contributors who would still back the scheme even if he signs, all about democratic process. What a feckin mess.

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Fame just around that bend. ;-)


Swine and you could probably see me wobbling from around the next corner now too..heheh.


I need some normality so will be logging out to see if Wimbledon can kick let's scousers arses...

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Having read his own take on how the night panned out - under i think the 'key facts' banner on the left hand side of the page, his own defence; paints him as a horrendous human being. .

Jesus. Hands up all those who have NEVER been out on the piss and trapped off with a girl, who has also had a drink, and ended up having sex with them at some location or other.


Anyone? Cos apparently, if you have then your a godamn dirty rapist!


And on that point, I know we have female members, so ask yourselves have you ever slept with a bloke after a few drinks? Well that's ok, because apparently this never ever happens so you can just erase it from your mind and pretend it never happened.


I've got to be honest, I was gutted when the story first broke so I looked it up. I've looked at as much stuff on the Internet as I can, including his own website, and I have to say, how he was ever convicted is beyond me. And if he had been a plumber or suchlike it would have probably been thrown out. Just my opinion........

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I suppose a full playershare package withdrawn would have a larger impact, whether we can do this in time before a decision is made on Evans I dont know, also there are contributors who would still back the scheme even if he signs, all about democratic process. What a feckin mess.


Would it make any difference that I will stick with my original convictions of resigning from playershare and trust oldham if this player does sign, rather than loose your contribution?


Not that I'm worth much but making a small but hopefully meaningful stance?

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