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I've spoken to 3 regulars today who don't really do the Internet and they weren't really arsed.


They weren't all for it either but certainly not dead against it and all were of the (mild) opinion he'd been hard done by.....


Most of our supporters will be largely unaware of the fine detail of his case (as was I before Monday).


Lets not forget that us over-opinionated internet cranks don't necessarily represent the feelings of our fans as a whole.


We're still right like......

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First piece on BBC NW Tonight.


Corney says they weren't surprised by the backlash and Barry seems to think talks are going to go on longer. Reporter said they've had fans walking past chanting "sign him up".

Edited by ShireBlue
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How many times does it need saying/explaining? This is one man in a world full of :censored:, :censored: happens daily and far worse in most parts of the world

Football is a game and secondary to most important things in life that really matter

FFS get a grip and make your own choices but realise everything surrounding this is bloody way OTT and driven by the media with every tom dick or harry throwing in their fourpenneth


Simple: GO or DON'T go but stop moaning about it

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Just :censored:ing wow...


How unprofessional and armature was that. Total arse


As if the media will go away and wait for a phone call, we all know they want to be first with the headline story, were there that many anyway they all had to stand out in the pouring rain? giving them the sponsors lounges and a brew might have been more professional.

Edited by BP1960
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Just :censored:ing wow...

How unprofessional and armature was that. Total arse

Not happy!

I've write a strongly worded letter to the BBC and ITV

This is a serious matter and having Harry Hill posting a comedy video pretending to be a bungling OAFC official in a silly red jumper is not, I repeat not, funny :(

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How many times does it need saying/explaining? This is one man in a world full of :censored:, :censored: happens daily and far worse in most parts of the world

Football is a game and secondary to most important things in life that really matter

FFS get a grip and make your own choices but realise everything surrounding this is bloody way OTT and driven by the media with every tom dick or harry throwing in their fourpenneth


Simple: GO or DON'T go but stop moaning about it

"Make your own choices but God forbid you voice your opinion, especially on the message board of the club he's signing for. He only raped a woman!"


Yeah, brilliant

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Barry isnt paid. Just saying.


I imagine we'll take the focus off of the home game this week and Evans will make his debut away at Fleetwood, takes a bit of the sting out of it at Boundary Park itself.


Thats just what Leeds did with Cantona.

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Were not the only ones and it's not the first time it's happened I'm struggling to see why we shouldn't sign him, I think SC is doing it because he genuinely as I do belive in giving people a second chance ! He might even be innocent what do we know ? I understand he's been convicted in a court of law but like many have said the case is sketchy and how can he show remorse for something he belives he dident do ?


SC belives this will benefit our club to achieve something he wants the best for the club like all of us, Hughes was a far worse case then this he was banged to rights and rightfully jailed what he did was despicable, Carslile have a player on Thier books at the minute Courtney Meppen Walters he was jailed for a similar crime to Hughes but he was still signed by Carslie the backlash lasted a couple of days as it did when Luke Mckormick returned to the game, killers who are without doubt guilty of the crimes they committed, they were aloud to continue in the game so why should it be any different for Ched ?


I hope he does sign and contributes a shed load of goals to the team, he was a very very good player for our level before he was put away and you dont lose your knack for scoring goals your born with it, I also have my fingers crossed that his conviction is overturned so then everyone can see he was innocent all along and what he was fighting for justice for himself.


What I do agree on is the way the club have handled it so poorly they should have done all thier homework first instead of dragging out this long, I'm gutted to see people saying they won't go again just over this,the club shouldn't suffer, why throw it all away over a decision made that may benefit our club in the future, the team will have my full support on Saturday regardless of who's in it. KTF

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