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all the outside pressure and lynch mob mentality is having the opposite affect on me

it's us who watch oafc that matter in all this

And me. I was dead against it on Sunday but, the more people from outside have stuck their nose in, the more I'm coming round to the idea and getting defensive of our club.


That said, Barry Owen is still a tool...

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I'm keen to understand why the u-turn between start December decision and now. If it was all about rehabilitation then why not sign him back then?


After all the dust settles (if it does) then Corney owes us fans the truth behind all this - why the u-turn, who's funding it, contingency after all sponsorship ends re budget, why press releases to the JC and not to us fans?!

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Its a sad state of affairs Tracey, you seemed a nice person and that was confirmed once when I met you! It is a great pity that you, I and it would seem several others now feel that we cannot attend. I will review my position once that grubby little owner sells out-if it ever happens, because he has spent 10 years running the club into the ground but still chases a quick buck regardless of the damage he continues to do to the business.

It seems that all 6 Directors agreed on the decision, well if you appoint yes men to the Board that does tend to happen!

Well Mr Corney you have taken my beloved club to the gutter and made me embarrased to be a Latics fan-the thing is you dont seem to even care about my opinion or that of many other supporters of many years standing. We were here before you and hopefully some will still be here many years after you.

I have received 2 invites foc from customers/friends to go to Rochdale and Man :censored:ty in January. I dont really want to be at either! I want to be at Boundary Park cheering on the best manager we have had for many a year. How long will he be here now?

Thanks chaddy, I know I might be sounding like a sentimental owd bag and maybe this bloody cold isn't helping, probably get slated on here for it too, but I'm feeling loss now..feel like I'm loosing something I've been proud to be a part of...of course nothing on the scale of personal loss. I still know where BP, still know if I'm not going to attend then when some of you drink and of course can log on here too.


I believe in playershare, it's bought good players in and this why when the trust asked for help over the summer I thought I would chip in an help in a small way there too. Both will now take fall out from this event and I have to assess my role in both too.


Over sentimental?, it's only football?, it's only our club.....stupid eh


chuff it I need a hot toddy......anyone else

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I've read every part of the case and can honestly say I never had or never would be in Evans' position - and im sorry to be drunk to the point of wetting the bed isn't a crime - shagging someone in that position is especially when you've made a special trip from home to do it

So you've read every part of the case, yet incorrectly state that Evans made a special trip from "home"?



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So you've read every part of the case, yet incorrectly state that Evans made a special trip from "home"?



Figure of speech. I've read all the available case papers and all his "pathetic site" and on getting a text message off his mate saying "I have a bird" he shot straight round there to watch and then have seconds so yes I hate him and had he done that my daughter I won't say what I would want to befall him as I've said I have experience of rape victims so take your narrow minded little view and bury it
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The saddest thing about this is people walking away. I know a fella been going for donkeys, that's it, even binned his fleetwood ticket. One mate who has 2 kids with season tickets, finished, his lads bloody love going to the match.


Latics will be very very lucky if all these people return.


Whether you wanted Evans or not to see fellow fans having to make such a decision is awful. The more I hear of this the more I think the board have got this totally totally wrong. Didn't need to be our fans having to make these decisions.

Clifford, I have seen several of your posts that I have disagreed with. but, this post is so spot on. In particular your last line is a metaphor for the whole issue. It needn't have been our fans making the decision. I am especially reviled by those that are glib, attacking/dismissing anyone who disagrees (inc sponsers) or revelling in it. I have much respect for those wrestling with it, but deciding to watch the team


I am not happy with Neil Joy's response to me, though, because if a full and proper consideration had been undertaken, we would not have entered negotiation,

The outcome of all this may not be to your satisfaction but I do assure you, that despite what may appear to the contrary, no one involved in this process is fumbling around in the dark and taking decisions on an issue of this magnitude without full and proper consideration

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I'm actually starting to feel proud of my club for doing this and for giving someone a second chance to rebuild their life.

Oh come on, Even the stoutest defender cannot claim altruism and this is for rehabilitation. Negotiating with Daddy for compensation blows that out of the water. It may be that the legal issues barring it are what is included/not included in the compo.
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I'm actually starting to feel proud of my club for doing this and for giving someone a second chance to rebuild their life.





I think a lot of other clubs are envious of the bollocks we have for going through all this.

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Its a sad state of affairs Tracey, you seemed a nice person and that was confirmed once when I met you! It is a great pity that you, I and it would seem several others now feel that we cannot attend. I will review my position once that grubby little owner sells out-if it ever happens, because he has spent 10 years running the club into the ground but still chases a quick buck regardless of the damage he continues to do to the business.

It seems that all 6 Directors agreed on the decision, well if you appoint yes men to the Board that does tend to happen!

Well Mr Corney you have taken my beloved club to the gutter and made me embarrased to be a Latics fan-the thing is you dont seem to even care about my opinion or that of many other supporters of many years standing. We were here before you and hopefully some will still be here many years after you.

I have received 2 invites foc from customers/friends to go to Rochdale and Man :censored:ty in January. I dont really want to be at either! I want to be at Boundary Park cheering on the best manager we have had for many a year. How long will he be here now?

That really is an excellent post ChaddySmoker.
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If we were Leeds, who revel in some sort of notoriety, I could understand signing the player.

But, we have prided ourselves on being a family club, of fans that follow the team home and away. S small friendly club.

Why has this all been thrown away so cheaply.

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If we were Leeds, who revel in some sort of notoriety, I could understand signing the player.

But, we have prided ourselves on being a family club, of fans that follow the team home and away. S small friendly club.

Why has this all been thrown away so cheaply.


That started to go when we signed Lee Hughes.


I think we have a chairman who genuinely believes in giving people another chance.


Some will see that as a positive, some won't. 123 pages of discussion have demonstrated that both sides will not agree, and that there are plenty of people that cannot fully decide whether they accept it or not.



To be honest its getting a bit boring now....need to get a decision out, deal with the consequences either way, and move forwards.

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I wouldn't call backtracking on an earlier statement that Latics wouldn't be signing a rapist after a dodgy run of form having 'bollocks'. Quite the opposite, in fact


Maybe they changed their minds after listening to what he had to say?

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With this week’s media pack having to resort to speculation, most of which has been incorrect, I reckon the winner has been Lord Leveson, with even the watered-down self-regulation appearing to have avoided phone/email hacking in the search to find out what has been going on between BP and NY.

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I think we have a chairman who genuinely believes in giving people another chance.


Really don't buy this. I think he's a chairman who's desperate for success (or at least to sell the club on without taking a bath financially) who sees ex-cons as a cheap option to sign players ordinarily way out of our league. And I wouldn't have an insurmountable problem with that if (1) the club didn't make statements like they did a month ago and then go back on them, and (2) if in this case they'd chosen an ex-con who expressed remorse, or failing that had made tangible steps to condemn the hounding of the victim.


This isn't a noble signing. It's like something a Football Manager Del Boy would do. "This time next year Bazza..."

Edited by Crusoe
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