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Valentines Day #packthepark

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If the support was 'great' then we wouldn't have to do these kind of offers.


This offer benefits those that have been coming this season as well as those stay-aways that we are trying to tempt back.


Perhaps SC wants to say thank you to the minority that have turned up and made an atmosphere that has partly helped the team achieve on the pitch?

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If people can't be bothered turning up when it's a fiver & we're in fifth position, next time we try and sign someone with a criminal record, they can stick their opinion up their arse.



That's how I'd be promoting it.

Will all thus fit into a tweet so I can retweet and favourite it?

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However many "extra" fans turn up, It's up to the regulars to make one hell of a racket( like Tuesday night), and providing that the players do their bit on the pitch, maybe the fans who have not been for a while, will like what they see and hear, and find the encouragement to come again next game. So dont just sit there, sing, clap, roar and make it the Valentines day that woke the town up to the fact that we have something worth supporting.

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However many "extra" fans turn up, It's up to the regulars to make one hell of a racket( like Tuesday night), and providing that the players do their bit on the pitch, maybe the fans who have not been for a while, will like what they see and hear, and find the encouragement to come again next game. So dont just sit there, sing, clap, roar and make it the Valentines day that woke the town up to the fact that we have something worth supporting.

Good post! I shall be lubing up my vocal chords in the bar pre game ready for a good ol' sing song!

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My wife has just volunteered to come to Latics today. I know how to treat a lady on Valentine's day.

And I'm dragging the hubby too, pub afterwards, curry on the way home....I'm every mans dream....heheh


However.....the sweetener for me is that I've made a Playershare pledge for a kiss on the cheek from playershare players, Big G and Rhys Murphy and it looks to be on the cards too prior to KO.


Oh want I do into raise funds for playershare.

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