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Jim McMahon, new MP

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The continuation of a historical tradition of leaving humorous notes to their successor dating back many years. In 1964 Reginald Maudling, outgoing Tory chancellor in 1964, left a message for his Labour successor, "Sorry old cock, to leave it in this shape,"


There are other cases of this of 'friends amongst enemies' kind of thing. What was actually wrong was David Laws the incoming Chief Secretary to the Treasury leaking the note which showed the complete lack of historical and political awareness of the Liberal Democrats and the way the right wing press leaped upon the complete non-story.


Why aren't the press reporting that since 2010 a growing economy has been converted to a shrinking one that has seen more borrowing than under all the previous Labour governments combined which is a far more significant story than a bloody note left in jest.


As for 'an appeaser like that idiot Corbyn', I disagree with a lot of his political views however 'half of the world is in turmoil' due to the misinformed history ignoring neocon belief that you can bomb your way to peace which has as much credibility as :censored:ing for virginity.


And as for 'every human being wants to better themselves but Labour want us all to be the same' - Nope, can't disagree with that one, is that really so bad? I'd happily live in a more equal world, something that hasn't been tried since caveman times. Maybe if things were more equal then half the world wouldn't be 'in turmoil'? Just a thought.


As for McMahon, I left Oldham a long time ago, the Oldham that built a massive swimming pool just short of Olympic length ruling them out of hosting any future student, school, or other competitive swimming event that may have brought a bit of kudos or investment in to the town, a town that shunned its own market whilst being jealous of Bury's. A town that let its cinemas close, turned down Ikea, M&S let the Tubular bandage leave and historically didn't build a post-industrial-decline future for itself. The only time there has been a bit of an upswing has been under McMahon and even that isn't good enough for some people as he hasn't built the equivalent of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or discovered exactly how to turn the over abundance of vitriol and bitterness into gold.


So good luck to him moving to the festering cesspit of Westminster politics. David Blunkett who had previously done wonders for Sheffield trod a similar path, moving from high office in his city to the national stage and was frustrated by not being able to do more for the town as an MP than council leader, let's hope that McMahon doesn't have a similar tale to tell in 20 years and more importantly that his successor is able to continue on the modest steps he has made and continue the important steps that will improve the town of Oldham for all of its occupants.

Well written T. I think we have a tendency to believe things even more when our beliefs are challenged, so this makes a change from the usual.

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Well written T. I think we have a tendency to believe things even more when our beliefs are challenged, so this makes a change from the usual.

Yes absolutely nothing wrong with honestly held opposing views. Debate testing these views is heathy and should be encouraged. We should never forget how lucky we are to be able to express them without fear or censorship

Edited by Magister
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Oldham pool is 33 meters long... Olympic Length is 50 meters.... Oldham pool has hosted loads of competitions hasn't it. I often hear this said about Oldham swimming pool but it must be an urban legend ?



I think this is not quite right. There is a specification for qualification, competition and national events, not the actual Olympics. Those has a lesser specification than the Olympics. At the time, I remember it was because the tiles width had not been taken into account.

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I'll catch up properly tomorrow with this nonsense tomorrow (apart from beag teats's post) but I thought the pool was 33 yards rather than 33 meters. Won the odd race in there before pints and smokes and drugs and birds and chips and gravy scuppered my Olympic hopes.

There is not a huge difference between a yard and a metre. (It's 0.9 and a bit)

0000's link is the the pool website that states it is 33m.


As mentioned above, I donlt think it was for actual Olympics, it was for qualification events etc, that have a lower specification.

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There is not a huge difference between a yard and a metre. (It's 0.9 and a bit)

0000's link is the the pool website that states it is 33m.


As mentioned above, I donlt think it was for actual Olympics, it was for qualification events etc, that have a lower specification.


i blame Brussels........

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Just nearly had a fight with McMahon. I'm walking down a thin corridor. He's walking in the other direction on his way to vote.


I go: "After you."


He goes: "No. After you."


I go: "No. I insist. After you."


A few more after-yous later and we're practically shedding our jackets and heading for the nearest courtyard. Reminded me of this messageboard a bit.

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Just nearly had a fight with McMahon. I'm walking down a thin corridor. He's walking in the other direction on his way to vote.


I go: "After you."


He goes: "No. After you."


I go: "No. I insist. After you."


A few more after-yous later and we're practically shedding our jackets and heading for the nearest courtyard. Reminded me of this messageboard a bit.


Was it really narrow or was it a combination of his head and your beard that made it seem that way? :grin:

Edited by HarryBosch
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Just nearly had a fight with McMahon. I'm walking down a thin corridor. He's walking in the other direction on his way to vote.


I go: "After you."


He goes: "No. After you."


I go: "No. I insist. After you."


A few more after-yous later and we're practically shedding our jackets and heading for the nearest courtyard. Reminded me of this messageboard a bit.

Thats the problem with this 'all men are created equal' mentality

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The pool were supposed to be 50 metres and Olympic standard but last minute decided to throw a diving pool in there, making it whatever distance they had left after the diving pool.


This makes more sense...


Main pool 33m

Diving pool 12m


45m in total...


Presume the gap in the middle is shy of 5m then....

Edited by oafc0000
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Oldham pool is 33 meters long... Olympic Length is 50 meters.... Oldham pool has hosted loads of competitions hasn't it. I often hear this said about Oldham swimming pool but it must be an urban legend ?



Wrong pool you :censored:in pleb.

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Yes, but that is for Olympics (there are only 5 in the UK) and FINA Worlds Championship finals, but I don't think it was ever built to comply for that grade coompetition.

Leeds had a similar issue. But that was becasue they did not allow for the touch boards.

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This was also reported in the express as well


Interesting story but as a tax specialist myself (VAT), it's a bit like adding 1 + 1 together and getting 4,000,000.

My guess is that UKIP don't actually have a clue what is going on and so couldn't say either way.

Jim Mc may be a Director of OPP Ltd which is a UK based company, as far as I can see.

The Luxembourg company which has an 81% share in OPP, may not have anything to do with the Council and Jim Mc other than the investment in OPP itself.

Unless Jim is also a member of the board for the Luxembourg company, I don't think Bickley has much of a point. Jim could just be representing the Councils interests, as I assume they are a minority shareholder.


I don't know ultimately but I don't think Bickley knows either.

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Was it really narrow or was it a combination of his head and your beard that made it seem that way? :grin:


It's the same corridor where Nick Clegg gets the :censored: out of my way.


Thats the problem with this 'all men are created equal' mentality


I agree. If only he'd realise there's a difference between leaseholders and freeholders in the Palace of Westminster.



Interesting story but as a tax specialist myself (VAT), it's a bit like adding 1 + 1 together and getting 4,000,000.

My guess is that UKIP don't actually have a clue what is going on and so couldn't say either way.

Jim Mc may be a Director of OPP Ltd which is a UK based company, as far as I can see.

The Luxembourg company which has an 81% share in OPP, may not have anything to do with the Council and Jim Mc other than the investment in OPP itself.

Unless Jim is also a member of the board for the Luxembourg company, I don't think Bickley has much of a point. Jim could just be representing the Councils interests, as I assume they are a minority shareholder.


I don't know ultimately but I don't think Bickley knows either.


UKIP never knowingly let the facts get in the way of a bit of cheap outrage - extremely cheap in this case. Most of them love tax dodging in other circumstances, such as when it's one of them doing it.

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