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Everything posted by JohnnyPimp

  1. I like your scenario the most, so you get the up vote.
  2. There would have been plenty of staff milling around the club midweek that could have dealt with this. It's disappointing that a day's mowing was lost over something like £100. I accept that the funds should have been available but surely someone could have stuck it on a credit card and claimed it back as expenses? The club still has the stench of failure about it, even following the takeover. I don't claim to know the inner workings of the club but if this sorry business with the fuel is anything to go by, attitudes need to change and fast.
  3. In most businesses, you would expect an employee to pick up the cost to minimise disruption and then claim the cost back later. It just goes to show what little confidence the staff have in the finances of the club after years of difficulties. That's a real shame and something that AL's going to have to work on.
  4. Not disputing this but haven't we outsourced pitch maintenance to a third party?
  5. Love it. Cannabis lights confiscated under the proceeds of crime act, repatriated for the purpose they were built for. And it’s all Corney’s fault. Grrrrr!!!
  6. Only an hour left but if you can down to the club shop in the North Stand, they’re practically giving stuff away with 70% off already massively reduced prices.
  7. I would have gladly cleared his desk out over the weekend but having had time to reflect, I don't think it's a bad thing giving him a crack at getting us back up. I suspect a few others on here would vote differently too, now that the dust has settled. It's all very well comparing his situation to that of Bowyer at Blackpool but don't forget, Bowyer had already managed over a hundred games at Blackburn under the Venky's, so I'd say he's better prepared than most when it comes to dealing with off-field nonsense.
  8. Northampton 1 - 2 Latics (H/T 0 - 0) Ducky Att. 6,220
  9. There’s enough quality there to do the business. Come on Latics!!!
  10. We really shouldn’t be relying on Charlton doing us a favour.
  11. Latics 3 - 1 Donny (H/T 1 - 1) Doyle (surely, soon?!) Att. 5,400
  12. 3 or 4 games ago I thought it inconceivable that we'd find ourselves in the bottom 4 with a couple of games to go. I just can't help feel that we've been set up to protect the draw and a point when opportunities have been there to go for it and get all 3. Gillingham is a prime example of a game that was absolutely there for the taking but we weren't capable, or willing, to put it to bed. That sucker punch from Moimbe looks more and more like the defining moment of the last few weeks. Well, if AL was disappointed by the take-up for season tickets, I think the reason why is abundantly clear to him now. How does £270 stack up for League Two? We've got to hope that Wellens still has a few mates at Donny.
  13. Rest of the season according to Wellens.
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