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Everything posted by al_bro

  1. I still don't get this. If Blitz and Gazal own the whole stand, why aren't they maximising it's earnings by renting out the offices and other spaces like the area the trust wanted o use as a fans bar. It must be losing money at the moment, paying Simon Wood and all the other staff for the odd conference. The gym may be just about profitable depending on how many people attend it.
  2. I agree with you, but would they sign for a L2 club? The wages their agents would demand may upset others in the squad.
  3. Both Oldham and Bournemouth are in capitals, separated by full stops, which I take as meaning both clubs.
  4. He can only be withdrawn from a season long loan if it was in the contract. Or, if all parties agree in January.
  5. Big fan base for L2, and they made a fortune from the FA Cup and TV money two seasons ago. I expected them to get promoted again last season.
  6. Which is why those statistics are meaningless.
  7. These \re the rules. Subject to the proviso that the duration of a Standard Loan must be the time between two Transfer Windows, Standard Loans can be for half a Season or a full Season. Any recall clause requiring the early termination of a Standard Loan can only be included in a full Season Standard Loan and this can only be activated during the second (January) Transfer Window. Any other early termination of a Standard Loan must be by way of a mutual agreement in writing (including by way of a recall clause within the Standard Loan Agreement) between both Clubs and the Player but can only be completed after the expiry of 28 days and only during a Transfer Window.
  8. I guess this is the problem regarding finance. Perhaps AL was relying on these 2 to provide investment, and they have backed out for some reason (probably because they realise Latics isn't an investment, it's a money pit).He is most likely now looking for new benefactors.
  9. Lyden plays this position. Lets see how he does tonight, if it goes well he will probably play 45/60mins. against Vale. I would go for the 4--3-3 mentioned earlier with perhaps Lyden for Gardner.
  10. If I had £5m and new I would have to spend £3m on the club initially, I would be mad to leave myself with just £2m. His accountants must have told him there were no assets apart from the players and it lost around £700k per season. The most he could get out of his £2m would be another 3 years. You've got to have much more that £5m to take Latics on.
  11. Everyone on this board can see this. Why can't FB! Why don't the press ask him why he played the two lumps up top who can't hold up the ball and have no ball control whatsoever.
  12. He may be back at Villa getting treatment. If he's as good as the Villa fans say, then I would hope he plays instead of Gardner. FB said he would be out for about a month and that's up now.
  13. There may have been offers for him that we don't know about that were turned down, in an attempt to stop him playing in England.
  14. Some away tickets can be bought online but not others. I bought my Grimsby match ticket and coach ticket online, but it looks like we can't buy tickets for Swindon online, unless they forgot to add the link. They did. Swindon tickets are available online, if you go to tickets>matchday and sign in.
  15. I see Byrne was a sub against Celtic and didn't get on the pitch.
  16. I remember going many moons ago for free, as our coach to Scunthorpe I think it was, broke down. We went in their end, as we did in those days and got pelted with eggs.
  17. If he's coped all this time with his illness, then manages have no reason to leave him out of a team, because he has proved it doesn't affect his game. I hope FB contacts him again and offers him a contract (unless he wants too much money). He can then get fully fit, before he can play again in January, and be involved in football again.
  18. Another club with good info. for away fans. https://www.swindontownfc.co.uk/siteassets/club-tv/stfc-away-fan-guide-low-res1.pdf
  19. I could see why we played sideways and backwards yesterday. Any long balls would just have been giving away possession because of their height. I noticed that we were also playing out of defence far more often than of late rather than Iversen punting it forwards all the time. As for Baxter, Lee Johnson said that it was a problem where to play him, and Sheffield United also had the same problem, and he didn't always start for them.
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