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Damn you TTA, damn you for failing to spot a global recession that pretty much every financial professional, commentator or analyst failed to spot coming. Damn you too for failing to get your plans passed by a small backward looking Northern provincial council's planning department. Damn you all!!!!!

if it wasn't for the tta we would not have a club to support so damm you

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The fire in my belly (and it is bloody big 'un) is diminishing by the day, there's a sodding great cloud over the club at the moment permeated by the demolished and now vandalised stand, I mean, how much would it cost to clean/paint over the graffitti? The whole club stinks of a 'couldn't give a toss' attitude and tbh i'm very close to joining them. I think it'll be Oldham Town and chadderton for me next season, nothing excites me about following Latics anymore and it :censored:ing kills me!


I have to say Paul, that belly reference apart,that pretty much sums up my feelings about the club at the moment.


This season has seen my lowest number of attended games since I can't remember when. I'm not sure if I will bother with the Southend game or not (and I certainly won't be going to another away game) - if I don't go I will only have attended half the home league games this year as a season ticket holder. I haven't been to a cup game at BP. I have been to a few away games, but very few in comparison to my normal number.


I don't really know what it is - I just know I don't feel like I want to be there any more. It feels like a waste of time and money, I can't even be bothered to be bored by them at the minute.


Doubtlessly the move from the Lookers has had a major effect on my mood surrounding all things OAFC. I feel like an away fan in the RRE - plus the facilities are absolutely diabolical. The Main Stand and Chaddy I just don't like at all and never really have.


The club needs out of this division post haste to give fans a renewed appetite. I will be completely honest and even go as far as to say I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world for us to get relegated because promotion seems like a mere pipe dream. We need pastures new for me - absolutely anything is better than stagnating in the ever murkier waters of division 3.


An injection of cash, whilst welcomed, would probably have seen an overly expectant fan base calling for automatic promotion again for next season. What the club really needs alongside the cash though, is an injection of enthusiasm from the players and board to try and convince an ever decreasing and apathetic hardcore fan base to stick with them.


I can't remember the last time I heard any positive sounds coming from BP regarding the future - the club is dying on its' backside.


Perhaps a sabbatical for a year will do me good, I know that even if I hadn't lost my job I wouldn't have bothered with parting with over £300 to watch bottlers again next year. A bit of football tourism for me in 2009/10 I think - I may even go and finish the 92 off (though I did want to do it with Latics).



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Average gate went down by 250 from 1998 to 2008 so I guess it's true, subject to "droves" meaning an average of 25 per year.


As for these last 12 years not including any "glory years", well they might not, but they do include (as stated earlier) 2 play off semis, and also a FA cup win vs Everton. As also stated earlier, the first 4 years of the last 12 were far worse than the present, so why is it suddenly a "doom and gloom" thing? The lat 3 have been the best of the 12 years.

75-85 weren't exactly world beating years either.




It's amazing the lengths some people will go to to fool themselves. It is not the difference between 1998 and the present day that we should worry about but the way our support began to slowly climb under the Chris Moore regime, holding up nicely for several seasons after the arrival of TTA and the maintaining of a certain degree of hope, only for it to decline fairly drastically since about 2006-despite being in the vaunted top ten. And, for the most part, it isn't the same people we're talking about. The fact that most of us seem to know people who haven't attended BP regularly for ten years or more, or came back during the CM and early TTA days only to drift away again, suggests that it is many of those who stuck with the club through thick and thin are the ones who have called it a day recently. We might be 250 down on ten years ago but we are well over a thousand down on about 2004. Think about all the implications of this.


The point isn't to compare the present day to the 1975-85 period or any other (although then we were holding our own in a higher division), but to look coldly at where the club finds itself in a different footballing world where money is everything but the club is losing it with no prospect of this changing, making even the present mediocre position ultimately unstainable. As it seems necessary to keep pointing out, the club itself seems aware of this, as can be gleaned from the way the official who spoke after the stadium demo admitted that without the redevelopment the club has no worthwhile future.


And you still haven't explained how two play-off semi-final defeats and a one-off cup win constitutes progress, particularly when relatively little money (if any when you consider how it all had to go on paying debt) with which to rebuild the club was accrued.

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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I have to say Paul, that belly reference apart,that pretty much sums up my feelings about the club at the moment.


This season has seen my lowest number of attended games since I can't remember when. I'm not sure if I will bother with the Southend game or not (and I certainly won't be going to another away game) - if I don't go I will only have attended half the home league games this year as a season ticket holder. I haven't been to a cup game at BP. I have been to a few away games, but very few in comparison to my normal number.


I don't really know what it is - I just know I don't feel like I want to be there any more. It feels like a waste of time and money, I can't even be bothered to be bored by them at the minute.


Doubtlessly the move from the Lookers has had a major effect on my mood surrounding all things OAFC. I feel like an away fan in the RRE - plus the facilities are absolutely diabolical. The Main Stand and Chaddy I just don't like at all and never really have.


The club needs out of this division post haste to give fans a renewed appetite. I will be completely honest and even go as far as to say I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world for us to get relegated because promotion seems like a mere pipe dream. We need pastures new for me - absolutely anything is better than stagnating in the ever murkier waters of division 3.


An injection of cash, whilst welcomed, would probably have seen an overly expectant fan base calling for automatic promotion again for next season. What the club really needs alongside the cash though, is an injection of enthusiasm from the players and board to try and convince an ever decreasing and apathetic hardcore fan base to stick with them.


I can't remember the last time I heard any positive sounds coming from BP regarding the future - the club is dying on its' backside.


Perhaps a sabbatical for a year will do me good, I know that even if I hadn't lost my job I wouldn't have bothered with parting with over £300 to watch bottlers again next year. A bit of football tourism for me in 2009/10 I think - I may even go and finish the 92 off (though I did want to do it with Latics).



:cardinal: Amen! :applause1:



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There is no evidence for this but it is scientific fact.




Did I say it was a scientific fact? This is a messageboard on which people are invited to, among other things, give their impressions of certain events.


Why do some people nearly start crying when somebody expresses the dreaded pessimism? To listen to the happys you'd think we had a Champions League campaign to look forward to instead of a likely third divsion relegation battle.


Who would you say are the ones who have drifted away from BP lately, BT?

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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Did I say it was a scientific fact? This is a messageboard on which people are invited to, among other things, give their impressions of certain events.


Why do some people nearly start crying when somebody expresses the dreaded pessimism? To listen to the happys you'd think we had a Champions League campaign to look forward to instead of a likely third divsion relegation battle.


Who would you say are the ones who have drifted away from BP lately, BT?


In fairness, C_J, that was a reference to Brass Eye, much like the nonsense in the Mark Ward thread.

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Very True

Hats off to anyone going for the last 12 years. No glory to fall back on at all !

How have you managed it!



im 25 this year, been a latics fan since i was 13, never went to football before that because my dad couldnt afford it and he was a red (went to the odd man u/city games).... its just being a football fan what keeps me coming to BP couldnt not go to footy on a sat what else would i do??? go shopping NO, go pub watch footy on the telly NO, stay with the bird NO,


that how ive managed it :grin::grin::grin:



i always say if you go to the footy on a sat afternoon you are more than a fan than one who watch's it on telly :ranting::grin:


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The club needs out of this division post haste to give fans a renewed appetite. I will be completely honest and even go as far as to say I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world for us to get relegated because promotion seems like a mere pipe dream. We need pastures new for me - absolutely anything is better than stagnating in the ever murkier waters of division 3.



I've heard this said before. It's dangerous thinking in my opinion, as our past record of relegations indicates that this club just doesn't do instant recovery. The further we fall, the more disinterested the Oldham public becomes and the more the club 'cuts its cloth accordingly,' mKaking lost ground nigh on impossible to recover. And particularly coming at a time of sharply falling gates in a deep recession, with an absolutely crucial ground redevelopment on hold permanently, it could kill the club off altogether.


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You really are at a very low ebb regarding Latics at the moment Derek.


I've been going since 1972 aged 8 and have seen some very bad and some very good times with Latics, (more bad than good it has to be said).


I've always tried to get to as many away games as I can as well, although these days as a married man I don't get to everyone like I used to when I was single and in my twenties.


Currently the club seems stuck to me, after spending from 1974 to 1991 in the old 2nd Division (now the Championship) that is where most of my Latics experience is remembered.


Since 1997 things have IMO been poor on and off the pitch for the club, I'd always felt we should be able to sustain a Championship level club in the town but currently I'm not so sure.


What we have at the moment is far better than we might have anticipated in 2004 when we nearly went out of existence, so I see that as a positive.


It is frustrating to see the limbo we currently appear to be in, but I'm not anywhere near the point were I'm thinking of not going anymore, we really have had it worse than this.

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The fire in my belly (and it is bloody big 'un) is diminishing by the day, there's a sodding great cloud over the club at the moment permeated by the demolished and now vandalised stand, I mean, how much would it cost to clean/paint over the graffitti? The whole club stinks of a 'couldn't give a toss' attitude and tbh i'm very close to joining them. I think it'll be Oldham Town and chadderton for me next season, nothing excites me about following Latics anymore and it :censored:ing kills me!


Yep, sounds like you feel much like I do......


I'm totally disillusioned with Latics now which is worrying because I'm normally full of blind optimism. Hopefully this will be cured come pre-season, but I'm just not sure. I reckon I'l force another season IF Joe stays otherwise I reckon I'll call it a day. Looking at the Chaddy today was depressing....


Pre-season will get us though, as soon as Joe starts making signings.....we both know it will :lol:

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how the feck do mkdons get big money owners new stand etc pfff perbouroguhghghg aswell rar




An interesting statement seeing that MK Dons are only even a football club at all because of a big money owners whim.... they didnt get a big money owner, they were created by a big money owner... its an old debate that I am tired with but would you like the club moved 70 miles for investment?


As for the Peterboro' arguement... well, more relevant... they have prob spent the best part of a million, but we have also had a pretty penny for this level to play with, a lot of that on wages... I bet Peterboro's wage bill isnt the biggest around... as was said on another thread they are just an average side with two very good strikers...


Both teams also have evry little difference to their team from last season... its just pure determination and momentum that got them up to the top of the table, this league is there for the taking, and promoted sides have such a boost with the fact they were winning sides last season... thats our problem, we just dont have a winning mentality, and I dont have much hope for anyone coming in... including Joe.


As has been said here I'm at my lowest ebb ever being a latics fan, saturday was the first time in a long long time that I sat at BP and couldnt give a flying hoot what the score was. watching oldham at home for me next season will become a christmas and easter only novelty... i'll still make the effort to go to most away games but that is for a million and one other reasons that 90 minutes of football...


God help us next season... even the hit of wardle gave me a little bit of optimism... now, oh dear oh dear...

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For a long time going to Latics has become more of a social thing rather than a football thing, it was about meeting in the pub having a few beers, adjourning for the game and then back to the pub. And if I'm honest the away days were even better.


But now all the 'gang' I used to go with have one by one dropped off frustrated with what appears to be a lack of ambition and progress....... so these days even the social side has died and I'm not sure what keeps me going really. I did stop when I witnessed (Cardiff apart) the worst game I have ever seen at BP when we drew with Scunny in Ronnie's last game in charge. I missed the first few games of Shez's reign but was tempted back with all the talk of the decent football that returned. And for a while all was well, although I have to admit, my attendance for cup games has been very hit and miss.


But on Saturday, even under the great man, I got that feeling again; "What the :censored: am I doing here?" The players don't seem to care so much, so why should I?


I can't make Southend anyway....... so what worries me is how will I feel next August? I can see it could be the end of a 30+ year journey....... and it really pains me to say that.

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I know, but his previous posts indicate that he means it.


I indicate no such thing.


It was a retort to a ridiculous post where you stated the people who have stopped going are of type A rather than type B or C which has no basis in fact, has no evidence beyond anecdotal yet is presented as a universal truth that we all should accept.


The people how stopped attending Oldham Athletic matches between the 12th October 2002 and 15th April 2009 all did so because of a severe case of piles and they found the seats uncomfortable.


This has as much merit as your supposition. People stop going to football all the time for all sorts of reasons, people start going to football for all sorts of reasons. But this doesn't fit in with your grandstanding that t'present owners have done nowt fer t'club or that we have treaded water whilst other clubs have speeded by us with their scheming ways whilst ickle Owdem have missed trick after trick after trick.


We are where we are because various players haven't put the bloody ball in the bloody net often enough or kept it out of our own net enough. FACT.

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Yep, sounds like you feel much like I do......




Pre-season will get us though, as soon as Joe starts making signings.....we both know it will :lol:


With the Wardle investment now on indefinite hold it's by no means certain that Joe will be here at all!


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Can't say I'm surprised at what I'm seeing on here today regarding losing the faith. Hmm, I think it's time we dropped that motto, it seems absolutely ludicrous we can have that emblazoned on the back of our shirts, when it's clear people are losing theirs left, right and centre. Or at least have the players tuck the shirt in so's we can't see it.


I feel similar to Prozac, Derk, Cecere. Maybe not quite on the same level but if I found something else to do on Saturdays I would. I've already made the subconscious decision not to be going to the likes of Yeovil, Swindon, Colchester and Brizzle next season, and just go to new grounds for me, and local away games. I'm still to decide on getting a ST but that'll be financial reasoning if I don't.


I like going to games with me old man. Have a moan, win or lose, let off a bit of steam. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm getting to the point of not caring about results any more. It's just about seeing people, and going on the off-chance I see us pull off a rare spanking to someone.


The one thing I used to always know about Latics over the years, was that even if we get beat we'll not often roll over and die. It's come full circle now and we roll over and die far too often. I'll always look on the bright side, and think "At least we're not Grimsby, or Lincoln, or Chester, or Luton." But we will be, eventually.

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I can't think anyone is positive about what is going on at Boundary Park at the moment. The crowds are going to be significantly worse next season. I reckon, if it (the matchday experience) is anything like this season we'll break the 3,000 mark on many occasions. The budget is looking practically zero. We've no idea who the manager will be. Surely on this we can only afford Royle if he is doing it for nigh on free. Crossley would be cheap? No chance of a stadium that is going to be anything other than a :censored:hole for decades. No chance of promotion and in more likelihood, relegation. The pies are :censored: and run out before 10 minutes of the first game of the season. The rugby will mess up the pitch.


Ah, well. :censored: it, I'll just show up pissed and make my own scores up.

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I think Derek's summing up of the situation accurately reflects the views of many.

I just wonder how the club are going to sell season tickets for next season when the outlook seems bleak.

On the other side of the coin there will be many clubs next season in Div 1 worse off financially than Latics, so lets hope Joe finds a few some gems and the team plays some good attacking football culminating in at least the play offs.

Edited by BP1960
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