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Premeir league once again showing their disregard for the football league

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If this ever comes to pass watch this space for far east/american tours. You know for the break like.


They can always revert back to the real European cup, the one for champions and current holder only on a knock out basis. Hold on says Scudamore, we'd have too many spare evening slots then!

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As a fan of a premier league club its quite embarrsing, I dont understand the need to change something that works so well


I wouldnt want to come into the fa cup at a later stage and a winter break would be awful, pure greed the bloke is a grade A tool cant see it getting signed off though thank god.


Teams in the FL really would need to make a stand should it happen. Once again just hampers fans and yet he knows that premier league grounds will still be full regardless of what he does. I have been on the season ticket waiting list at Arsenal for 7 bloody years and still 8,000 off getting one


I was talking to old man about this and we both thing at some stage around the corner its going to go bust all this driving out the normal working class person, soon you will i think be able to buy tickets on the day at premier league grounds due to pure greed fans are starting to have enough of it. Im earning a good wage and even i struggle to justify paying £70 and then travel and food cost to watch us v spurs so, just plain wrong


One thing they should introduce is a system whereby all teams charge the same ie.


Prem games £35-45

Championship £25-28

League 1 £18-20

League 2 £15-18



Sorry to rant but wound up a tad by bulling tatics by Scudamore all the time and the premier league and the fa have no balls and just full of yes men, this is the exact reason why I have started going to more Latics games at least I am appreciated here and not just a number like at PL team.

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Football supporters empower the Premier League by funding the broadcasters.


That league only works because of the television money that is pumped into it. Take that away next week and League One will stand, the EPL will collapse.


I've flicked through Sky and the only thing that would make me purchase it, if I wasn't so heavily opposed to it, is the sports channels.


So pull the plug. However, saying that we then have to look at BT. They have thrown millions at securing rights. Virgin would step up and create their own sports channels if everyone scrapped Sky.


The league cannot be tethered so it will eventually come down to community clubs, which would take the opinion - going off supporters' general feeling towards certain aspects of English governance - that the top brass should be thrown out and HOPEFULLY impose a huge cap on televised football.


I did a module during university called 'The Business of Football'. The lecturer, although a good bloke, was one of these who loves all the money in the sport. He once said every game of football should be televised. It started a riotous debate because he didn't expect Oldham, Rochdale and other fans of those sorta clubs to be present.



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I certainly wouldn't want the greed of the Premier League and Scudamore to win out, but for the sake of the FA Cup I'd make some radical changes to the domestic cup competitions. I have very little time for the League Cup and only slightly more time for the JPT. The FA Cup could do with some alterations to make it more appealing. Be it pooling gate receipts for every team in each round, greater footballing motivation for winning it (e.g. a Champions League place as a Europa League place isn't that desirable anymore) or even scrapping replays (although as I recognise that the PL would cynically use it for extra word tours instead of a break and I'd not be in favour of that).


Would a "replay option" be a possibility? I.e. if both teams agree not to play a replay then they can settle the tie on the original date with extra time and penalties. The all Premier League ties would likely choose that option but if one side doesn't agree to it a replay must be played.

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If this ever comes to pass watch this space for far east/american tours. You know for the break like.


They can always revert back to the real European cup, the one for champions and current holder only on a knock out basis. Hold on says Scudamore, we'd have too many spare evening slots then!


Defo LAGS thats all that will happen personally if they reduced the number of silly pre season games on tour they play my other worry is that if we follow other leagues examples by having a single tie and giving the smalller teams home advantage fans like us could miss out on trips to say Anfield or other teams etc.

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The biggest problem with changing the way things are is the amount of money from overseas rights. The bigger that gets the less the EPL will give a toss about people who actually go to a game in the UK.


When Manchester United play live on Chinese TV, they get an average audience of 300 million. Hardly anyone can compete with that.


When the product becomes bigger than the Industry, then the product becomes the Industry

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Would a "replay option" be a possibility? I.e. if both teams agree not to play a replay then they can settle the tie on the original date with extra time and penalties. The all Premier League ties would likely choose that option but if one side doesn't agree to it a replay must be played.


Sorry - that's a shocker. Where do you draw the line? What if they agree to play five minutes each way, or an indoor five a side effort, or toss a coin? All entrants to a competition have to play to the same conditions.

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Scudamore once more trying to hammer another death nail into the football league clubs by taking away possible revenue via FA Cup replays. The sooner the rest of football stands up to these clowns the better.




Would love to see how they are going to predict which month to have -

Never work in a month of frozen Saturdays !!!!!!!!!

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There is all this talk about a winter break but why do they want it. Players will have to keep fit and as mentioned above other paying games will be arranged. How does it benefit England? The idea that PL, particularly English, players are at a disadvantage in the World and European Cup is shown up as nonsense when non-English players don't have a problem. PL players also now get 9 weekend (Monday to following Friday - some weekend) breaks per two seasons unless they represent their country.

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I would presume you'd put it late (late Jan) rather than early, incase it is bad later on.


If late:

Bad weather early: Play postponed games in Winter break.

Not bad: Take time off.


If early:

Bad weather late: Play three games a week, thus defeating the purpose.

Not bad: Play games as normal.

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I would presume you'd put it late (late Jan) rather than early, incase it is bad later on.


If late:

Bad weather early: Play postponed games in Winter break.

Not bad: Take time off.


If early:

Bad weather late: Play three games a week, thus defeating the purpose.

Not bad: Play games as normal.

Given that it's likely to be bad at some time or another they will get their break sooner or later. I would have thought the benefit of having it would be for them to fly out and due some warm weather training, but that would have to be planned.

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Let the top clubs clear off into a European greed league with no right to enter any domestic competitions, likely the TV subscription will be so high only the prawn sandwich brigade will be able to afford it.

The media will then look to the domestic scene for more affordable coverage.

Edited by BP1960
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The only way a winter break could benefit lower league clubs is by the Premier League fans coming to watch the likes of Oldham when their teams aren't playing and anyway, I'm completely opposed to the winter break, it tends to be the time when upsets happen most, when the pitch is wet and the better quality sides can't pass it around properly. Its dramatic.


The Premier League players should be the pinnacle of fitness, they should be able to play 2 times a week for the full year so I'll have non of this resting rubbish. Especially when you get League 1 and Championship sides playing MORE games in the season, including a lot of midweek fixtures and their facilities for medical care, nutrition schemes, sports sciences departments will be archaic in comparison to the Premier League sides player treatment schemes.


Scudamore is killing football at a lower level and it needs to be stopped. Surely the FA, as the governing body for every single team in England should recognise the impact it will have, and intervene. It must have more power than the Premier League does, exercising it is crucial otherwise it will be another huge blow to League clubs financial situations.

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The only way a winter break could benefit lower league clubs is by the Premier League fans coming to watch the likes of Oldham when their teams aren't playing and anyway, I'm completely opposed to the winter break, it tends to be the time when upsets happen most, when the pitch is wet and the better quality sides can't pass it around properly. Its dramatic.


The Premier League players should be the pinnacle of fitness, they should be able to play 2 times a week for the full year so I'll have non of this resting rubbish. Especially when you get League 1 and Championship sides playing MORE games in the season, including a lot of midweek fixtures and their facilities for medical care, nutrition schemes, sports sciences departments will be archaic in comparison to the Premier League sides player treatment schemes.


Scudamore is killing football at a lower level and it needs to be stopped. Surely the FA, as the governing body for every single team in England should recognise the impact it will have, and intervene. It must have more power than the Premier League does, exercising it is crucial otherwise it will be another huge blow to League clubs financial situations.


Point 1 might be an opportunity for the lowerleague clubs if a winter break happens then PL fans will need an alternative to get their football fix. While I won't expect to see an army of PL fans coming down sheepfoot lane if this occurs is does open up and opportunity and with no PL games it may give the FL more exposure in the national press.


The players don't need a rest which will be proved by them jetting out to the likes of the states, the far east or the middle east to compete in some glorified friendlies to help improve their global brand. It will be said it will benefit the England team but I doubt it very much as the PL was setup to strengthen the England team and in its 20 year existence England have only got beyond the last 8 in a major competition once and that was the one competition was being held in this country.


The PL and Scudamore don't give a damn about us I accepted this along time ago and I think its upto the FL to get their own house in order and don't expect any help from them.

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Let the top clubs clear off into a European greed league with no right to enter any domestic competitions, likely the TV subscription will be so high only the prawn sandwich brigade will be able to afford it.

The media will then look to the domestic scene for more affordable coverage.

I'm a Sky subscriber and can barely imagine life without it but I woudl happily cancel my ability to watch Premier league football. I can't do so without giving up coverage of otehr football, golf, cricket, racing rugby league etc. They have sports fans over a barrel.

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