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Good, sick of them waffling on about how they're going to right the previous :censored:e performance only to huff and puff and limp to another defeat. As someone put on Twitter the other day, couldn't ever see Andy Holden, Andy Barlow or Andy Ritchie tweeting about what they were going to do the next game, no they went out and just did it.

Edited by oafcprozac
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Never understood why people get so bothered about what the players put on Twitter. No-one is forced to follow them

Good, sick of them waffling on about how they're going to right the previous :censored:e performance only to huff and puff and limp to another defeat. As someone put on Twitter the other day, couldn't ever see Andy Holden, Andy Barlow or Andy Ritchie tweeting about what they were going to do the next game, no they went out and just did it.


Never understood why people get so bothered about what the players put on Twitter. No-one is forced to follow them.


I also think that there's a fair number of players from the 'pinch-me' years that would have used Twitter had it been available and would have been posting similar messages. The likes of Mike Milligan, Ian Marshall & Earl Barrett currently on it.

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I also think that there's a fair number of players from the 'pinch-me' years that would have used Twitter had it been available and would have been posting similar messages.


Anyone got some kerosine? #flamesarefun

Pass the kutchie and the lager and the women #reggae


Where's me kebab and me voddy, eh la? #3AMSaturdaymorning

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Ooh, Crofty, Wabara, Smith and Cisak have all tweeted tonight! The club's embargo has been lifted!!?!?! I wonder what insights we can glean from their tweets? Looks like Smith has a new phone, Cisak wants an xmas tree, Wabara wants an early night and I have no idea what Croft is on about.

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Gives some people something extra to moan about judging by some of the replies in this thread ;)


Matt Smith still tweeting tonight, it's interesting following him, he's so normal

@mattjpsmith: I think Winter has officially begun today! Baltic conditions from here on in in ⛄❄

Edited by stevesidg
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Here's a question... why do you follow the players? I can't imagine much worse filling my timeline...

It's twitter it's banal no matter who you follow (unless I'm following completely the wrong people in which case some recommendations would be good).


It gives me some decent gossip and stuff like that since I don't have any sources unlike most on here on the rare occasion that someone's source is accurate.

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Talking of players making there thoughts public. What's happened to Simpson's column in the Chron? Last year Taggart had a column every week but with Simpson it started off weekly, then not very often and now not at all.

uncanny correlation to him going missing on the pitch........!¡!
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Talking of players making there thoughts public. What's happened to Simpson's column in the Chron? Last year Taggart had a column every week but with Simpson it started off weekly, then not very often and now not at all.


From Twitter:


@Matt_chambers_: To nip in bud a forum rumour, @RobbieSimmo's excellent column has appeared every Thursday this season. Latest: http://t.co/AB6bwUwp #oafc

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