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Corney on 'Shirtgate'

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He hasn't yet decided whether to fine Smith. He said: “What people don’t realise is they don’t make one-off Oldham shirts. We can’t order 20, 50 or even 100– it has to be more. “It’s a case of just doing as you’re told and nobody does that. We are lacking in standards.”


Perhaps when he realises Baxter swapped his with Baines, it'll make his mind up.


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He hasn't yet decided whether to fine Smith. He said: “What people don’t realise is they don’t make one-off Oldham shirts. We can’t order 20, 50 or even 100– it has to be more. “It’s a case of just doing as you’re told and nobody does that. We are lacking in standards.”


Perhaps when he realises Baxter swapped his with Baines, it'll make his mind up.



And matt smith's equaliser had just earned the club another £300,000 or so


Take the point on standards, though sometimes you can make exceptions

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I am sure a fan will donate a shirt which can be used to print 14 and Smith on there.


Club promise to hand the shirt back to the fan at the end of the campaign signed by the team or Smith..


If I had a plain home shirt in his size Id be emailing the club.

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He hasn't yet decided whether to fine Smith. He said: “What people don’t realise is they don’t make one-off Oldham shirts. We can’t order 20, 50 or even 100– it has to be more. “It’s a case of just doing as you’re told and nobody does that. We are lacking in standards.”


Perhaps when he realises Baxter swapped his with Baines, it'll make his mind up.


I think yet again the club shows its' lack of vision. We are riding the crest of a wave at the moment, yet people are being turned away time and again from the shop when wanting to purchase replica shirts. The only sized available are the bigger sizes, Get them ordered, get them sold, the demand is there, build on the momentum there's no excuses now....FFS we've made over a million quid and we're whining about having to order a few boxes of shirts that are made in a Vietnamese sweatshop probably cost pennies to make and if they're costing us much more we should tell Guy Walker to :censored: right off!
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I think yet again the club shows its' lack of vision. We are riding the crest of a wave at the moment, yet people are being turned away time and again from the shop when wanting to purchase replica shirts. The only sized available are the bigger sizes, Get them ordered, get them sold, the demand is there, build on the momentum there's no excuses now....FFS we've made over a million quid and we're whining about having to order a few boxes of shirts that are made in a Vietnamese sweatshop probably cost pennies to make and if they're costing us much more we should tell Guy Walker to :censored: right off!


What that man said. Oh and whilst we're at it can we have those nice little kit hangers for your car window? They were cool.

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If Smith is fined - and I find it almost impossible to consider that he would be - then the national press would have a field day.


I know we are stuck for cash - but I am starting to get irritated by how the club seem to be using this point for PR.


Push it much further and we won't be the plucky underdog - we will be the laughing stock.


Note to Simon - try to keep the cringe inducing team notices away from TV cameras in future.

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From the Mirror


"Bar wars

Oldham are watching the pennies despite their money-spinning FA Cup run.

Journalists at Saturday evening's draw against Everton were given a voucher for a coffee and chocolate bar from the refreshment kiosk, which entitled them to a Double Decker - but strictly NOT a Mars Duo."

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Peter I hope that is a woooosh because anything less makes the club look fools. Oh wait a minute.......

Judging by the twitter conversation Messers Chambers and Keegan are having it is true and has been going on all season. Furthermore it seems that possibly Mr Keegan tried to swap his voucher for a pie at some point and was shot down.

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