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Not pleased with this.


That being said, it's done with now, so Chedwyn, stick 10-15 goals in the onion bag between now and the end of the season and that's a start at softening the blow.


Also, to those claiming they're giving their season tickets up, please PM me and I'll be happy to take them off your hands.

You do realise don't you that people saying they won't attend despite being season ticket holders are doing so out of moral protest?? Im a season ticket holder and will not be attending from here on in - the visual representation of that is my empty seat - why the :censored: would I give it to you or anybody else on here??? Edited by JWhite101
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The saddest thing about this is people walking away. I know a fella been going for donkeys, that's it, even binned his fleetwood ticket. One mate who has 2 kids with season tickets, finished, his lads bloody love going to the match.


Latics will be very very lucky if all these people return.


Whether you wanted Evans or not to see fellow fans having to make such a decision is awful. The more I hear of this the more I think the board have got this totally totally wrong. Didn't need to be our fans having to make these decisions.

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You do realise don't you that people saying they won't attend despite being season ticket holders are doing so out of moral protest?? Im a season ticket holder and will not be attending from here on in - the visual representation of that is my empty seat - why the :censored: would I give it to you or anybody else on here???

Plus they're non transferable so to do so would be illegal

Edited by JWhite101
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In other words I give this signing my full support as long as it costs me nothing to attend games

How'd you work that out you plum?


I'll attend anyway without a season ticket.

Edited by sjk2008
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You do realise don't you that people saying they won't attend despite being season ticket holders are doing so out of moral protest?? Im a season ticket holder and will not be attending from here on in - the visual representation of that is my empty seat - why the :censored: would I give it to you or anybody else on here???

It was tongue in cheek you bulb.

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I just don't feel right giving my money to the club when I am turning my back on it. Which is why I said whether it supports his wages or not.

On behalf of playershare and as a contributor myself, I can fully understand the dilemma and your reasoning my friend.


Thank you for your support and the help in bring in Big George in this season and those that have been gone before.


I will though look forward to the day, in not only taking your cash again, but that that we are both at BP and like the first time we met with a promise of a pie and a pint on me too

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Yours may we'll be but I've spotted several other posters spouting the same "give me your season ticket bull :censored:" I'm sure they aren't all joking

That being said, there's a squad full of players aside from Evans that need support right now, and that was before Evans signés.

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How many times does it need saying/explaining? This is one man in a world full of :censored:, :censored: happens daily and far worse in most parts of the world

Football is a game and secondary to most important things in life that really matter

FFS get a grip and make your own choices but realise everything surrounding this is bloody way OTT and driven by the media with every tom dick or harry throwing in their fourpenneth


Simple: GO or DON'T go but stop moaning about it

I also recognise your observations of the world, however if you want a new tomorrow then you have to make new choices today. I have chosen to no longer attend Boundary Park as it will now add to all the hate in the world, I will no longer wear a Latics shirt (as I have worn with pride for 40 years) as it will inevitably invite constant mocking and discussion of an abhorrent crime.


To those who continue to keep the faith, I sincerely wish you well especially in your struggle to drive through the changes necessary to revive the Family Club image we once had.


To the current Board could promise that you will do the next media announcement dressed up as a clown with a carrot stuck up your arse as it will make you look more professional.

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That being said, there's a squad full of players aside from Evans that need support right now, and that was before Evans signés.

Then people can support them and I will wish the team the best but I'm afraid experiences in both my professional and personal life mean I simply can not actively support a team with Ched Evans in it - I love watching oldham and in no way could I ever contain myself when they score - if it's evans boot that scores it would make me sick - sorry but that's where I am I won't be going and my season ticket will remain unused and the club can resell my seat next season

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Yes my knee jerk reaction re Ched was how most people would think of a rapist and certainly would never want such a person anywhere near Latics.

Since Latics have become embroiled in the circus I started to look into all aspects of the issue.


I would never condone such behaviour that was admitted did occur & it repulses me, consequently until all comes out in the wash,& we get to know the true character CE is I don't think I will wildly cheer or chant his name.

I will attend & support our club, because this club needs our support when times are good and especially when under pressure like now.


I will cheer for Latics if he scores & politely nod, or clap Ched if he scores, nothing more, out of respect for supporters who don't believe we should have signed him. Out of respect for people who think he is a rapist. Out of respect for the girl involved and what she has been subjected to since.

I was going to use the word victim but I'm not because im not 100% sure she was at the time.

Infact in similar situations some could argue the person in Ched's shoes was the victim, both possibly intended at the time and consequently in light of what he has gone through. It's tricky.


Anyway on reflection of the information available I have a major doubt in my mind the conviction was correct.


Consequently from a more informed position I have changed my opinion and am quite comfortable with Ched Evans playing for us, until I see otherwise.



I hope SC and LJ & others at the club do not get hounded out by people I think have looked at the situation from a hysterical, knee jerk point of view.

I respect others who disagree but

I will support Simon & Lee because I believe in them, their intentions and thank them for the obvious effort and hard work they have done since joining, in helping stabilise & turning round Oldham Athletic and giving me hope again.

I firmly believe they have the best interest of our club at heart.


I respect others who disagree, with politeness and not hysteria; and hopefully vice versa can be said.


So let's ALL get behind Lee Johnson, Simon Corney and OUR club, work together, stand together and weather this difficult storm together in camaraderie if not singing from the same hymn sheet.

Do not desert your club.


Well put H66,this is my first post on this topic and you couldnt of put it any better +1
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Dont be so bloody pompous.

Excuse me, how am I being pompous!?


I'm asking a :censored:in question....


Many of you will have paid to watch that rapist fight? So where does the morale compass end? Just where you feel it effects you personaly?

Edited by palmer1
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If we time travel back to 2006 and there is a vote on boycotting games due to Chippy masturbater Gregan signing and you'd not been since the 90's then yeah.

But I have a picture of Mr Gregan and I at an end of season event and I even asked if I could pinch his arse and he said yes...so I did and just to clarify I am a woman.


My moral compass and lack of support of my club during the masturbation period speaks volumes.hmmm


And of top it all, my mother in law loves Cliff, so I love how you make my day.....off the topic I know.


Thanks for your posts

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On behalf of playershare and as a contributor myself, I can fully understand the dilemma and your reasoning my friend.

Thank you for your support and the help in bring in Big George in this season and those that have been gone before.

I will though look forward to the day, in not only taking your cash again, but that that we are both at BP and like the first time we met with a promise of a pie and a pint on me too

Its a sad state of affairs Tracey, you seemed a nice person and that was confirmed once when I met you! It is a great pity that you, I and it would seem several others now feel that we cannot attend. I will review my position once that grubby little owner sells out-if it ever happens, because he has spent 10 years running the club into the ground but still chases a quick buck regardless of the damage he continues to do to the business.

It seems that all 6 Directors agreed on the decision, well if you appoint yes men to the Board that does tend to happen!

Well Mr Corney you have taken my beloved club to the gutter and made me embarrased to be a Latics fan-the thing is you dont seem to even care about my opinion or that of many other supporters of many years standing. We were here before you and hopefully some will still be here many years after you.

I have received 2 invites foc from customers/friends to go to Rochdale and Man :censored:ty in January. I dont really want to be at either! I want to be at Boundary Park cheering on the best manager we have had for many a year. How long will he be here now?

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Yep, no matter what Barry does it appears he will be slated on here.

I have no involvement with him or much knowledge.

Iin his interview he came across as someone who'd been trying to help sort this out for the last few days, considerately updating the media & not ignoring them or the fact they've been stood around in the cold all this time.

The gesture to inform them directly of new updates to save them hanging around came across as another considerate gesture.


So what if he didn't wear a suit, in his casual clothes I thought it looked more real than the pretentious pontifications of some PR trained chimp in a posh suit.


Had enough of this slagging off of Simon too.

His interview with the Jewish Chronicle came across very well and is probably a wiser choice than the hysterical British gutter press.

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Some people on this site need to get a grip. The media are blowing this thing totally out of proportion. We are not signing a serial rapist who's dragging women off the street and taking them up an alley (no pun intended), this is something that was a result of a drunken night gone wrong. There will be people reading this who, if they are being honest, could have put themselves in the same position Evans did and would themselves have been convicted under the current legislation. I'm not agreeing with what he did but he's paid the price for it. I personally would not have signed him purely for the :censored: it would bring with him but I'm starting to admire Corney for having the bottle to do it. Before some of you pass comments on the situation read up properly on the case and on the judge's comments and some of you will actually think you might have been in a similar situation with a woman and in trouble under today's laws.

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Ched Evans' situation is quite uniquely toxic, in this era of social media.


Cynically, these sponsors are getting great publicity, and anyone, Joe Bloggs, has an ideal platform to vent anger.


But seriously, there have been some great pieces from our fans with genuine and logical reasons as to why they are uncomfortable with this - not just snap remarks pointing to why he hasn't admitted guilt while he's appealing, or expressing regret when any legal adviser would be in his ear every second saying not to say anything that would jeapirdise his appeal.


He's already served 30 months in prison after bring handed a punishment deemed fit under our legal system. If you have faith in the jury's verdict, and the surroundings of that, you have faith in the legal system also. It's part of the accountability of our society.


But the right to rehabilitation is also part of our society, ethics, and democratic values.


How much more should Ched Evans (and I'm not painting him as the victim) be punished - based on social media fuelled clamour.


People are saying he shouldn't not be allowed to play football again, but....... They're actually saying he can't. Hartlepool, Tranmere and us all said that initially.


Okay so 'you' get what you want, you get what that politician reportedly wants and rules are changed, just in a reaction to this specific instance and he can't play football again - despite the law and right to rehabilitation saying otherwise.


What then?


He tries to play for a Conference team. Still decent money. Sponsors and fans threaten to pull out. Club can't afford that. He's welcome to play football, just not here and on a professional wage.


He tries to play for a local counties team. Their sponsors then pullout - not welcome here, but he can play somewhere else...


He tries a pub team. The pub's customers threaten to not go there anymore... He's welcome to rehabilitation, just not here - or in football.


He tries to be a bricklayer? Customers of the firm boycott and protest. He can do a career, but not this one.... What's so special about football - how insulting to think that we're a profession that accepts (high-profile) convicted rapists.


So just what can he do...?


His career is irrelevant under the law. Are we saying the law is a law but not if he wants a lucrative career as a footballer?


Again, I'm not saying he's the victim in this.


But do we want to live by our values and democratic ways or not. If we obide the law, we have to obide by the right to rehabilitation. And people who are pursuing and identifying the victim are subject to the law too.


Is it right that a public clamour - a power making it's debut perhaps with Evans in the form of it being social media fuelled - can can add to a punishment, through law, to the point where we are at present - when we're basically saying this guy can't do anything, or work anywhere, when what we think we're just saying 'not in my back yard'?


Just putting this out there - largely what some of the national journalists are debating today...

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I do wonder if the circumstances about the case affect people's opinion. Does the factor he is a footballer and that his girlfriend and her family have stood by him make people feel more strongly against him?

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Yes my knee jerk reaction re Ched was how most people would think of a rapist and certainly would never want such a person anywhere near Latics.

Since Latics have become embroiled in the circus I started to look into all aspects of the issue.


I would never condone such behaviour that was admitted did occur & it repulses me, consequently until all comes out in the wash,& we get to know the true character CE is I don't think I will wildly cheer or chant his name.

I will attend & support our club, because this club needs our support when times are good and especially when under pressure like now.


I will cheer for Latics if he scores & politely nod, or clap Ched if he scores, nothing more, out of respect for supporters who don't believe we should have signed him. Out of respect for people who think he is a rapist. Out of respect for the girl involved and what she has been subjected to since.

I was going to use the word victim but I'm not because im not 100% sure she was at the time.

Infact in similar situations some could argue the person in Ched's shoes was the victim, both possibly intended at the time and consequently in light of what he has gone through. It's tricky.


Anyway on reflection of the information available I have a major doubt in my mind the conviction was correct.


Consequently from a more informed position I have changed my opinion and am quite comfortable with Ched Evans playing for us, until I see otherwise.



I hope SC and LJ & others at the club do not get hounded out by people I think have looked at the situation from a hysterical, knee jerk point of view.

I respect others who disagree but

I will support Simon & Lee because I believe in them, their intentions and thank them for the obvious effort and hard work they have done since joining, in helping stabilise & turning round Oldham Athletic and giving me hope again.

I firmly believe they have the best interest of our club at heart.


I respect others who disagree, with politeness and not hysteria; and hopefully vice versa can be said.


So let's ALL get behind Lee Johnson, Simon Corney and OUR club, work together, stand together and weather this difficult storm together in camaraderie if not singing from the same hymn sheet.

Do not desert your club.


hedge66, I respect that you have the moral issue in your mind when you are looking at the evidence. And I can see you are being very even handed in your treatment of the for and against arguments. Could I ask what various sources you have looked at in your research to change your mind?
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Some people on this site need to get a grip. The media are blowing this thing totally out of proportion. We are not signing a serial rapist who's dragging women off the street and taking them up an alley (no pun intended), this is something that was a result of a drunken night gone wrong. There will be people reading this who, if they are being honest, could have put themselves in the same position Evans did and would themselves have been convicted under the current legislation. I'm not agreeing with what he did but he's paid the price for it. I personally would not have signed him purely for the :censored: it would bring with him but I'm starting to admire Corney for having the bottle to do it. Before some of you pass comments on the situation read up properly on the case and on the judge's comments and some of you will actually think you might have been in a similar situation with a woman and in trouble under today's laws.

I've read every part of the case and can honestly say I never had or never would be in Evans' position - and im sorry to be drunk to the point of wetting the bed isn't a crime - shagging someone in that position is especially when you've made a special trip from home to do it

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Excuse me, how am I being pompous!?


I'm asking a :censored:in question....


Many of you will have paid to watch that rapist fight? So where does the morale compass end? Just where you feel it effects you personaly?

Once you start swearing it possibly shows that you are losing the argument. No i didnt pay to watch Tyson. I wouldnt pay to watch a concert by Tax fiddling Gary Barlow but that is more probably because I think he is a crap songwriter rather than his differences of opinion with HMRC. Does that affect my moral compass? No!

If a moral compass isnt personal then what on earth is it? If you are struggling to understand my decision to not attend matches that is your problem, just dont try to come out with some comparisons that in your mind are relevant just to avoid the reason behind my decision.It is a free country and I have made my decision, just as you are free to make your own decision. I will not judge you for it as that would be self-important/overbearing/arrogant, in other words, pompous!

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