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I agree.


There'll be some interesting info to come with the official announcement I reckon.


Hopefully it will be genuine & make us all fell better about the whole thing......

It will all be above board and wholesome, remember we are a professional club, we do things right here...

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Well he did re-offend although nothing like as serious as his first conviction so not a total success. Doesn't mean you don't try though!


Genuinely unaware. What did he do? I thought that whilst on parole any offence would have seen him back inside?


A glaring ommision or two from that analysis.


Please add your thoughts. Genuinely interested, don't always follow the local news and message boards as closely as at other times.

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Thought all that had been scrapped after the Tevez affair ?

Thought all that had been scrapped after the Tevez affair ?

Not looked into it but think Tevez situation broke Premier League rules. Not sure about Football League rules. Call me a cynic but this al looks like a cooked up situation for others to financially benefit rather than Oldham. One player who hasn't played for 3years is not going to get us into the Champonship, if it coincides with more new faces this transfer window then I will consider it a genuine push for promotion. If not, then I will continue to suspect that the club is being used to carry the flak for others to line their pockets.

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On the subject of his girlfriend / fiance (if that is what she now is) they say love is blind.


She must really love him to have stuck by him through this - even if (as I presume she must) she believes that he is innocent and he did not rape the girl in question, he did think it was OK to go and have sex with another girl he didn't know with his mate and with mates filming it through a window.


Whilst I can just about accept this - people in love can and do forgive all sorts of indiscretions - what I find almost impossible to understand is why her Dad is standing by him.


How can he - again though he beleives Ched didn't commit rape - be supportive of a man who treated his daughter like that? He isn't blinded by love, and must therefore surely think that even with Ched's story being true he is a scumbag cheat who he wouldn't want to be with his daughter?


Nowt as queer as folk eh?

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Genuinely unaware. What did he do? I thought that whilst on parole any offence would have seen him back inside?



Please add your thoughts. Genuinely interested, don't always follow the local news and message boards as closely as at other times.

He was found guilty of common assault and fined £500. There was an allegation of sexual assault originally but that was dropped.

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On the subject of his girlfriend / fiance (if that is what she now is) they say love is blind.


She must really love him to have stuck by him through this - even if (as I presume she must) she believes that he is innocent and he did not rape the girl in question, he did think it was OK to go and have sex with another girl he didn't know with his mate and with mates filming it through a window.


Whilst I can just about accept this - people in love can and do forgive all sorts of indiscretions - what I find almost impossible to understand is why her Dad is standing by him.


How can he - again though he beleives Ched didn't commit rape - be supportive of a man who treated his daughter like that? He isn't blinded by love, and must therefore surely think that even with Ched's story being true he is a scumbag cheat who he wouldn't want to be with his daughter?


Nowt as queer as folk eh?

By the sounds of it, maybe he thinks he can make a few quid out of him.

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All the active OWTB staff are in work all day, so moderation is usually driven from reports, if the community don't report it, odds on we won't see it unless we stumble across something when we're trying to catch up at points in the day. Acks has mentioned this a few times in posts, and I am aware of Z and Stevie posting 'let's keep it civil' remarks when things seem to be getting out of hand, but of course you may not have read these probably because of the same reasons as us.


Also, let's not forget that you can't see what we've already removed, and there is a lot.


I dare say there is a lot of truth in that. I also appreciate you'll miss some stuff for the reasons given, however I also think we all know that some people are afforded better consideration than others. Please don't insult my intelligence, now matter how limited that maybe explaining that isn't true.


In the main most are treated fairly. Plus the mods job certainly in torrid times like these are neigh on impossible I will concede.

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Fair do's, though I suppose the crime he was rehabilitated into society for was a driving offence and not assault but that is splitting hairs.


Anything whilst with us?

Some of his finishing was criminal.

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you will all be back within a month

but I understand your stance

I've skipped a few pages of this - as Zorrro kindly did the Moderation - and so sorry if people have already said it.


But, this simply isn't true. Look at the closure of the Lookers or the signing of Hughes for examples - people who stop coming quickly fill their lives with other things, and giving those up to come back (especially if success is not forthcoming!) is very hard to do. OAFC0000 divides opinion on here, but is a prime example of someone who stopped coming and before he could even contemplate coming back (no matter what you think of his reasons for not going) he had a wife, child and responsibility beyond his desire to attend.


Once they're gone they're exceptionally hard to recover! And that could be the biggest problem with this move (excluding the moral issues)!

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And is happy for his daughter to be the vehicle for that - nice


In this whole strange and distorted situation, it is probably the actions of this man that I actully find the most hard to understand.


The rest of it I can understand, if not agree with.


I can understand her forgiving him - people in love do strange things

Given the warped nature of the culture Ched was spending time in (mates videoing other mates having threesomes) I can see how he got himself into a situation that other's wouldn't

Given the past record of the human race I can understand someone in that situation crossing the line and committing a crime

I can understand that he might have a different opion on that than the court and the victim (these types of crime are less clear cut than others)

I can understand a footballer wanting to work in the game again enough to put up with the inevitable abuse

I can understand a football club taking the risk to sign him because of (a) his percieved ability, and/or (B) a potential financial benefit, and/or © a belief that people deserve a second chance.



But her Dad stadning by a man who treated his daughter like that? Even if he stood to make some money out of it (he surely has enough)? I canot get my head round that.

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I've skipped a few pages of this - as Zorrro kindly did the Moderation - and so sorry if people have already said it.


But, this simply isn't true. Look at the closure of the Lookers or the signing of Hughes for examples - people who stop coming quickly fill their lives with other things, and giving those up to come back (especially if success is not forthcoming!) is very hard to do. OAFC0000 divides opinion on here, but is a prime example of someone who stopped coming and before he could even contemplate coming back (no matter what you think of his reasons for not going) he had a wife, child and responsibility beyond his desire to attend.


Once they're gone they're exceptionally hard to recover! And that could be the biggest problem with this move (excluding the moral issues)!


I agree completely.


I have never stopped going since I was about 13, and I am 39 now. Despite going to university and moving away from home I have still managed to keep my season ticket and attend a good number of games - I have always managed to stay within a 2 hour drive meaning that both Saturday and weekday matches are possible (though a late night drive home after extra time and penalties in the LDV tested me to the limit).


But I have seen many friends that have stopped for one reason or another, and they very quickly fill their lives with other things. And suddenly being asked to stump up £22 seems like a big deal.


I know that without a season ticket, and without the fact that it is something that I do with my Dad and mates, that I would have drifted off over the last 15 years or so when its been poor. Very poor.


I am certain that if I got out of the habit something else would fill the void.


Its one of those things that when you are in the middle of it, it seems so very very important and can take over and fill your thoughts. But take a step out for a bit and you realise that actually its not as important in the grand scheme of things as it can seem.

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Very simply Josh, the way that I see it Corney believes that we will become (virtually) self sufficient once the new stand is completed but he has run out of money to complete it and get in tenants. £2M would enable a speedier build and therefore, Corney believes, not a permanent loss making entity. He is willing to sell our soul to achieve the completion of the stand because without it we are snookered forever

This has been my reasoning behind it, SC is up :censored: creek without a paddle and has sold the clubs soul for a quick buck. Not fit to 'run' a football club IMO.

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I've skipped a few pages of this - as Zorrro kindly did the Moderation - and so sorry if people have already said it.


But, this simply isn't true. Look at the closure of the Lookers or the signing of Hughes for examples - people who stop coming quickly fill their lives with other things, and giving those up to come back (especially if success is not forthcoming!) is very hard to do. OAFC0000 divides opinion on here, but is a prime example of someone who stopped coming and before he could even contemplate coming back (no matter what you think of his reasons for not going) he had a wife, child and responsibility beyond his desire to attend.


Once they're gone they're exceptionally hard to recover! And that could be the biggest problem with this move (excluding the moral issues)!


Ackey is spot on...

When you go every weekend from being a kid its just accepted that is what you do on a Saturday. My wife never questioned it and even started coming along as well despite not being from the town and now has a huge soft spot for us.

Once I stopped coming, Saturdays where filled with other activities, and then our children where born... I now attend Swimming lessons, ballet lessons, visit national trust sites, museums and so on with the family on a Saturday.

How do I go back from that ? Sorry love pencil me out of every Saturday between August and May I am off to the Football with the lads... The reality the only way I come back is with said family in toe.

I said to my wife if she could imagine me taking our kid to the Football this weekend. Our child is just about old enough to start thinking about it. She said over her dead body. Which is a combination of our life changing as a family and this weeks events (mainly this weeks events). But it would still be hard to convince her why I was choosing to go to the Football with the older child over spending time with her and the younger child.

Once you stop... Its very hard to go back...

Wait for the "you are just making excuses" replies *rolls eyes*

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