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The EU referendum - 23rd June


The EU referendum  

216 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the UK to leave or remain in the EU?

    • Leave the EU
    • Remain in the EU
    • Currently undecided

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Quote of the day from a German MEP .

" The UK will get no favours in their Brexit negotiations.We do not want this to spread to other countries if they see the UK getting favourable deals.

There is a growing tide of anti EU sentiment and if must be stopped"


Er - listen to yourself and ask WHY !!!!!!

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The exchange rate with the USD has not changed today?

When the markets closed on Thurs night if was roughly 1.37.

Then the greedy sheep in the city tried to fill their boots on a remain vote & the rate shot up overnight to 1.50.

Cue brexit and the greedy boys panic and the exrate plummets back to 1.37 today's close which is the same as Thurs close!!!!!

It was 1.43 at the start of the year it's been dropping for months on the uncertainty of the referendum, we are going to see quite abit of uncertainty in tbe markets over the next few months\ years.


Let's see what next week's budget tells us and probably, more importantly the first one of Michael Goves reign as chancellor tells us. Their doesn't appear to be alot of optimism around though.

Edited by GlossopLatic
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Quote of the day from a German MEP .

" The UK will get no favours in their Brexit negotiations.We do not want this to spread to other countries if they see the UK getting favourable deals.

There is a growing tide of anti EU sentiment and if must be stopped"


Er - listen to yourself and ask WHY !!!!!!

JCJ other day knowing people want change in the EU and that is why the referendum has come about chose to say you've got the best deal you're getting. That's it. Deal with it ha

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Amazing the chaos 17 million Brits can cause in the stock markets around the world - EU particularly hard hit.


Amazing how the chaos in stock markets round the world causes all the friends of remain to say measured and sensible things rather than the doom and gloom.


Congratulations to my fellow voters who resisted the Government, the Political Class, every Institution and Big Business and has saved us from the mess of the failing EU and the EU superstate.


We will have our Country back!

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We've Farage, Boris and no plan.


And I wouldn't be surprised if the new P.M. bottles it and doesn't trigger article 50

Especially if it's Boris, he changes his mind on the EU with some regularity and he didn't look too pleased to have won.

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We've Farage, Boris and no plan.


And I wouldn't be surprised if the new P.M. bottles it and doesn't trigger article 50

What are you even talking about? Farage has one MP, and he thinks Farage is a :censored:. The government will negotiate for the best trade terms available, or go with none or perhaps the EFTA half way house if they are better than what's on offer. You won't even need to know it's happening if you don't care to look. The Kraken is not about to rise out of the Thames and eat Parliament

Re: article 50 it remains (see what I did??? Geddit???????) what shape the left behind rump is in at the end of 2 years.

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Are MPs really so dumb that they couldn't see this coming.

The more the EU try to integrate others the more resentment builds to the breaking point we now have.

They are now saying that the UK can go and the EU will integrate more to make it even stronger.

The more they do this the more if will divide nations and when the next one decides to vote out they will blame the UK.

Brussels has to wake up to the fact that they are breaking the union up with their relentless march towards a full federal state.

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What are you even talking about? Farage has one MP, and he thinks Farage is a :censored:. The government will negotiate for the best trade terms available, or go with none or perhaps the EFTA half way house if they are better than what's on offer. You won't even need to know it's happening if you don't care to look. The Kraken is not about to rise out of the Thames and eat Parliament

Re: article 50 it remains (see what I did??? Geddit???????) what shape the left behind rump is in at the end of 2 years.


No, but we're looking :censored:ing stupid.



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Tim Farron, Jeremy corbyn both need to go aswell as they supported remain.

Spoken like a true Thatcherite. PM digs himself a hole and falls into it, but manages not to take Scotland with him

Corbyn faces vote of confidence from a couple of Blairites. In 8 hours a petition for him to remain attracts 115669 signatures (yeah we know its all Tories.)

David Cameron seeks a mirror image. He is hoping to get 8 votes on his petition to stay within 115669 hours. And the Tories are supposed to be the clever ones!

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Are MPs really so dumb that they couldn't see this coming.

The more the EU try to integrate others the more resentment builds to the breaking point we now have.

They are now saying that the UK can go and the EU will integrate more to make it even stronger.

The more they do this the more if will divide nations and when the next one decides to vote out they will blame the UK.

Brussels has to wake up to the fact that they are breaking the union up with their relentless march towards a full federal state.

Exactly. The B of E had a plan B. Vote leave was not in government, and could not instigate any kind of plan, so it was pointless offering things they couldn't deliver. The plan had to come from the government and there should have been one.


I heard Junker and others in Brussels demanding that we instigate Article 50 immediately. Typically they are still trying to tell us what to do. The new prime minister will decide when this is done, when we have formed a negotiating team and decided how to go about it.

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Spoken like a true Thatcherite. PM digs himself a hole and falls into it, but manages not to take Scotland with him

Corbyn faces vote of confidence from a couple of Blairites. In 8 hours a petition for him to remain attracts 115669 signatures (yeah we know its all Tories.)

David Cameron seeks a mirror image. He is hoping to get 8 votes on his petition to stay within 115669 hours. And the Tories are supposed to be the clever ones!

To be fair to Corbyn, he is the only party leader who definitely got the result he wanted in the vote
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As bad as both campaigns have been during this referendum so has the media , even now after the event they still continue scare stories.

The UK has voted out and that's how it is - democracy .

We now all have to rally round and show that now we are no longer tied to the EU apron we truly are a global country in a global market.

The world is a small place now and being tied to a limited downturning economic community is also dragging this country with it.

The young ones voted to stay because they know nothing better and the older ones voted to leave because they don't like what we have turned into

whilst part of the EU.


Previous UK governments and bureaucratic EU members have created a complete and utter mess of not only Europe but the middle east as well that has lead to complete chaos with immigration.

We now need strong leadership to guide us through the next few years and i for one thing that all these weak party leaders should go.

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As bad as both campaigns have been during this referendum so has the media , even now after the event they still continue scare stories.

The UK has voted out and that's how it is - democracy .

We now all have to rally round and show that now we are no longer tied to the EU apron we truly are a global country in a global market.

The world is a small place now and being tied to a limited downturning economic community is also dragging this country with it.

The young ones voted to stay because they know nothing better and the older ones voted to leave because they don't like what we have turned into

whilst part of the EU.


Previous UK governments and bureaucratic EU members have created a complete and utter mess of not only Europe but the middle east as well that has lead to complete chaos with immigration.

We now need strong leadership to guide us through the next few years and i for one thing that all these weak party leaders should go.

Young ones voted to stay in because they know nothing better. Round of applause for that one fella, Goebbels at his finest.

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When you go to Oldham games you can see we don't have the cleverest supporters the ground is filled with casual racists and people who would struggle to gain a basic GCSE.
Wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the leave voters in oldham chose leave because they thought we could 'get rid' of muslims. How ill-informed you all are.

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To be fair to Corbyn, he is the only party leader who definitely got the result he wanted in the vote

Corbyn going will be the one good thing about this election Britain now needs a strong opposition to hold government accountable. Under Corbyn Labour were weak and timid he never asserted himself on the debate unlike Sadiq Kahn who clearly did.


However it's Dan Jarvis that Labour need to turn too now. Former soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan and son of a Nottinghamshire miner he will get the working class back onside plus he's not as anti business as Corbyn so he will unite both wings of the party. We need someone who can keep Johnson and Gove on their toes if this has a chance of working.

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Young ones voted to stay in because they know nothing better. Round of applause for that one fella, Goebbels at his finest.

Probably sounds worse than I intended to say.

Anybody under 40 has only ever known being in a country that is part of the EU. They dont know any difference so they voted to stay within their comfort zone , understandable.

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Jarvis is from the Blairite right wing of the party, the wing that the membership rejected when they voted for Corbyn. Liz Kendall came last in the leadership and she is probably closest to great white hope Jarvis politically.


He may be able to lead another party but I don't think he would get the leadership of the current Labour party.

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Probably sounds worse than I intended to say.

Anybody under 40 has only ever known being in a country that is part of the EU. They dont know any difference so they voted to stay within their comfort zone , understandable.

Maybe they voted for unfettered access to live and work in Paris, Barcelona, Munich or Milan. Rights they have now been denied by those too old to consider such things, we should hang our heads in shame.

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Corbyn going will be the one good thing about this election Britain now needs a strong opposition to hold government accountable. Under Corbyn Labour were weak and timid he never asserted himself on the debate unlike Sadiq Kahn who clearly did.


However it's Dan Jarvis that Labour need to turn too now. Former soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan and son of a Nottinghamshire miner he will get the working class back onside plus he's not as anti business as Corbyn so he will unite both wings of the party. We need someone who can keep Johnson and Gove on their toes if this has a chance of working.

Corbyn is a Socialist-get used to it!

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Maybe they voted for unfettered access to live and work in Paris, Barcelona, Munich or Milan. Rights they have now been denied by those

too old to consider such things, we should hang our heads in shame.

Utter bollocks,

People like you have been blinded with all the remain drivel.

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When you go to Oldham games you can see we don't have the cleverest supporters the ground is filled with casual racists and people who would struggle to gain a basic GCSE.

Wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the leave voters in oldham chose leave because they thought we could 'get rid' of muslims. How ill-informed you all are.

I have made that very point to a few people.

Plus a lot of muslims have a vote and they have probably voted leave to make room for more of their own nationality to enter the UK

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