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I don't think there are too many examples of those supporters. Perhaps those who have moved to London from the town they were born in. It's certainly no coincidence that a lot of clubs have an extra 50-100 supporters in the away end when we're in London.


If I met an Oldham/Brentford supporter I'd understand - not like it, but understand. But if anyone supports a club in the EPL I couldn't tolerate it, especially if they fund that other club.


Those supporters keep the status qou in tact. But as I say I think they're rare. Those who support a big club and live miles away are the worst of the lot.

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I don't think there are too many examples of those supporters. Perhaps those who have moved to London from the town they were born in. It's certainly no coincidence that a lot of clubs have an extra 50-100 supporters in the away end when we're in London.


If I met an Oldham/Brentford supporter I'd understand - not like it, but understand. But if anyone supports a club in the EPL I couldn't tolerate it, especially if they fund that other club.


Those supporters keep the status qou in tact. But as I say I think they're rare. Those who support a big club and live miles away are the worst of the lot.

This is what amazes me about Latics stupid NUS policy. Lots of people move away from home for the first time to go to uni. We have one of the largest university cities on our doorstep and yet we still insist in fannying around about NUS cards, just in case people try to get in with dodgy ones or ones they get by virtue of doing a module or night-classes. If we promoted it properly and timed the promotion right we could find a new fanbase some of whom might return.

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This is what amazes me about Latics stupid NUS policy. Lots of people move away from home for the first time to go to uni. We have one of the largest university cities on our doorstep and yet we still insist in fannying around about NUS cards, just in case people try to get in with dodgy ones or ones they get by virtue of doing a module or night-classes. If we promoted it properly and timed the promotion right we could find a new fanbase some of whom might return.


Couldnt agree more - no need for it to be such a hassle at all!

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That would be the Amalfi coast which is 200 miles from Turin. It would be like supporting Arsenal but living in the area and going to watch us. As I understand it, Juve are the Man U of Italy, as they have lots of fans from outside Turin. Also I would guess his local Amalfi coast side have never played Juve in the league, unlike us. When I, like many others I would guess, started supporting Oldham we were on a par with a poor United side and a less good than currently City side. It did used to be popular for fans of one club to go watch someone else lower down regularly. Whilst it may have happened a bit with Oldham and City, as we played at home on alternate weekends, City's club was usually Stockport who moved their home games regularly to a Friday night as a result.


Quite a few Blackburn and Burnley fans use to go watch Accrington when they where non league who switched games to a Friday.

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If I met an Oldham/Brentford supporter I'd understand - not like it, but understand. But if anyone supports a club in the EPL I couldn't tolerate it, especially if they fund that other club.


I think I'd think an Oldham/Brentford fan a bit weird. Can't see why anyone woudl subject themselves to more of the same having been landed with a small club, probably by accident of birth!

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I think with a lot of people who move to another part of the country and end up going to watch another team on a regular basis it's more down to convenience more than anything. When in Sheffield I chose to watch United instead of Wednesday because United offered cheap tickets, I also used to watch Stockport occasionally because some of my mates follow them and I decided to go with them for something to do on a Saturday afternoon

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I'm going to hazard a guess that the average age of posters on this thread doesn't begin with a 1 or a 2 :shifty:


I'm nearly a 4!


I've mellowed a lot over the last 10 years or so, in my 20s if we lost then that was it, my weekend was ruined, no point in my girlfriend even trying to talk to me on the Saturday evening, Sunday was a possible depending on how bad the defeat was. Now, I clap the lads off whatever happens and by the time I'm at the Broadway roundabout I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of my evening.


I think we will see a fair few kids with red and light blue shirts on this season, at a tenner you can't blame their dads for bringing them to BP at that price. We might even convert a couple over the course of the season. We're not in a position to be turning anyone's money down.

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I'm nearly a 4!


I've mellowed a lot over the last 10 years or so, in my 20s if we lost then that was it, my weekend was ruined, no point in my girlfriend even trying to talk to me on the Saturday evening, Sunday was a possible depending on how bad the defeat was. Now, I clap the lads off whatever happens and by the time I'm at the Broadway roundabout I'm looking forward to enjoying the rest of my evening.


I think we will see a fair few kids with red and light blue shirts on this season, at a tenner you can't blame their dads for bringing them to BP at that price. We might even convert a couple over the course of the season. We're not in a position to be turning anyone's money down.


I echo that.

I used to be a nightmare and it would seriously ruin my weekend if we'd lost playing crap - so I had a lot of ruined weekends!!

Now, I still care passionately; but by the time Im on my way home a swift one in the Range after the game, I'm usually over it and the weekend isn't affected as it used to be.

I think it's called growning older?

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My main team are Oldham. It annoys me sometimes when we lose, depends on the situation. Doesn't spoil my weekend though.


My second team are Liverpool. I actively look for their results, smile when they win, frown when they lose. I wish I'd been in Istanbul in 2005.


My third team are Palace. I go to see them about half as much as I watch Oldham. Similarly to Liverpool, I smile when they win and frown when they lose. I went to Old Trafford to see them beat United. I cheered for them; not against United.


Being detached geographically helps, as does getting older, as does being a perennially poor side.


Basically, just do what you want, follow who you want and don't give a :censored: what anyone else thinks.

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I don't have a problem with fans coming watching latics as their ' second club ' After all, it all adds to our coffers.


As for the other way round, i'm afraid i'm old school, there's only one club for me and always will be. I have no desire to go and watch anyone else.


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Only two teams for me: Oldham and Oldham reserves!


I'm 24 and i hate both United and City (City more recently). When you and your Latics supporting mates go to school with a load of gobby, scruffy Manc wannabes (also doesn't help having a dirty red as an uncle) giving it the big i am because of who they were, (in keegan's tone) 'i love it, i love it' when either get beat.


Loved it when we beat City 1-0 after getting a weeks worth of score predicitions all heavily favouring City in school.


Loved it being in the same pub as my uncle (who was with a load of other reds) when they got dicked 6-1 off of City and seeing those smug grins gone.


I'd never wish any of them go bust though. Only one team gets that dubious honour: MK Franchise.

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I think it depends where you have been brought up.


At uni my mate was a Hull City fan but when he was a kid he also supported Sheffield Wednesday (when they were one of the top clubs). When I asked why, he said it is normal for people in Hull to support another club, because a) Hull were usually routed to the bottom division and people also liked to watch good football and b its the only team around, so everyone in Hull "supports" Hull anyway making it extra boring for lads (and lasses!) at school in the pub when debating football, if you all follow the same team.


I think for older people there is less issue with supporting different teams as well. My dad is in his 60's and just enjoys watching football, he has been an Oldham season ticket holder for years, but he is a Carlisle fan but his original club was Workington before they went out of business, so he didnt have a choice he had to support a new team. Living in the lakes they also went over to watch Newcastle and occaisionally up to Scotland too!


I think it is quite a modern thing to be proud to support or only go and see one club. I know City fans in Manchester who go and watch teams all over the place when they can't get to City.


My second team is Chester - I haven't seen them for a long time, as I am never out that way any more, but if I get the chance will always go see them play and cheer them on.

That's interesting I grew up in Whitehaven and my first ever football match was as a Workington supporter I then followed Carlisle in the 70s and moved to Manchester and supported united. When I got married and moved to Oldham started going to laticsmarra with my wife and have been a season ticket Holder since.although I have soft spot for carlisle
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I think it depends where you have been brought up.


At uni my mate was a Hull City fan but when he was a kid he also supported Sheffield Wednesday (when they were one of the top clubs). When I asked why, he said it is normal for people in Hull to support another club, because a) Hull were usually routed to the bottom division and people also liked to watch good football and b its the only team around, so everyone in Hull "supports" Hull anyway making it extra boring for lads (and lasses!) at school in the pub when debating football, if you all follow the same team.


I think for older people there is less issue with supporting different teams as well. My dad is in his 60's and just enjoys watching football, he has been an Oldham season ticket holder for years, but he is a Carlisle fan but his original club was Workington before they went out of business, so he didnt have a choice he had to support a new team. Living in the lakes they also went over to watch Newcastle and occaisionally up to Scotland too!


I think it is quite a modern thing to be proud to support or only go and see one club. I know City fans in Manchester who go and watch teams all over the place when they can't get to City.


My second team is Chester - I haven't seen them for a long time, as I am never out that way any more, but if I get the chance will always go see them play and cheer them on.

That's interesting I grew up in Whitehaven and my first ever football match was as a Workington supporter I then followed Carlisle in the 70s and moved to Manchester and supported united. When I got married and moved to Oldham started going to latics with my wife and have been a season ticket Holder since.although I have soft spot for carlisle an man it'd latics are number 1
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Call me a football snob, but the minute someone tells me they're a United fan (less so with City, but on the same spectrum), I can't help but switch off a little bit when having a conversation with them about football. United and City are shoved in our faces 24/7 through the media and my immediate thought is "I've been bored already with everything they're going to tell me on Sky Sports, 5 live, etc, and I don't want to hear it again". Generally, they don't believe that teams exist outside the Premiership, so with such ignorance, why should they get the privilege of looking into our world?


There doesn't seem to be much pride in Latics at the moment, mainly down to years of event-less seasons. The predictability of it all has numbed my enthusiasm a bit, but I hope we'll never get to the stage where we have to welcome City and United shirts to Boundary Park with open arms, just to raise literally a couple of quid. That City legends day we had the season before last was just cringe-worthy - there's having a good relationship with them and then there's surrendering what little dignity we have.


If their fans want to come and see what it's all about off their own back then brilliant and they're welcome to come along to offer their support Latics. I can't really get on board with making special attempts to attract United and City fans to come and sit in our ground in their own colours, though.


I also actually still have hope that we will meet in the league again one day - teams like Blackpool and Wigan have got there and probably didn't have accommodate rival fans in doing so.

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I am and will only ever be a gooner BUT i got hooked on latics easy, I used to watch the arsenal easy 15-20 a season but costs made that imPossible


When I met my gf she was from a latics family they all had season tickets so as I love football started going along and naturally my Interest grew


We live in Gloucester and my gf moved here 3 years ago we have been together 4 years, on 2nd July this year I brought my 1st ever latics St and I have made contributions regularly to player share to help the club


But to clarify I am and only ever will be a gooner but players like evina and Dickov massively increased my interest

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I can see where your coming from Joe if I had the choice between talking to a football fan of one of the top 6 in the prem or someone from the bottom 6 of league 2 I would pick the league 2 fan everytime. I could share their experiences of away trips, big cup ties, and teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. What I would here from those who support the top 6 would most likely be what I hear on Sky.


My hatred for the manchester clubs has diminished quite alot over the years infact sine about the time that Man united won the treble in 1999, the same year city won promotion with a certain Paul Dickov scoring an important goal which coincided with us having one of our worst seasons ever I've really learned not to give a F@ck what they think. Whether they win or lose means nothing to me.


Its fair to say us Oldham fans get a tough time of it at School as we are very much in the minority and for those of us brought up outside of Oldham its certainly doesn't get any easier. I'm 29 now and their really isn't many insults that any united or city fan can throw at me that would bother me. "Oldham are :censored:" Really! cobblers and there was me thinking it was the champions league for us this season I will go and cry myself to sleep over the fact that Lionel Messi may never swap Barcelona for a 2 bedroom terrace in Royton.


That said I have absolutely no problem with United and City fans coming watching us although the idea that we should give them discounts to come down in their united and city shirts is deplorable really. Its a case of identity do what we can to get people through the gates but their should be certain boundaries and core principles here they should be coming down to watch Oldham Athletic at the home of Oldham Athletic.

Edited by GlossopLatic
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My main team are Oldham. It annoys me sometimes when we lose, depends on the situation. Doesn't spoil my weekend though.


My second team are Liverpool. I actively look for their results, smile when they win, frown when they lose. I wish I'd been in Istanbul in 2005.


My third team are Palace. I go to see them about half as much as I watch Oldham. Similarly to Liverpool, I smile when they win and frown when they lose. I went to Old Trafford to see them beat United. I cheered for them; not against United.


Being detached geographically helps, as does getting older, as does being a perennially poor side.


Basically, just do what you want, follow who you want and don't give a :censored: what anyone else thinks.


That's because you are a nasty little :censored:house sell-out, with no loyalty and obnoxious attitudes. The North is better off without you.


I bet you listen to drum and bass too don't you? God I hate you.

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Leaving stabbing Zorrro aside (I have that covered), what really pisses me off is people thinking that I hate City because of their new money. As if I didn't hate them before?


All welcome with cash, but we can't compete head to head so we have to be a distinct alternative to the massive clubs, we will only get long term fans who take pride in supporting us in (because of) adversity, not as someone else's mate

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