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No Contract Offered

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1. Lee Croft@croft72m

Thanks 4 all the msgs off the oafc fans... Bit confused ova the article in the paper this morning. Iv had a great year @ the club n dont...




2. Lee Croft@croft72m

Want things 2 end on this note. 4 the record, i did not turn down a contract, ther was no contract put infront of me or any negotiations.




3. Lee Croft@croft7


I had a meetin with the gaffa @ the end of the season n discussed an offer verbally but nothin was ever put in writing.



4. Lee Croft@croft728s

I.E length of contract etc... If there was issues with the deadline set, then that is between the club n my agent, i had no dealings with..


5. Lee Croft@croft7


..The club since i met with the manager afew weeks ago. Iv thoroughly enjoyed my year @ oldham n thank the fans 4 all there support thru out

6. Lee Croft@croft7


N as i said dont want things 2 end on this note as im sure the article this morning would have raised afew eye brows.

7. Lee Croft@croft7


I would like 2end with wishing the club n the gaffa all the best 4 nxt season, im sure it will b a successful one, thanks again 2 everyone x

Edited by razza699
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A contract can be offered verbally. He's had discussions with the manager and an offer was 'discussed verbally'.


I can't be arsed to look at the website but I'm sure it says terms were offered when they announced those retained and released.


Quite frankly if he hasn't got back to the club because he hasn't had a letter in the post then he's a complete :censored:ing idiot.

Edited by jsslatic
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1. Thanks 4 all the msgs off the oafc fans... Bit confused ova the article in the paper this morning. Iv had a great year @ the club n dont...


2. Want things 2 end on this note. 4 the record, i did not turn down a contract, ther was no contract put infront of me or any negotiations


3. I had a meetin with the gaffa @ the end of the season n discussed an offer verbally but nothin was ever put in writing.


4. I.E length of contract etc... If there was issues with the deadline set, then that is between the club n my agent, i had no dealings with..


5. ..The club since i met with the manager afew weeks ago. Iv thoroughly enjoyed my year @ oldham n thank the fans 4 all there support thru out


6. N as i said dont want things 2 end on this note as im sure the article this morning would have raised afew eye brows.


7. I would like 2end with wishing the club n the gaffa all the best 4 nxt season, im sure it will b a successful one, thanks again 2 everyone x

Edited by OAFC_Ryan
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Playing devils advocate, do you think Croft was LJ's type of player or whether LJ actually wanted him to stay?


From what I recall he criticised Croft within hours of arriving as manager regarding the earring. He then said in press this week that there's load of RMs available. Just that certain comments imply that they didn't see eye to eye with one another.


I agree though that Croft is a fool not to have chased up this "offer" if they club claimed one was tabled. If he was expected the club to chase him then that's his prerogative but an arrogant one.

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He knew there was a contract offer on the table! He doesn't want the fans thinking bad of him from what he has said there he has rejected us and signed for another league 1 team. Do you not think he would have said something before if a contract wasn't offered. Crofty I smell bull....

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A contract can be offered verbally. He's had discussions with the manager and an offer was 'discussed verbally'.


I can't be arsed to look at the website but I'm sure it says terms were offered when they announced those retained and released.


Quite frankly if he hasn't got back to the club because he hasn't had a letter in the post then he's a complete :censored:ing idiot.

I agree but it works both ways. If the club wanted to keep him and have moved on without presenting a concrete offer then they're :censored:ing idiots too.
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1. Thanks 4 all the msgs off the oafc fans... Bit confused ova the article in the paper this morning. Iv had a great year @ the club n dont...


2. Want things 2 end on this note. 4 the record, i did not turn down a contract, ther was no contract put infront of me or any negotiations


3. I had a meetin with the gaffa @ the end of the season n discussed an offer verbally but nothin was ever put in writing.


4. I.E length of contract etc... If there was issues with the deadline set, then that is between the club n my agent, i had no dealings with..


5. ..The club since i met with the manager afew weeks ago. Iv thoroughly enjoyed my year @ oldham n thank the fans 4 all there support thru out


6. N as i said dont want things 2 end on this note as im sure the article this morning would have raised afew eye brows.


7. I would like 2end with wishing the club n the gaffa all the best 4 nxt season, im sure it will b a successful one, thanks again 2 everyone x

and now for our English viewers.....

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Playing devils advocate, do you think Croft was LJ's type of player or whether LJ actually wanted him to stay?


From what I recall he criticised Croft within hours of arriving as manager regarding the earring. He then said in press this week that there's load of RMs available. Just that certain comments imply that they didn't see eye to eye with one another.


I agree though that Croft is a fool not to have chased up this "offer" if they club claimed one was tabled. If he was expected the club to chase him then that's his prerogative but an arrogant one.

I think LJ has probably got more sense than to write a player off because he wears an ear-ring; I certainly hope so. And I read the comment about RMs as an attempt to apply some pressure on Croft to sign.
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Player of the year, 50 odd games, very disappointed with latics if true. Possibly a communication error with his manager but we should have offered a contract out of respect even if we know that it was way below what he would accept.

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If you ask me the offer was made verbally, it was up to Croft to get back in touch so negotiations could start. I can't imagine a club sitting down saying:


"There's our offer," and printing out a new copy every time an amendment is made. If I was to guess I'd say it's more likely to be:


"Our offer is......get back to us and we will draw up the contract."

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I agree but it works both ways. If the club wanted to keep him and have moved on without presenting a concrete offer then they're :censored:ing idiots too.


Not really. If LJ has sat him down and said we're offering you a one year deal at £x, let me know by 4pm on 23rd May then he doesn't need a letter in writing before he can mull it over.


I've had a contract offered to me at work and told to think about it and get back to them. I wouldn't expect to have to wait for an offer in writing.


Let's put it this way - if they offered him a deal, he accepted and then the club said actually they've changed their mind, he, or his agent, would be jumping up and down saying that it had been offered verbally and didn't need to be in writing (which would be correct). He's full of :censored:.

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Croft knew about the deadline and it sounds like he's trying to slam the lack of communication on his agent and the club. If he really wanted to stay, he would've been more involved in contract discussions. Seems like a verbal offer was offered out of courtesy but, like others have pointed out, LJ and LC have history.


The OS have made Lee Croft look like a liabilty and it was only right that he had his say.


Who knows what to believe? Who cares?

Edited by excharnwoodlatic
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I've had a contract offered to me at work and told to think about it and get back to them. I wouldn't expect to have to wait for an offer in writing.

But, if they were keen, most employers wouldn't simply walk away without following up, if they didn't hear from you.
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Croft knew about the deadline and it sounds like he's trying to slam the lack of communication on his agent and the club. If he really wanted to stay, he would've been more involved in contract discussions. Seems like a verbal offer was offered out of courtesy but, like others have pointed out, LJ and LC have history.


The OS have made Lee Croft out to look like a liabilty and it was only right that he had his say.


Who knows what to believe? Who cares?


this for me. If he'd have really wanted to be here he could have chased it up more with the club. I'm sure he has LJ's number and could have got in contact. I guess this is what happens when you let everything go through your agent, stuff gets lost in translation or doesn't get translated at all!

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Not really. If LJ has sat him down and said we're offering you a one year deal at £x, let me know by 4pm on 23rd May then he doesn't need a letter in writing before he can mull it over.


I've had a contract offered to me at work and told to think about it and get back to them. I wouldn't expect to have to wait for an offer in writing.


Let's put it this way - if they offered him a deal, he accepted and then the club said actually they've changed their mind, he, or his agent, would be jumping up and down saying that it had been offered verbally and didn't need to be in writing (which would be correct). He's full of :censored:.


He's said there was no length of contract discussed. Guess work to suggest he's talking bollocks. We won't know what's gone on but it's not fair to assume he's been dishonest, even if there's been a communication breakdown. Seems like there's an underlying issue as neither party seem bothered about talking.


Either way, Croft comes out of this with some credibility. He's not slated anyone and has at least left without being a cock. Good player during both stints.

Edited by longtimeblue
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LC receives verbal offer--leaves it with his agent to improve it with Latics or someone else--or doesn't tell agent--if agent fails to do either LC should have known--or agent is a plonker-- or LC is a plonker because he sat on the verbal offer and said and did nothing. Morse would soon get to the bottom of this.

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