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Where are you Mr Corney?

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If Corney makes an announcement, does that mean we get some extra points?


You spout on about your experience and knowledge in football, but I've never seen a chairman's announcement rewarded with points, but maybe you know different?

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FFS ... give the bloke a break!


Whatever money that's generated from cup runs, player sales and other streams is used to fund... day-to-day running costs including staff salaries, subsidising losses from poor gates, match day costs, servicing debt and helping fund the building of the new stand... that leaves the grand sum of £0 or, dare I say, a deficit that goes into the pockets of Corney, Blitz or Gazal.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know our club's income is either equal to or less than our outgoings...and that's before Corney dips his hand in his pocket to support LJ in wheeling or dealing to add extra faces to the team.


We'll only succeed by increasing our playing budget through extra income generated from this new stand...and that's the only extra source of income!! However extra income created extra budget doesn't guarantee success!!!


Alternative is to succeed by unearthing talent that is improved via a decent manager and coaching staff. We can't afford finished articles and whilst we've been fortunate to have the likes of Tarkowski and Baxter we need to sell them because one player doesn't make a side so we've cashed in one player to bring in three or four.


Talking of managers...you either place your faith in a manager and give them time..like we have done now...or chop and change hoping one delivers success. The latter has proven not to work so we've reverted to the former again. The key is patience but how quickly does that evaporate and Corney is back as the anti-Christ now!!!


Now I actually met Corney recently and had a brief chat with him. All I can say he came over as extremely genuine, a fan of the club and wants the club to succeed. He's confident LJ is the right person and possesses the qualities of a young, hungry and ambitious manager that over the long term will deliver success to the club. Players are the key and without a crystal ball, acquiring successful players at our level and in our budget is more trial and error than guaranteed success. We're reliant on each and every player being consistent as we don't have the luxury of an equally strong player for each position in reserve.


Truth is that succeeding at our level and with our budget is pure luck! Excluding the likes of your Wolves, Sheff Utd etc then clubs at our level will excel one season, get promotion but ultimately get relegated. Equally, they'll get relegate, succeed and then return to League One. We've been fortunate - but equally frustrating - that we've consistently stayed in this league longer than any other. You can't fault this apart from relegation and then promotion giving some excitement...but that promotion isn't guaranteed if we were relegated so I know what I'd prefer!


Sorry for the long-winded response but Corney has been an unlucky owner in a division when a club is heavily reliant upon luck or good fortune. He's not a leech sucking the club dry but someone who wants success, trying to achieve it within our means without risking liquidation or extinction but, hey, let's not let facts get in the way of good old conspiracy?!


EDIT - stuff this Koukash resurgence of what if...MK was using the club for his own publicity and when he was asked to put up or shut up then he did the latter. Money doesn't guarantee success at our level, especially without the infrastructure or fanbase so only a lunatic would spend millions on team, stadium etc expecting a short or medium term return. To seriously strengthen our team would require an injection of cash that would take years to pay back regardless of a new stand or not...

Edited by Midsblue
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If Corney makes an announcement, does that mean we get some extra points?


You spout on about your experience and knowledge in football, but I've never seen a chairman's announcement rewarded with points, but maybe you know different?

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All I asked was why he isn't a prominant as last season when he reacted to fans by firing Dickov?..is it not a deafening silence from the top man?

No not really! Christ if he said something every time this message board got it knickers in a twist he wouldn't have time to :censored:!


As I recall most where telling him to shut up when we were hearing from him thevfella can't do right for doing wrong can he?

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Simon probably is even more worried than we are. Like most people he thought the squad would would keep us up this season and his attention has been the new stand. I didn't expect a point from the last two games but I did expect more from the team. We actually had enough chances to win or draw both games but nothing from our strikers and goals given away.


I don't think loan players are now the answer. Who will be available? It is down to the players we have and the manager getting the best out of them. It has to be Wilson and Lockwood in centre with Grounds on the left. Millar, Mellor and Winchester shouldn't even make the bench - Millar our one goal striker and Winchester and Mellor who are so error prone.


I know lots of people like to knock our captain, funny thing they did the same to Furman, but put yourself in his place. He has to keep an eye on our defence who are prone to make mistakes and create opportunities for strikers who can't convert.

Edited by Hands on
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Korey Smith create oppurtunities ? enlighten me please. And if you think we had enough to get anything out of the last two home games I must be watching a different game the reality is we were well beat and preston and rotherham didnt have to move out of second gear.

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Korey Smith create oppurtunities ? enlighten me please. And if you think we had enough to get anything out of the last two home games I must be watching a different game the reality is we were well beat and preston and rotherham didnt have to move out of second gear.


I know things dont l;ook good at the moment but please give it a rest


I wont comment on the Rotherham games as worked late however Preston had to work very hard for their win on Saturday regardless of what you say, their keeper was worked a good number of times especially in the 2nd half. One big difference was they took their chances we didnt and when we were on top we had a man sent off. Why do Oldham fans rewrite history to put a negative spin on things?

How many times have you scouted Preston or Rotherham to know how many gears they have?

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if you yhink we were a patch on preston thats up to you granted rudd made a couple of good saves but so he should as the away keeper, compare the league games away at both teams to the :censored:e served up in the past week and you may get an idea of why there is so much concern, other than harkins worldy who even looked like scoring on saturday ? preston always had a extra man, men over on the flanks in attack and generally made us look what we are piss poor, if you see that as bollocks tough :censored:.

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if you yhink we were a patch on preston thats up to you granted rudd made a couple of good saves but so he should as the away keeper, compare the league games away at both teams to the :censored:e served up in the past week and you may get an idea of why there is so much concern, other than harkins worldy who even looked like scoring on saturday ? preston always had a extra man, men over on the flanks in attack and generally made us look what we are piss poor, if you see that as bollocks tough :censored:.


we lost all of them! what does the performance matter, we wont get any points for looking good and we didnt in the away games did we?


I even started a thread about the fullbacks being at fault for Saturday but I was shot down by many for that.


You said Preston didnt have to get out of first gear to beat us, That s just plain wrong and negative for the sake of it.. I didnt think we deserved a win dont get me wrong although Im sure you will, however 3-1 or 4-1 (if they had scored the pen) was harsh IMO based on actual chances created. Baring in mind their 3rd was against 10 men and had to hit both post to find the net. It also came after a 5 minute spell before JCH was sent off that we dominated for the first time and were their keeper had to make an oustanding stop from Smith (a chance that was highlighted on tv......but OK first gear and all that because you need to make sure you post neagtive bollocks in every single thread!

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negative bollocks to you is reality to me like Ive said we were well beat Saturday and outclassed even Johnson said as much is he talking bollocks ? again on tuesday it was the same couple of good chances but on the whole poor from 1 to 11 they were better, its not bollocks a couple of month ago I was saying the same I havent jumped on the bandwagon I saw it coming its my view and in some of what ive said ive been proved to be right like I think we will go down because of bad decisions made at board level, one final point as i have seen us home and away all season we did lose at preston and rotherham away but we looked like a team we were organised disciplined fashioned chances and showed some balls now we have none of that we were losing to the odd goal not rolling over and having our bellies tickled on the bp turf like I say my opinion and im entitled to it the same as you.

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