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The EU referendum - 23rd June


The EU referendum  

216 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the UK to leave or remain in the EU?

    • Leave the EU
    • Remain in the EU
    • Currently undecided

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Polls are rather in favour of staying in (more so than any election errors in the other polls). Financial markets think it is a done deal as well, with the pound doing much better in time for the holiday season.


My guess is the pensioners have :censored: it, when the thought of their money going AWOL appeared.

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Polls are rather in favour of staying in (more so than any election errors in the other polls). Financial markets think it is a done deal as well, with the pound doing much better in time for the holiday season.


My guess is the pensioners have :censored: it, when the thought of their money going AWOL appeared.

Don't think so. Pensioners know lies when they here them.

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Polls are rather in favour of staying in (more so than any election errors in the other polls). Financial markets think it is a done deal as well, with the pound doing much better in time for the holiday season.


My guess is the pensioners have :censored: it, when the thought of their money going AWOL appeared.

Pensioners ain't frit.

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Just seen this on FB and it made me chuckle -


"friday's going to be amazing! i'm going to wake up in my Union Jack jim-jams to the sound of a squadron of Spitfires racing overhead and leaving a trail of hot buttered crumpets behind them

I'll run to the corner shop past all the british children who are laughing and squealing with excitement as they make a beautiful statue of the queen out of happy wriggling bulldog puppies - with two corgis for her eyebrows!

bunting flutters everywhere and the man from the betting shop steps into the street - "guess what! England just won the World Cup & The Ashes & The Grand National and here's the best bit - Boris put a bet on it for everyone! you're all MILLIONAIRES!!!"

the red arrows fly overhead dropping fish and chips as i walk into the corner shop, get my morning paper and go to the counter. "how much please?" i say to the asian lad there. "1 pence, everything in the whole shop now costs just 1p!" he laughs, "leave it on the counter, i'm off back to pakistan - we all are!"

and he's right! outside in the streets jolly old nigel farage is leading a huge crowd of happy foreigners - turks, poles, romanians, syrians - there's even a few English people with heavy suntans mixed up in there! nigel's playing Rule Britannia on a long pipe, rather like the pipe that takes the gas into your oven, and they're all following and smiling and talking foreign, bless them!

just then boris flies overhead in a concorde made of Bank of England gold - "don't worry!" he laughs "I've cut out all the bits the French made!" and with that he crashes into the ground at 1200 miles an hour, along with the economy, the country and all the dozy nostalgic foreigner-fearing :censored:wits who fell for his bull:censored:.

grow up. wake up.


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Just seen this on FB and it made me chuckle -


"friday's going to be amazing! i'm going to wake up in my Union Jack jim-jams to the sound of a squadron of Spitfires racing overhead and leaving a trail of hot buttered crumpets behind them

I'll run to the corner shop past all the british children who are laughing and squealing with excitement as they make a beautiful statue of the queen out of happy wriggling bulldog puppies - with two corgis for her eyebrows!

bunting flutters everywhere and the man from the betting shop steps into the street - "guess what! England just won the World Cup & The Ashes & The Grand National and here's the best bit - Boris put a bet on it for everyone! you're all MILLIONAIRES!!!"


the red arrows fly overhead dropping fish and chips as i walk into the corner shop, get my morning paper and go to the counter. "how much please?" i say to the asian lad there. "1 pence, everything in the whole shop now costs just 1p!" he laughs, "leave it on the counter, i'm off back to pakistan - we all are!"

and he's right! outside in the streets jolly old nigel farage is leading a huge crowd of happy foreigners - turks, poles, romanians, syrians - there's even a few English people with heavy suntans mixed up in there! nigel's playing Rule Britannia on a long pipe, rather like the pipe that takes the gas into your oven, and they're all following and smiling and talking foreign, bless them!

just then boris flies overhead in a concorde made of Bank of England gold - "don't worry!" he laughs "I've cut out all the bits the French made!" and with that he crashes into the ground at 1200 miles an hour, along with the economy, the country and all the dozy nostalgic foreigner-fearing :censored:wits who fell for his bull:censored:.

grow up. wake up.


What :censored:ing planet are you on because it ain't this one.......I could argue the same for you and Cameron and his :censored:. So what was the point apart from dragging the debate down with insults.

Let's cheer on the Netherlands, France, Italy and Sweden towards their own referendums and bring this corrupt, unelected, self serving monolith to it's knees.

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Can we have a new option of neither? I decided in the end that I couldn't vote for either so drew my own box with ":censored:ed either way" and put my X in there, put it in the ballot box and finally felt content.


I think remain will squeak it.

Farage will claim a 'huge victory", "the people have spoken, but the metropolitan elites have fixed it....." We'll have years and years of bitter and open re-runs of this last 6 months which has seen some of the very worst people have to offer.

We're all :censored:ed.

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What :censored:ing planet are you on because it ain't this one.......I could argue the same for you and Cameron and his :censored:. So what was the point apart from dragging the debate down with insults.

Let's cheer on the Netherlands, France, Italy and Sweden towards their own referendums and bring this corrupt, unelected, self serving monolith to it's knees.

What have you got the hump for - I was sharing something that made me laugh. Or is humour banned in the right-wing, isolationalist, zionist, climate-change denying, muslim-hating, regressionalist "out" camp that you appear to belong to???

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What have you got the hump for - I was sharing something that made me laugh. Or is humour banned in the right-wing, isolationalist, zionist, climate-change denying, muslim-hating, regressionalist "out" camp that you appear to belong to???

That kind of reply does you few favours.

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What have you got the hump for - I was sharing something that made me laugh. Or is humour banned in the right-wing, isolationalist, zionist, climate-change denying, muslim-hating, regressionalist "out" camp that you appear to belong to???

Right wing....so that includes Dennis Skinner, Kate Hoey and Jeremy Corbyn (if he hadn't sold out his principles).

Climate change denier.....clutching at straws with that one.

Zionist.....ok....supporter of the only democracy in the Middle East as opposed to Hamas terrorists.

Muslim hating.....no, I hate everybody.

Isolationist....now that is funny....we in the "out" camp believe that the world should be an open-marketplace whereas you stand firmly within a narrow-minded group that penalizes success and rewards failure.

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Have voted out but think remain will win 52-48%.
Hopefully it will make the powers that be realise that the EU must change , big style.

No chance. Cameron has already been told that he got everything possible. An out vote would have a better chance of bringing the EU to its senses. if in win it will be business as usual - steady direction to more unification.

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this last 6 months which has seen some of the very worst people have to offer.

We're all :censored:ed.

Indeed and I hope we don't have another one for a while it's been very divisive. While it's been passionately argued on this thread I think we've kept it fairly reasonable. As stated I'm very much remain those who vote to leave I disagree with you but it's a democracy and you're entitled to that opinion.


Roll on next month when we are all arguing about our new manager and new signings or Corney's leadership the north stand and if we've paid the staff on time.

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