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How long will it take?

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I am sure I am not the only one of the group who is desperate to see Latics turn the corner,  reverse the downward spiral and start looking up again.


From this worse season in living memory, potentially the second worst in Latics 125 year history (assuming we don't actually finish bottom) what will we be left with realistically to start the new campaign?  Does anyone see anything in terms of laying a foundation at the club that will improve our lot in the short term but also build a future for the club that this generation and hopefully future generations can enjoy for years to come?


This season I would settle for staying up and having a key squad of maybe 8-10 players left who will form the basis of next season's team. These can be supplemented by maybe 3-4 of our own youth team if ready and then some decent recruitment of players with the right character and fit into what Latics need, not necessarily the best players available but the best fit for us.


How long will it take for Latics to start moving forward again as a club in a healthy positive environment and with secure foundations that will underpin our future sustainability?   

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21 minutes ago, unsworth blue said:

I am sure I am not the only one of the group who is desperate to see Latics turn the corner,  reverse the downward spiral and start looking up again.


From this worse season in living memory, potentially the second worst in Latics 125 year history (assuming we don't actually finish bottom) what will we be left with realistically to start the new campaign?  Does anyone see anything in terms of laying a foundation at the club that will improve our lot in the short term but also build a future for the club that this generation and hopefully future generations can enjoy for years to come?


This season I would settle for staying up and having a key squad of maybe 8-10 players left who will form the basis of next season's team. These can be supplemented by maybe 3-4 of our own youth team if ready and then some decent recruitment of players with the right character and fit into what Latics need, not necessarily the best players available but the best fit for us.


How long will it take for Latics to start moving forward again as a club in a healthy positive environment and with secure foundations that will underpin our future sustainability?   

I don’t think we’ve bottomed out yet. Some may see that as scary. Personally I can’t wait for the day when the only way is up. Treading water is boring, and soul destroying. 

It will and needs to get worse, before we turn the corner. 

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7 hours ago, League one forever said:

I don’t think we’ve bottomed out yet. Some may see that as scary. Personally I can’t wait for the day when the only way is up. Treading water is boring, and soul destroying. 

It will and needs to get worse, before we turn the corner. 


I've got to agree - it's only going to get worse if things carry on the way they are. Let's not forget, there are divisions (plural) beyond League Two. This week's confirmation that we're operating at a loss of £150k to £200k per month propped up by a multi-million pound director's loan is more than worrying.

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34 minutes ago, pinevillawill said:


I've got to agree - it's only going to get worse if things carry on the way they are. Let's not forget, there are divisions (plural) beyond League Two. This week's confirmation that we're operating at a loss of £150k to £200k per month propped up by a multi-million pound director's loan is more than worrying.

Hopefully Kieran Maguire does get free reign to scrutinise those books to understand where all this debt has amassed - is it legacy from Corney or perpetuating from Lemsagam’s mistakes.


Only way is up as going down isn’t conceivable for me as too many below us and, dare I say, performing even worse.  Administration is still a strong possibility unless Abdallah does actually have the wealth and funds to spend our way out then write off those loans.  

Last 18-24 months has been a mess on and off the field - Abdallah needs to overturn his mistakes.  Recent signings show this could be happening - quality over quantity, dumping deadwood and focus on domestic, proven players rather than overseas, raw gambles.  Cherry on top is a change in manager to dictate a more attacking, attractive play on the pitch; play to Rowe’s strengths that delivered his prolific history in front of goal.

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2 hours ago, pinevillawill said:


I've got to agree - it's only going to get worse if things carry on the way they are. Let's not forget, there are divisions (plural) beyond League Two. This week's confirmation that we're operating at a loss of £150k to £200k per month propped up by a multi-million pound director's loan is more than worrying.


Apologies for my lack of knowledge on this topic. Can someone who has experience in this field explain how the directors loan works?


ie. Can the lender at any time ask/enforce for the debt to be re-payed, and if it can't be what happens next?



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51 minutes ago, Londonboy said:


Apologies for my lack of knowledge on this topic. Can someone who has experience in this field explain how the directors loan works?


ie. Can the lender at any time ask/enforce for the debt to be re-payed, and if it can't be what happens next?



Nobody knows. They're on whatever terms are agreed and to all intents and purposes there's only one man involved.

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The question for me is just how long can Abdallah continue to plough in £200k per month, exclusive of any new signing and the subsequent wages of those signings?


Surely he just can’t keep this up?

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10 minutes ago, sjk2008 said:

The question for me is just how long can Abdallah continue to plough in £200k per month, exclusive of any new signing and the subsequent wages of those signings?


Surely he just can’t keep this up?

The million dollar question isn't it. He seems to spend a lot of time away now, so i'm partly assuming to keep his business interests running.
I know there is talk of making us sustainable, but at this rate it's going to take some time.

It still amazes me, taking it at face value for a second, that an agent can be so profligate on wages. We seem to be paying doubel the wages for half as good players. Yet they stted some were on low wages. Many questions on the back of that, as well as the obvious ones.


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34 minutes ago, sjk2008 said:

The question for me is just how long can Abdallah continue to plough in £200k per month, exclusive of any new signing and the subsequent wages of those signings?


Surely he just can’t keep this up?


Its completley unsustainable and when you consider the size of that loss probably means we are struggling to be in the target of FFP and that we have one of the biggest wage bills in the division which when you consider the strength of the squad is laughable.


If PTB have another meeting they should ask about the size of the wage bill.


Personally I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with Summer of Hell mark 2 in 2020 and he does a runner Chris Moore style. That will be the point where we bottom out, From there it will be a long road to recovery it could take a couple of years even if their is a recovery.

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1 hour ago, sjk2008 said:

The question for me is just how long can Abdallah continue to plough in £200k per month, exclusive of any new signing and the subsequent wages of those signings?


Surely he just can’t keep this up?

Depends how much money he's got and if he wants to do I guess.

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30 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:


Its completley unsustainable and when you consider the size of that loss probably means we are struggling to be in the target of FFP and that we have one of the biggest wage bills in the division which when you consider the strength of the squad is laughable.


If PTB have another meeting they should ask about the size of the wage bill.


Personally I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with Summer of Hell mark 2 in 2020 and he does a runner Chris Moore style. That will be the point where we bottom out, From there it will be a long road to recovery it could take a couple of years even if their is a recovery.

Would be surprised if we are top 8 budget wise this season.

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