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The EU referendum - 23rd June


The EU referendum  

216 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the UK to leave or remain in the EU?

    • Leave the EU
    • Remain in the EU
    • Currently undecided

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I'm working towards moving me, my wife & kids abroad in the future - probably Spain, possibly somewhere else. Nothing has changed.


Have you travelled much? Do you travel much? Not having a pop, I just keep reading similar sentiment to what you've posted and it makes me wonder...


I'm fortunate enough to have been able to over the years and everywhere that anybody would reasonably like to live, EU or otherwise, has plenty of British ex pats, young and old. There are more in Spain than, eg Thailand or Argentina but it is, after all, a hell of a lot closer.


As for entering far flung countries I can't recall having to go through the simple process of applying for, and sometimes paying, for the odd entry visa ever having seemed a problem. Or feeling particularly "fettered". But we'll never have to do that anyway for mainland Europe.


There's a big, big world out there - don't be such an insular Little European.

Well the only continents I haven't visited are Australia and Antactica so I've been about a bit. My point wasn't about travel it was about living and working. One of the key arguments for Brexit was around uncontrolled mass immigration from Europe, to use the populist vernacular "coming here and stealing our jobs."


Is freedom to live and work in any of the 28 states compromised by Brexit or not? If not then a lot of people have just voted for something they're not going to get.

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Well the only continents I haven't visited are Australia and Antactica so I've been about a bit. My point wasn't about travel it was about living and working. One of the key arguments for Brexit was around uncontrolled mass immigration from Europe, to use the populist vernacular "coming here and stealing our jobs."


Is freedom to live and work in any of the 28 states compromised by Brexit or not? If not then a lot of people have just voted for something they're not going to get.

They are countries, slowly losing their sovereignty and independence. The EU would like to cal them states, and will no doubt do so in the future.

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Well the only continents I haven't visited are Australia and Antactica so I've been about a bit. My point wasn't about travel it was about living and working. One of the key arguments for Brexit was around uncontrolled mass immigration from Europe, to use the populist vernacular "coming here and stealing our jobs."


Is freedom to live and work in any of the 28 states compromised by Brexit or not? If not then a lot of people have just voted for something they're not going to get.

I've lived and worked in the Middle East, where my passport was more powerful than any in the world except a Gulf Arab one. My dad lived and worked in the Philippines and Burma as well as shorter spells in Yugoslavia, all over the States, Mexico and others. It's just not credible that there will be a problem working in Hamburg.
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I've lived and worked in the Middle East, where my passport was more powerful than any in the world except a Gulf Arab one. My dad lived and worked in the Philippines and Burma as well as shorter spells in Yugoslavia, all over the States, Mexico and others. It's just not credible that there will be a problem working in Hamburg.

No end to mass immigration then. Thanks for clearing that up. Might have been useful for the remain campaign if they'd pushed that point a bit.

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So would more young families with kids from the EU coming in ease or add to the burden on health and other public services in your opinion?

Bearing in mind most would pay into the system and not take benefits I would imagine that will ease it. What about the young professionals coming to work in the city, or polish builders with no kids would they pay taxes add their skills or take benefits. You do realise those types are less likely to take benefits and are more likely to pay taxes than those born here aren't you? Edited by GlossopLatic
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Were you planning to off the pensioners if we'd stayed in? No wonder they turned out to vote.

No I was hoping my parents generation would have a nice long retirement that might change now. Whos paying for the baby boomers retirement? The way this has gone I'd be tempted to wack the retirement age up to 70 minimum. Our company deals with 600 clients many of whom trade with the EU. 2/3 wanted us to stay in. I saw the post brexit advice they were dealing out it wasn't pretty. Trading in the EU could prove to be a minefield now for British business.

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Bearing in mind most would pay into the system and not take benefits I would imagine that will ease it. What about the young professionals coming to work in the city with no kids would they pay taxes add their skills or take benefits. You do realise those types are less likely to take benefits and are more likely to pay taxes than those born here aren't you?


Why are you talking about benefits when I asked about health and other public services?


Seek help.

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That petition is a joke and a complete insult to democracy.....a bit like the EU.....let's keep on voting until we get the result we want??!!

We had a free, democratic vote and one side won, end of.

I've also heard youngsters moaning about the result and comments like "50 year olds have stolen our future".....it's everyone's future ffs!!!

Also notable that the turnout amongst younger voters was much lower than older age groups.......you had a vote and if you didn't use it because you were in bed, down the pub, on Tinder or on your PlayStation then tough :censored:!!


Maybe if these reprobates had to live through a world war and see their democracy threatened then they wouldn't be so quick to spit in the face of it. It's sickening to see them attack democracy and blame the "older generation" because their side lost. These people are trying to overturn a majority vote and suggest older people's vote count for less in national elections, all for their own selfish means, they'd be willing to give up equal rights and democracy for their personal agenda and worldview, that is batshít insane, I'm not sure exactly of the extent of the damage that being out of the EU will do financially, but if democracy is seen to be worthless and the majority vote is ignored, the damage is far, far worse. That doesn't set us back 30 years, it throws us back centuries. Edited by PlayItLivo
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Bearing in mind most would pay into the system and not take benefits I would imagine that will ease it. What about the young professionals coming to work in the city, or polish builders with no kids would they pay taxes add their skills or take benefits. You do realise those types are less likely to take benefits and are more likely to pay taxes than those born here aren't you?

I notice you don't quote actual statistics or illegals, Romanian gypsies and asylum seekers. Selective to fit the argument - just like the politicians.


Would you vote to join the European Union as it stands and is performing today?


Have you voted to allow governance of our country to be ceded to the European government?


Or, As we all regularly shout at politicians on TV, 'answer the damn question.'

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No matter who had won on such a margin, IN or OUT... The reality is, nothing is for certain with such a narrow win. We now have exit negotiations, leadership battles and general elections, further independence referendums to deal with now.


OUT had no plan..... We now get to form that plan. Everything to play for to be frank. What OUT looks like could be anything to be frank.


Lib Dems are already going to campaign on a staying in EU ticket etc for example and with 16 million people potentially looking for a voice they might be making a come back. I don't think anything is for certain over the coming years.

Edited by oafc0000
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No I was hoping my parents generation would have a nice long retirement that might change now. Whos paying for the baby boomers retirement? The way this has gone I'd be tempted to wack the retirement age up to 70 minimum. Our company deals with 600 clients many of whom trade with the EU. 2/3 wanted us to stay in. I saw the post brexit advice they were dealing out it wasn't pretty. Trading in the EU could prove to be a minefield now for British business.

Ah, so you're quoting Osborne's last minute panic threat. Thought you had an actual point to make.
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No end to mass immigration then. Thanks for clearing that up. Might have been useful for the remain campaign if they'd pushed that point a bit.

Well, it's an unfair world, and a UK passport will continue to get you through more doors than the other way around. Restricting immigration was never my thing. Neither is nationalising the railways. Both are possible subjects for a government to seek election over now.
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Well, it's an unfair world, and a UK passport will continue to get you through more doors than the other way around. Restricting immigration was never my thing. Neither is nationalising the railways. Both are possible subjects for a government to seek election over now.

The frustration of the remain voters isn't at people like yourself. Who've clearly thought about it, looked at the economic and social issues and made a rational decision whether we agree with you or not. It's at those for who immigration is their thing. It's everything. And they saw this vote as a way to stop those bloody foreigners coming in and taking all our jobs. Swallowing bare faced lies about 12 million Turks flooding the country this year, less immigrants coming in overall and the £350m that will go on the nhs rather than to foreigners. Promises that within 24 hours of the result being announced have been retracted by leave campaigners.


Has that group of ignorant voters swung this vote in favour of leave? I'd say so.

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The frustration of the remain voters isn't at people like yourself. Who've clearly thought about it, looked at the economic and social issues and made a rational decision whether we agree with you or not. It's at those for who immigration is their thing. It's everything. And they saw this vote as a way to stop those bloody foreigners coming in and taking all our jobs. Swallowing bare faced lies about 12 million Turks flooding the country this year, less immigrants coming in overall and the £350m that will go on the nhs rather than to foreigners. Promises that within 24 hours of the result being announced have been retracted by leave campaigners.


Has that group of ignorant voters swung this vote in favour of leave? I'd say so.

Yes just like the punishing budget we were promised if the leave vote win !!!


At the end of the day both sides came out with a stream of lies .

To say that voters were ignorant is ridiculous because for the first time i think the majority of people that have voted (either way) have put a great deal of thought into this and have looked through the lies of both camps and made decisions based on how they view the current situation.


History shows that countries and organisations run by un-elected hierachy invariably fail as will the EU because despite this result the EU has resolved to push further ahead with their federalism instead of standing back and saying "Wait a minute , what are we doing wrong for so many people to be unhappy with the EU"

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Serious question, for you whats the difference between that and a national government.


(Other than the obvious broadness)


We have a general election every 5yrs (previously 4). Between us we choose every single member of every single parliament.


After the surprise outcome of the last election and now this referendum, we have even given our 'appointed' representatives something to think about.

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