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Simpson was dire....how he got sponsors MOM is beyond me!


Admittedly he won plenty of headers from Bouzanis kicks but it got us absolutely nowhere, he doesn't seem to be able to make a simple 10 yard pass along the deck, if it was up to me he would be the first out of the club!


Thought Brown and Mvoto did OK but Tarkowski scares me to death with his decision making....he looks so so cumbersome on the ball and is nowhere near fit enough for 90 minutes.


I wish Baxter would do the simple things sometimes but you have to say without him this team would have beeen dead and buried long ago, what a header from yet another assist by Croft.


I think it will go to the wire, Colchester came for a point and got it but it could have been all three with the ball hitting the bar in the second half.


Johnson has to go with what he has unfortunately but I don't think there will be too many of this lot around next season!




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Simpson was dire....how he got sponsors MOM is beyond me!


Admittedly he won plenty of headers from Bouzanis kicks but it got us absolutely nowhere, he doesn't seem to be able to make a simple 10 yard pass along the deck, if it was up to me he would be the first out of the club!


Thought Brown and Mvoto did OK but Tarkowski scares me to death with his decision making....he looks so so cumbersome on the ball and is nowhere near fit enough for 90 minutes.


I wish Baxter would do the simple things sometimes but you have to say without him this team would have beeen dead and buried long ago, what a header from yet another assist by Croft.


I think it will go to the wire, Colchester came for a point and got it but it could have been all three with the ball hitting the bar in the second half.


Johnson has to go with what he has unfortunately but I don't think there will be too many of this lot around next season!


Including those he brought in I assume.

Edited by BP1960
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I hope Colchester get relegated.


Never in my life have I seen a team time wasting after 20 minutes before until today.


My worry for us is that our best players cant be arsed playing for Johnson. It took Baxter, Simpson and Croft 60-70 mins to look interested.

Come on Lancy, I think we have seen our team do that over the years, timewasting is just part of the game.

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Thought weslowski was our MOM today only player to look hungry throughout. Strong in the tackle, looked sharp. Felt sorry for him today let down by a large majority. Thought our two centre halfs got bullied most of today's game. Croft was man marked all game but given the chance he provided the goal.


I'm sure people see a different game to me. Thought Wes was awful, can't pass (worse than Furman for sideways and backwards), can't shoot and is definitely not a leader. Decent at breaking up the play which wasn't needed today as they were negative.

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After 20 mins though?

I wasn't that shocked, they had been gifted the goal and went into the whole thing of slowing the game down, there battling for their lives, just as we are. I agree though, its frustrating to watch, its up to the ref to add the time on...I'm still wondering how Deano spilled the ball. maybe they should role the 6 yard box to help him.

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Chuff me are we in trouble......wasn't inspired by the Hartlepool win the other week and Where the hell has our midfield gone too? No chuffer to fight in the centre we are just by passing it by hoofing, head tennis or luckier still- have crofty willing to latch on and have a run once it gets to him


There seems to be a considerable lack of a leader out there and more worrying lack of fight and a bit of passion, Christ were fighting for survival, the players are fighting for a contract and some don't seem to get that and when one as a shocker, it's spreads quicker like a sexual transmitted disease in a house of ill repute.


Good sub bringing reid on, just the kick up the midfield ass we needed but Sorry LJ you have your work cut out here, can't believe some of these players were up against Liverpool and Everton a few months ago, this is the big disappointment for me

Edited by underdog
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I sat in the main stand today for the first time in 2 years and it's safe to say I won't be back for there for a long time. I know bouzanis had a bad day at the office but the torrent of abuse he received was well out of order, some even saying he isn't fit to wear the shirt. The pair sat behind me must have slagged every single player wearing a Latics shirt off at some point in the game, what is the :censored:in point of going if you aren't going to get behind the lads. Back to the RRE for me.

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LJ may have plenty of written theories, but at this level the sword is mightier than the pen.

Hope he doesn't fall into the PD trap next season of signing lightweight tip tap players, the two he has brought in so far look to be in that category.

Edited by BP1960
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I sat in the main stand today for the first time in 2 years and it's safe to say I won't be back for there for a long time. I know bouzanis had a bad day at the office but the torrent of abuse he received was well out of order, some even saying he isn't fit to wear the shirt. The pair sat behind me must have slagged every single player wearing a Latics shirt off at some point in the game, what is the :censored:in point of gong if you aren't going to get behind the lads. Back to the RREfor me.

Must admit where I sit in the rocky you get a fair bit of reasoned debate, and tolerance, we have to realise we are a first division side, the players will make mistakes, other teams players make mistakes. If you want to watch perfection on a football pitch every other week get a season ticket for Barcelona.

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I'm sure people see a different game to me. Thought Wes was awful, can't pass (worse than Furman for sideways and backwards), can't shoot and is definitely not a leader. Decent at breaking up the play which wasn't needed today as they were negative.


I didn't think he was that good - especially in the first-half.


Thought Grounds, Mvoto and Brown played OK, but the other players were terrible....for both teams.


It was a dire game and their goal summed it up for me. So low-key, considering the importance of the match.


Bouzanis' kicking goal kicks straight out of play to the other end FIVE times in the first half just made it look like a park game.


Thought the crowd in the RRE created a pretty decent atmosphere in the second half on the couple of occasions we pressed.

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Colchester's time wasting was a disgrace but in fairness to the ref, he added on three minutes in the first half when there were no injuries so he had cottoned on.


The need for the physio following Simpson's tackle and the subsequent Easter Miracle when he came sprinting back on was something to behold. If that's the way a captain conducts himself then what do you expect from the rest of the team?!

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Colchester's time wasting was a disgrace but in fairness to the ref, he added on three minutes in the first half when there were no injuries so he had cottoned on.



There was one injury from one our corners which stopped play for a couple of minutes.

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You can't make a silk purse.....


Fortunately I think there are worse teams around us and the two games in hand plus goal difference should see us safe.


Mammoth task rebuilding in the summer but if LJ practises what he's preaching and creates a side following his work ethic then we can put this season behind us.

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You can't make a silk purse.....


Fortunately I think there are worse teams around us and the two games in hand plus goal difference should see us safe.


Mammoth task rebuilding in the summer but if LJ practises what he's preaching and creates a side following his work ethic then we can put this season behind us.


The thing is we've spent a reasonable amount on some good players that should be doing better than they are. The old argument still stands for me that if we can mix it with Forest, Liverpool and Everton we should be performing much better in the league - especially against that pub team we played today.


At the moment, we just have a squad of individuals that just don't seem to work as a team. As has been said elsewhere, we won't miss any of the out-of-contract lot if they all leave at the end of the season.


I think Lee Johnson needs to rebuild the squad by bringing in a lot of steady if unspectacular signings that work well as a unit over the summer.

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The thing is we've spent a reasonable amount on some good players that should be doing better than they are. The old argument still stands for me that if we can mix it with Forest, Liverpool and Everton we should be performing much better in the league - especially against that pub team we played today.


At the moment, we just have a squad of individuals that just don't seem to work as a team. As has been said elsewhere, we won't miss any of the out-of-contract lot if they all leave at the end of the season.


I think Lee Johnson needs to rebuild the squad by bringing in a lot of steady if unspectacular signings that work well as a unit over the summer.


Just goes to show that cup games are totally irrelevant in terms of judging how good or bad a team are/is.

Edited by deyres42
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At the moment, we just have a squad of individuals that just don't seem to work as a team. As has been said elsewhere, we won't miss any of the out-of-contract lot if they all leave at the end of the season.


I think Lee Johnson needs to rebuild the squad by bringing in a lot of steady if unspectacular signings that work well as a unit over the summer.

I take heart that a bad pub game turned into a game where, although still rough, we battered them for the last part of it. It would have been nicer just to win, but it was bloody horrific out there as well.
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I feel the players are just struggling for motivation, we are only human at the end on the day. Even a relegation 6 pointer won't motivate the same as a TV FA CUP game against previous European champions. At the end of the day they have no loyalty to Oldham. Relegation would simply see them join another club. I think LJ knows this and is trying to address it by breeding youth that have some affinity to OAFC.

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Most of the players won't be here next year. Most would rather end the season injury free. It doesn't matter to most of them if we get relegated. Most are unfit. Most don't seem to realise that they should give 100% because the club pays their wages. Most are probably too thick to understand a simple instruction. Most of the game their efforts were laughable.


On the plus side LJ seemed to get them playing better in the 2nd half and the substitutions and change of tactics worked.


Carlisle, Preston and Shrewsbury now look safe and Colchester need just 4 points from 5 games to join them. Latics need to stay above Scunthorpe who will do very well to get another 7 points. So it is a point a game for us. Simples!

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