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That fraud case

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To be fair, Mike has said he doesn't feel right going to the match until the money is paid back. So that's that one.


Mike also hasn't said Barry is responsible for what he did. Mike admits full responsibility for what he did, but says what was widely reported at the time - that Barry pushed the judge's buttons in the victim statement, leading to what most observers, including Mike's silk, thought was a pretty harsh sentence.


And as for the Rarely Wrong...not so much wrong as bang out of order if you ask me.

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I have just got home, having served 44 days at Her Majesty's pleasure, the same number of days that Brian Clough 'reigned' at Leeds United.


Thank you to those who supported me, you know who you are. I am happy to answer any questions that people that might have, now that the legal proceedings are out of the way and I have served my time.


I just want to clarify a few points


  • My fraud related to Trust Oldham 'only' and not Playershare
  • The last fraudulent cheque was written in May 2012, but I continued to hold the cheque book until May 2013, so to the person who said I would've carried on if I hadn't been caught...not so, to put it politely
  • I was not suspended by the Trust, as bombastically suggested by Barry Owen for the benefit of the press. I simply walked away in mid-May 2013, when I left the borough of Oldham. The investigation into my wrongdoing began in July 2013, two months later
  • I did not suffer a mental breakdown following the investigation, as wrongly reported by the Chron
  • Barry Owen's 'victim statement' was directly responsible for the harshness of my sentence, as confirmed by a barrister
  • The sentence was harsh, in the view of a barrister and I was encouraged to appeal my sentence. The starting point was 18 weeks, from which I should have received a third of for pleading guilty, so 12 weeks rather than the 16 I got. I chose to just do my time, rather than put my family through more :censored:e
  • My time was served on 'B' Wing of HMP Manchester (aka Strangeways), where I met a certain Lenny Hilton, who will be known to some on here. As crazy as he is, it was nice to have somebody to talk to about Latics


I'm delighted to see that Latics are in a significantly better position now than when I went inside in late October. Long may this continue. I now need to focus on getting employment, in order that I can begin to put right the finances of Trust Oldham Limited (or Oldham Athletic Supporters Foundation Limited, which I believe it is now known as).


Did I miss the apology bit in this post? I just can't seem to find it :coffee1:

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In all fairness to Barry, It was the judge who was responsible for the sentence. To blame the person who read the victim impact statement is poor form, especially on this forum. It is quite normal for the 'victim' to be biased and perhaps want a harsher sentence, as we quite often hear.


For the record I think the sentence was harsh based on sentencing guidelines but Mike could have appealed but he chose not to, just as he chose to commit the fraud in the first place. Therefore the main person directly responsible for spending the length of time in prison was himself.


It's not the worse crime ever and he's served his time, but if Mike wants to be accepted again by his fellow fan, I'm not sure his recent post is the way to go about it. Good luck to him anyway.

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Pretty poor comment from the guilty party in my view, saying he hadn't done it again since the last time. You are either the type of person who would do it or you're not. These types of #### should never be allowed to do anything but manual labour again.


If it is Barry who got him a harsher sentence, I want to buy Barry a beer.


He is lucky he is not from Australia. One person doing a similar thing at my wife's work got 18 months.

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In all fairness to Barry, It was the judge who was responsible for the sentence. To blame the person who read the victim impact statement is poor form, especially on this forum. It is quite normal for the 'victim' to be biased and perhaps want a harsher sentence, as we quite often hear.


For the record I think the sentence was harsh based on sentencing guidelines but Mike could have appealed but he chose not to, just as he chose to commit the fraud in the first place. Therefore the main person directly responsible for spending the length of time in prison was himself.


It's not the worse crime ever and he's served his time, but if Mike wants to be accepted again by his fellow fan, I'm not sure his recent post is the way to go about it. Good luck to him anyway.

I can't plus this on my iPhone but that sums up my feelings on the issue

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Guest Scratch2000uk

I was a little surprised at the post, but he's done the crime and done the time. Let's all move on,

I hope you can turn your life around Mike. Good luck with it.

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I was a little surprised at the post, but he's done the crime and done the time. Let's all move on,

I hope you can turn your life around Mike. Good luck with it.

To be fair, I think most had moved on.


The "I'm out and want to tell everyone about what it was like inside" post has opened up a few wounds and just pissed a few people off. We all make mistakes, but perhaps in this instance Takemeanywhere should have just apologized / paid it back / laid low to let the dust settle.

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I was a little surprised at the post, but he's done the crime and done the time. Let's all move on,

I hope you can turn your life around Mike. Good luck with it.

Not picking out your post specifically scratch, just the sentiment, but will Montano get the same reaction I wonder?

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Guest Scratch2000uk

70k to get a yellow card, must be tempting,and lets face it, half the players playing for their clubs don't have any loyalty towards it in the first place.

If he's found guilty and he serves the said punishment then he will most probably be playing for another club wether it be here or abroad.

There are far worse things some players have been found guilty of and are still earning a living out of football.

Personally, i wouldn't trust him to play for us,Just as much as i would have doubts about Mike becoming a trustee.but i'm sure there are some clubs prepared to give him (montano) the benefit of the doubt in time. He's made a big mistake, no doubt about it. Can he move on and will he? I'd say yes. Although he will probably need quite a bit more luck than Mike.

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