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players spotted away from football

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Non-latics - saw Roy Keane at Faro airport on flight back from Portugal - this was when he was about to take the Sunderland job. I assumed he'd go through to the first class lounge, but then he was in the standard waiting area with everyone else, had his wife/kids/parents with him - about 16 of them, he was on the same flight as us, signed a few autographs for kids etc.

When we got to Ringway there were massive queues at passport control (year of the liquid/water bomb threats); he just queued with everyone. Then that Jez Quigley bloke off Corrie turned up with his bird (another ex-corrie?), looked at the queue and headed to the front....


...then he sheepishly had to walk past everyone to the back of the queue.


Keane 1 - 0 Quigley

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I saw Iain Dowie at T3 at Manc airport in 2009. I was a bit sweaty and flummuxed as I had 3 minutes before the gate closed to run from the front of security at T1 after leaving it to the last minute to check in - at the wrong terminal.


I thought about chatting to him. Then thought again.

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When Watford were in the Premier League I walked past the entire squad as they left Stockport train station to get on the coach waiting outside. They were playing United the next day.

Marlon King even made fun of me saying "you not a bit hot in that coach little man?" as it was blazing sunshine, but I'd left Oldham for Stockport that morning and it was an Oldham Sunny Day (So I was drowned like a rat!)


Met the MK Dons squad getting off the train in Stockport too in about 2010 when they were due to play Stockport County the next day. Not something to brag about that one!?

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I saw Iain Dowie at T3 at Manc airport in 2009. I was a bit sweaty and flummuxed as I had 3 minutes before the gate closed to run from the front of security at T1 after leaving it to the last minute to check in - at the wrong terminal.


I thought about chatting to him. Then thought again.


I had the misfortune of seeing the squad swimming at Chaddy Baths before my lesson about ten years ago when I was a kid.


Dowie in Speedos is something I've desperately tried to forget, but it never goes away. Ever.

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Back in the day coming back from an away day, the coach pulled into a motorway services and parked alongside the Southport team coach (when they were still a league club).

Wandered into the Gents for a tactical and standing at the next urinal was the great Jim Fryatt.(then at Southport)

Oh the memories, the memories...

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Was walking round Albert Docks not long after Peter Odemwingie's deadline day QPR antics and the full West Brom squad was walking around in a big group laughing and joking before their Liverpool game... apart from Odemwingie who was literally 5 minutes behind everyone, on his own sulking like a big kid. He'd been well and truly shut out.

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Saw Will Haining and Michelle Marsh in Liquid after a Hartlepool away where Haining gave away a penalty. Think we lost 2-0. Spoke to him.


I had a piss next to Will Haining in the Grey Mare after the Blackpool home playoff game. I understand why he has a page 3 model wife.

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Back around 1990, I was very much a man about town and would think nothing of getting a bus, or even a taxi, into the Manchester metropolis for a Friday night out with mates. Often, my smart attire and black Onyx ring meant that I was welcomed with open arms into the brightest and most famous Manchester nightspot, Discotheque Royale. This palace of style was split across three floors...first floor: bars, dancing, chatting up, etc; second floor: sitting on executive couches, snogging, fingering, etc; third floor: VIP lounge. If you weren't allowed access to the third floor then you don't deserve to know what went on up there, sorry.


On one particular night, I found myself on the second floor (I shouldn't imagine I was there on my own as that would have meant I was just staring at other couples fumbling). I then spotted, stood at one of the balconies, the original yard-dog and club captain, Mike Milligan. As we were both in the same club it clearly meant we were both as stylish and ace as each other so I thought nothing of over going over to introduce myself. (I don't recall what was said because it was probably a 2 for 1 night). He then invited me up to the third floor (the VIP LOUNGE) to meet his mate who was none other than Nicky Henry. Amazing scenes...again I can't recall any of the actual conversation that took place but I'd imagine we all still mention this night on internet forms.


A few years preceding this, I was working at Birch services in the summer as part of a car screen wash promotion. I was basically cleaning car windscreens as they pulled onto the garage forecourt. One of these vehicles, contained Neil Adams who had spent part of the previous season on loan at BP.


"Are you Neil Adams?", I said. "I am, yeah.", he said. Top banter.

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Keith Hicks on Tommyfield Market. He was sitting by himself on a bench and looked extremely bored. Probably waiting for his wife.


Rodger Wylde, Paul Heaton, Paul Atkinson and Bill Urmston in central London. I was on my way to Broadcasting House to give a demo tape to John Peel. They were sightseeing before that evening's match at QPR. They promised to leave me a ticket on the gate. They did.


Harry Dowd (a family friend). Went round to his house loads of times when I was a youngster and he also did some plumbing work in our bathroom.


Not me but my dad met Andy Ritchie in a supermarket (Healds?) in Shaw the morning after we'd lost to Reading to get relegated to the 3rd Division. I think my old man gave him a pretty hard time! Sorry, Andy.

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Used to deliver papers to Mr Butterworth (ex Director of OAFC back in the day) lovely man, used to give me tickets to games and helped us jump the queue to buy tickets in those halcyon days when people would queue all the way up sheepfoot lane......I felt like a special one!


Used to play Tennis with Marshy up on High Crompton Park (or was that wtach him play and offer to be ballboy....)


My mums sister is now married to Andy Barlow's Dad (tenuous link)


(None football related) Saw Shaun Murphy drinking in the Summit Royton the other day......some oaf drunkenly starting asking what the hell he was doing in there to which he replied that his mum and dad live in Shaw....Useless fact but it will come up in a Quiz one day

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Followed Craig Dudley into H Samuels in Spindles as a teenager (not one of my proudest moments) and (a bit strangely) kissed the badge on my Latics shirt for Andy Gray at Disneyland. Also spotted then England manager Fabio Capello while eating a breakfast outside a cafe near Victoria Station in London on the way to Gatwick. Loads of people clocked him taking pictures etc but I had to shout "Fabio". Didn't hear me so I shouted again... He turned round, I realised I had nothing to say, stuck my thumb up like a moron and sheepishly went back to my breakfast much to the amusement of my missus. I was about 25 then an all!

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