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Unless the defence have some outstanding piece of evidence to challenge the above then I don't see how he isn't found guilty for a second time.


The night receptionist is pretty much confirming, and he is about the only independent witness in all this, that she was way too drunk to give consent by the time Ched turns up.


Either way he is a filthy disgusting person. How anyone wants to sing his name about the weekend is beyond me.

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Begs the question why it's in the public interest to retry him.

I'm no legal eagle but I would imagine as he won an appeal based on new evidence that came to light I would imagine the point of the trial is to thoroughly examine the new evidence and to try and prove beyond reasonable doubt what took place and if it was indeed rape. If he is proven innocent then I would imagine he is entitled to some form of compensation.

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Unless the defence have some outstanding piece of evidence to challenge the above then I don't see how he isn't found guilty for a second time.


The night receptionist is pretty much confirming, and he is about the only independent witness in all this, that she was way too drunk to give consent by the time Ched turns up.


Either way he is a filthy disgusting person. How anyone wants to sing his name about the weekend is beyond me.

the new evidence is mobile phone footage that was ruled inadmissable by the original trial judge that shows shows she was a more than willing participant apparently plus various texts & twitter posts bragging about how she was going to get a big payday as a result .all of which throws into doubt her claims to have been oblivious and uncomprehending of what went on
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the new evidence is mobile phone footage that was ruled inadmissable by the original trial judge that shows shows she was a more than willing participant apparently plus various texts & twitter posts bragging about how she was going to get a big payday as a result .all of which throws into doubt her claims to have been oblivious and uncomprehending of what went on

Obviously, nobody but the jury can comment on the video evidence but regarding her bragging about a payday I'm surprised they've allowed that tbh. She could have been raped but still brag about a forthcoming payday. Doesn't make her a particularly nice person either, but it doesn't mean that she wasn't raped though either. Anyway...the jury shall decide.


Regarding why it is being re-tried, this case will be fairly significant for future cases. The case of rape and consent is highly debated and it is rulings in cases like this that will form the level of consent required for future cases. It is why it is so important that they get this right - one way or the other.

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There are no new revelations if you took the trouble to read all that was publicly available last time instead of joining in the ill informed twitter frenzy.


If the 'new' evidence is taken into account and believed the 'victim' is revealed in a completely different light and I can't see how Ched could then be found guilty.

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the new evidence is mobile phone footage that was ruled inadmissable by the original trial judge that shows shows she was a more than willing participant apparently plus various texts & twitter posts bragging about how she was going to get a big payday as a result .all of which throws into doubt her claims to have been oblivious and uncomprehending of what went on



The new evidence just seems to be someone else who says that she wasn't a virgin. Hopefully Evans will get sent down again for submitting a frivolous appeal.

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That's not quite true but it is odd that they've allowed an ex of hers (possibly disgruntled one at that) to stand as a defence witness to discuss their totally irrelevant sex life. Thankfully, the prosecutor has pretty much pointed that out by asking if he was in Rhyl on the night in question. And also had the witness admit that he was aware of a "reward" for helping CE to obtain a "not guilty" verdict.


Losing faith in the Judicial system to be honest (for allowing such testimony.) Might as well have had this on Judge Rinder!

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That's not quite true but it is odd that they've allowed an ex of hers (possibly disgruntled one at that) to stand as a defence witness to discuss their totally irrelevant sex life. Thankfully, the prosecutor has pretty much pointed that out by asking if he was in Rhyl on the night in question. And also had the witness admit that he was aware of a "reward" for helping CE to obtain a "not guilty" verdict.


Losing faith in the Judicial system to be honest (for allowing such testimony.) Might as well have had this on Judge Rinder!


Pointing out she has a history of waking up and not knowing what happened in the hours previous could be pretty relevant for the defence, no?

Edited by palmer1
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Pointing out she has a history of waking up and not knowing what happened in the hours previous could be pretty relevant for the defence, no?


Something which nearly every person I know that drinks has had happen to them at some point in their life. Some of them, on many occasions. Makes little difference as to whether he went into the room and raped her or not. It also flies in the face of his well worn defence that she wasn't that drunk at all.

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but if it happend regulary and she isnt aware what happened at all and with who then how can he be charged with (rape/unconsensual sex)


she doesnt know if she did or not? it could have happended 100s of times couldnt it?

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