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vocal disapproval and apathy

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It's been muted in another thread that fans are quick to show their feelings towards the players and coaching staff so why is there nothing in the direction of the board, and specifically corney?


Apathy is the word thrown about currently, is it this or is it that too large a percentage of out fan Base are scared of life without corney? The fear of the unknown?


This imo is going to be the death of the club so we as fans need to be far more vocal and visual about just how much we hate what's going on at our club.


Why are we not seeing the sheepfold lane protests, the "get out of our club" chants or the fierce arguments that broke out near the directors box when Peterborough stuffed us?


Now I know some of you will condemn the thought of protest chants towards the board during games but quite frankly that's your opinion. Go start another thread about some happy clapper tripe if ya want.

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We need a viable alternative.Is there one? Not that i can see. That's why i'm apathetic.


I also agree that his absence doesn't help. There's always a flurry of activity when he returns, and then back to nothing. He needs to appoint both a chief exec and a manager with bit of passion and zeal and a lot more intelligence than the current collection of amateurs. Neither Owen nor Dunn or in any qualified. Nor do they inspire.

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No surprises at Bramhall Lane on Saturday. All I saw was two poor teams trying to play in a strong cross-wind. The spectacle could have been worse, given the conditions. I've seen us lose countless ties in this manner over the years.


There was no mutiny in the (at times noisy) stand, only the odd 'for :censored:'s sake...' when a pass went astray, the team acknowledged the fans at the end and the fans in turn applauded the team (albeit subdued applause). There was no lack of effort that I could see from the players, they gave their best - as demonstrated by Winchester's frustration at the final whistle. Likewise, I found nothing unusual in Dunn's tactics (given the players he has at his disposal). We were beaten by a classy finish by Matty Done, otherwise there was very little to choose between the two teams.


What surprises me is that people are so outraged towards the club when all we do is ply our trade at the level we are at. If throwing tantrums on message boards and calling for the boards head would achieve anything, then fair enough. But it doesn't.

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Could it be that having someone like Dunn around might be a help in sourcing potential investment?


Be careful what you wish for people...

Clutching at straws for a use for Dunn I see, how many directors have been appointed to the board in the past 12 months? Surely one of these should be stepping up to the plate.

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Clutching at straws for a use for Dunn I see, how many directors have been appointed to the board in the past 12 months? Surely one of these should be stepping up to the plate.

Wasn't one appointed specifically for that? Did one of the BBC phone ins with Corney I think. Presume he's not achieved anything yet though?!


Edit: just seen deyres post... that's the guy. All sounded very positive when he was first introduced, not much since.

Edited by nzlatic
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Whilst I will agree with not being happy with the league position my club is in at the moment, do you really think abusing Simon Corney will help! Whether you like it or not the guy puts his hand in his pocket every month and subsidises the club. Do you really want to piss him off enough so he may possibly walk away or stop putting money in every month? Where would we be then? - skint and in administration! Yes he does make mistakes but until someone else wants to subsidise our club, we need him.

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Where and how do I start a "Happy Clapper" thread? I've read so much negativity and "sack every bugger from God himself to the tea lady" recently, I've forgotten how top be positive. I need help.


* Cue helpful comments along the lines of "there's nowt to be positive about".

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Whilst I will agree with not being happy with the league position my club is in at the moment, do you really think abusing Simon Corney will help! Whether you like it or not the guy puts his hand in his pocket every month and subsidises the club. Do you really want to piss him off enough so he may possibly walk away or stop putting money in every month? Where would we be then? - skint and in administration! Yes he does make mistakes but until someone else wants to subsidise our club, we need him.


He puts that much in...wait for it...


That he's said a number of times a bus could hit him tomorrow and the club would continue without much disruption... (I've put it in bold as there seems to be far too many who fail to compute this)


So...yeah...maybe he's putting something akin to a bus fare into us....

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