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Same here BB we've had the balls to go toe to toe with him before theres nothing new to learn the club's in the :censored: we know that I've no desire to hear yet more excuses and see everyone and everything blamed apart from the one constant these last 13 years.


If other people want to do that than so be it but my message to Simon is either secure the funding to begin to form a plan to move forward or give it up as a bad job as this slow lingering death is killing the club and if you do have the club's wellbeing at heart surely it's not doing your health any favours either.


You're failing the outcome is inevitable.



don't get me wrong I'm as much critical and I am supportive of what he has done in the past but I'm intrigue.........you mention that you have no desire to hear more excuses yet you spend (what seems like a great deal of) time on here calling him out! This is the perfect opportunity to get all of your questions and criticisms on camera for all the fans to see - if your SO certain that you can find him out what better way to do it than on camera?


Seems to me that he is calling peoples bluff here and is very confident that no one will take him up on the offer

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I asked him that on GMR a couple of years ago and got a reply about the club (no mention of the land...like it doesn't exist) and some piffy bull:censored: about the OEC becoming a source of income to make the club a better prospect for any investors (didn't say potential new owners.)


Time wasting exercises.

If you were sat in front of him you could press him for a full answer regarding the land.....it is impossible to do that via a radio phone in!

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So go on camera on a live feed and ask specifics. Then he will have to answer your question.


Or don't.



Done my questions asking pal. As has Prozac. Don't worry...we've been one or two of the longest concerned/moaning/shouting/critical posters. He will have more usernames (as the discern grows and grows) for his next interview when some more bad news is trotted out of the club. If you keep on cutting your cloth, you won't have any cloth in the end. That's been our message all along and Corney keeps on proving us right. The ever-decreasing circle gets smaller and smaller. Simon thinks he's a clever man though....a typical politicians move to get everyone talking about something else other than the real problem. Keep falling for it.


Don't forget folks:


1) Under a transfer embargo coz we can't pay up to other clubs


2) Wages and Tax Bill next week that he seems (live on camera) to have no idea how it's getting paid


But keep on worrying about whether a couple of posters need to go in a room and perform pantomime with the man :titanic:

Edited by boundaryblue80
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Done my questions asking pal. As has Prozac. Don't worry...we've been one or two of the longest concerned/moaning/shouting/critical posters. He will have more usernames (as the discern grows and grows) for his next interview when some more bad news is trotted out of the club. If you keep on cutting your cloth, you won't have any cloth in the end. That's been our message all along and Corney keeps on proving us right. The ever-decreasing circle gets smaller and smaller. Simon thinks he's a clever man though....a typical politicians move to get everyone talking about something else other than the real problem. Keep falling for it.


Don't forget folks:


1) Under a transfer embargo coz we can't pay up to other clubs


2) Wages and Tax Bill next week that he seems (live on camera) to have no idea how it's getting paid


But keep on worrying about whether a couple of posters need to go in a room and perform pantomime with the man :titanic:


You can say you've spoken to him all you want - get it on camera and show him up for the political fool you seem convinced he is?


Or don't and keep your ramblings to a message board! If you truly believed in your ability to out him as a charlatan then there wouldn't be a 2nd thought

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What is the point in a face to face? Does anyone really think all the questions would be answered to the satisfaction of everyone? This seems more of a "say it to my face" invitation from Mr Corney, to be fair.

You can't satisfy all the people all the time. But a series of questions asked face to face would provide answers or at least evidence to back up certain peoples claims.....

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Some people really do hear what they want to hear don't they.


I thought it was a very frank and honest interview. He admitted the football is poor, that we're in a state financially and that we're struggling to survive. I think some people won't be happy until he admits to stealing milk from children. He's offered to be grilled on camera by his biggest detractors, what more can he do?


I'm by no means the mans biggest fan but some people's reactions to him verge on moronic.


If you have serious concerns about specific subjects and you have a good idea what you're talking about, go and question him. You'll be doing a service to the Latics community if your concerns are justified and if not, we'll all know for sure.

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I don't know how much we can take from this interview. An interview run by the club not asking the difficult questions that we want to hear the answers to. And by inviting the posters from on here to speak to him is a bit of a cop out. If he was feeling brave he would have asked Matt Chambers, Mike Keegan or whoever, someone with proper journalistic training to ask him the things we want to know whilst knowing some of the facts they're asking so they can call him out on the bull:censored: whilst having the gumption to not back down on the questions. (Not that I'm saying that people of here wouldn't for clarification)


For me its interesting that Brassbank wasn't mentioned at all, yet we all know that they are the biggest drain on our income. The bit that didn't surprise me for him to slate most of our fans, because lets be honest who is really happy with the way the club is run, yes its good for them to try to tackle the dwindling attendances with the offers and the season ticket deal, but this has been a recurring trend for the past 5-10 years and something should have been done sooner. 2006 our average attendance was 6,300, 10 years later were struggling to get even half of that on a regular basis. And we know that the season ticket deal was a massive cock up. The board sat down and 'probably' wanted to make it look like they were doing things to help the fans and looked at the run of games and thought 'were going to win 1, 2 at a push' and thought it was going to be safe for them to do it then. It backfired and we lost a significant amount of money. The bit about this that did surprise me if he went back to praise the fans. I feel he only did that because he had a PR person behind the camera and again this brings me back to the original issue...It was a club run interview. A Chambers interview would not let that happen, or if it did it would be reported. I completely get why only the easy questions were asked, its business sense, you don't want to show the bad points of your business yourself. Why would you. But as fans its not what we want to know.


To me the point of this interview was to make it out like he's doing everything he can, almost a woe is me act, I've been travelling, I am trying honestly. But is he really?? He says he is a fan, but is he? I think he's only saying this to try to and clear this. Obviously he has to say this and take an interest but that is because it is his business, all business owners have to take an interest in what they do. Personally, I think he is running us as a business, and a bad one at that, to put the money back into brassbank to help his mates out.


A quick google of the clubs books say at the end of the 2015 financial year show were have £50k in the bank with liabilities (i.e. the money we owe out) of over £9m. So it begs the question, where is the money coming form? It seems to me that the board have been banking on a huge cup run, like 2013, every year and as Simon said time and time again in the interview 'thats football' and they should know that it cannot be guaranteed. He says he's looking for the right man but the more you look into it I start to wonder if he is the right man or not. Looking at the same information for Rochdale show much healthier balances; over a million in the bank, assets of over 2 million and debts of only £750k. We had the Koukash offer on the table, and whilst I agree with him not to have took it, Koukash is mental and you only need to look at Salford to see that, it shows there are people out there willing. He'll probably call me out for that but I am not in the world of business, I don't have the masses of contacts but why should we have to when were putting our faith in him to do the best by the club. He says is robbo wanted the money for new players then he'd find it. But where from? We already have the masses of debts that we can't afford to make any bigger.


At the end of the day we put our money into the club buying tickets and merchandise and what not. We pay our hard earned money to go so why should we not be able to pass our comments. Granted early on in the interview he says he is willing to let people voice their opinions, clearly making reference to the situation at Blackpool, but the says about things being shouted at the manager and players. Why shouldn't we. We pay to be there and are entitled to voice our opinions. Don't get me wrong i'm not a boo boy, I will never boo a team of the pitch because what good does it do? But I will shout at the staff or players if I feel that it is not satisfactory and things need to be changed. They are grown men. They should be able to take a bit of criticism and their being paid to be there, if they don't like it then get out. By being a professional footballer you are putting yourself in the limelight and should expect criticism.


I also love the fact he's telling us what its like to support Oldham. WE KNOW. We're the ones that are there game in game out and have been for years, most for a long time before he got involved with the club yet he's surprised, quote 'amazed,' we come back. The fact he is surprised about that I think means he is too far unconnected with the club. So is it any wonder we go 'a little bit further.' He says: 'Its only football and some people need to get a grip' but what i feel he doesn't consider is we pay our own hard earned money to watch it. We choose to go. If you went out for a meal you'd want to enjoy it because you're paying your money and if you don't then what? You try and get a refund or failing that write a snotty review on Tripadvisor but you can't do something like that with football. So people are going to vote with their feet. If you have a bad meal somewhere, you're probably not going to go back to that restaurant again so until things get better on the pitch its not going to happen.


Personally I think it's too late for this season and feel we need to just write it off and start to prepare for next year when we will undoubtedly be in League 2. Bring through our youth and save money at every possible option so we can get ready for next year and give promotion a bloody good go. The you never know people might come back and enjoy what they see again.


Yes we know its only football but its our club and it matters to us and for some unknown stupid deranged reason the one thing everyone on here shares is we love the club and all want to see it do well.

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Some people really do hear what they want to hear don't they.


I thought it was a very frank and honest interview. He admitted the football is poor, that we're in a state financially and that we're struggling to survive. I think some people won't be happy until he admits to stealing milk from children. He's offered to be grilled on camera by his biggest detractors, what more can he do?


I'm by no means the mans biggest fan but some people's reactions to him verge on moronic.


If you have serious concerns about specific subjects and you have a good idea what you're talking about, go and question him. You'll be doing a service to the Latics community if your concerns are justified and if not, we'll all know for sure.


But that's acknowledging just a tiny fraction of the many, many concerns & questions that have been done to death on here for a long time.

And if he's making Top 4's of his detractors he's read all of that aswell.

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I don't know how much we can take from this interview. An interview run by the club not asking the difficult questions that we want to hear the answers to. And by inviting the posters from on here to speak to him is a bit of a cop out. If he was feeling brave he would have asked Matt Chambers, Mike Keegan or whoever, someone with proper journalistic training to ask him the things we want to know whilst knowing some of the facts they're asking so they can call him out on the bull:censored: whilst having the gumption to not back down on the questions. (Not that I'm saying that people of here wouldn't for clarification)


For me its interesting that Brassbank wasn't mentioned at all, yet we all know that they are the biggest drain on our income. The bit that didn't surprise me for him to slate most of our fans, because lets be honest who is really happy with the way the club is run, yes its good for them to try to tackle the dwindling attendances with the offers and the season ticket deal, but this has been a recurring trend for the past 5-10 years and something should have been done sooner. 2006 our average attendance was 6,300, 10 years later were struggling to get even half of that on a regular basis. And we know that the season ticket deal was a massive cock up. The board sat down and 'probably' wanted to make it look like they were doing things to help the fans and looked at the run of games and thought 'were going to win 1, 2 at a push' and thought it was going to be safe for them to do it then. It backfired and we lost a significant amount of money. The bit about this that did surprise me if he went back to praise the fans. I feel he only did that because he had a PR person behind the camera and again this brings me back to the original issue...It was a club run interview. A Chambers interview would not let that happen, or if it did it would be reported. I completely get why only the easy questions were asked, its business sense, you don't want to show the bad points of your business yourself. Why would you. But as fans its not what we want to know.


To me the point of this interview was to make it out like he's doing everything he can, almost a woe is me act, I've been travelling, I am trying honestly. But is he really?? He says he is a fan, but is he? I think he's only saying this to try to and clear this. Obviously he has to say this and take an interest but that is because it is his business, all business owners have to take an interest in what they do. Personally, I think he is running us as a business, and a bad one at that, to put the money back into brassbank to help his mates out.


A quick google of the clubs books say at the end of the 2015 financial year show were have £50k in the bank with liabilities (i.e. the money we owe out) of over £9m. So it begs the question, where is the money coming form? It seems to me that the board have been banking on a huge cup run, like 2013, every year and as Simon said time and time again in the interview 'thats football' and they should know that it cannot be guaranteed. He says he's looking for the right man but the more you look into it I start to wonder if he is the right man or not. Looking at the same information for Rochdale show much healthier balances; over a million in the bank, assets of over 2 million and debts of only £750k. We had the Koukash offer on the table, and whilst I agree with him not to have took it, Koukash is mental and you only need to look at Salford to see that, it shows there are people out there willing. He'll probably call me out for that but I am not in the world of business, I don't have the masses of contacts but why should we have to when were putting our faith in him to do the best by the club. He says is robbo wanted the money for new players then he'd find it. But where from? We already have the masses of debts that we can't afford to make any bigger.


At the end of the day we put our money into the club buying tickets and merchandise and what not. We pay our hard earned money to go so why should we not be able to pass our comments. Granted early on in the interview he says he is willing to let people voice their opinions, clearly making reference to the situation at Blackpool, but the says about things being shouted at the manager and players. Why shouldn't we. We pay to be there and are entitled to voice our opinions. Don't get me wrong i'm not a boo boy, I will never boo a team of the pitch because what good does it do? But I will shout at the staff or players if I feel that it is not satisfactory and things need to be changed. They are grown men. They should be able to take a bit of criticism and their being paid to be there, if they don't like it then get out. By being a professional footballer you are putting yourself in the limelight and should expect criticism.


I also love the fact he's telling us what its like to support Oldham. WE KNOW. We're the ones that are there game in game out and have been for years, most for a long time before he got involved with the club yet he's surprised, quote 'amazed,' we come back. The fact he is surprised about that I think means he is too far unconnected with the club. So is it any wonder we go 'a little bit further.' He says: 'Its only football and some people need to get a grip' but what i feel he doesn't consider is we pay our own hard earned money to watch it. We choose to go. If you went out for a meal you'd want to enjoy it because you're paying your money and if you don't then what? You try and get a refund or failing that write a snotty review on Tripadvisor but you can't do something like that with football. So people are going to vote with their feet. If you have a bad meal somewhere, you're probably not going to go back to that restaurant again so until things get better on the pitch its not going to happen.


Personally I think it's too late for this season and feel we need to just write it off and start to prepare for next year when we will undoubtedly be in League 2. Bring through our youth and save money at every possible option so we can get ready for next year and give promotion a bloody good go. The you never know people might come back and enjoy what they see again.


Yes we know its only football but its our club and it matters to us and for some unknown stupid deranged reason the one thing everyone on here shares is we love the club and all want to see it do well.

Bang on ???
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Guest nonaenever

This is an opportunity not to be missed and I would suggest that nonaenever could be the first of the quartet.


Thanks for that oafc1955 ! If it helps, I have been left a message by the Chairman on my phone (in response to the "OAFC - Oldham Athletic Fans' Charter" and letter I sent to the club/Trust). I would be quite willing to field a list of questions from the fans. I might not agree with all the viewpoints but have no problem being "the messenger" so to speak (what's that saying, don't shoot the messenger!).

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Thanks for that oafc1955 ! If it helps, I have been left a message by the Chairman on my phone (in response to the "OAFC - Oldham Athletic Fans' Charter" and letter I sent to the club/Trust). I would be quite willing to field a list of questions from the fans. I might not agree with all the viewpoints but have no problem being "the messenger" so to speak (what's that saying, don't shoot the messenger!).

Good news. How do you propose we send you a list of potential questions?

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Guest nonaenever

Good news. How do you propose we send you a list of potential questions?


I have set up an email address - oafc2016@btinternet.com


We could use that to send questions to if that helps. I`ve been mad busy lately, hoping to get a bit more time in the near future. IF people want me to be one of the people to do this (or the only one if nobody else wants to volunteer) then I`m quite happy to do so. I really would encourage people to get involved though. The Chairman has offered to do an interview with fans on film - a unique opportunity to air views in a sensible, mature manner - and the questions/answers will be indelibly recorded for all to see. Helps reduce the rumour etc. ??

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Done my questions asking pal. As has Prozac. Don't worry...we've been one or two of the longest concerned/moaning/shouting/critical posters. He will have more usernames (as the discern grows and grows) for his next interview when some more bad news is trotted out of the club. If you keep on cutting your cloth, you won't have any cloth in the end. That's been our message all along and Corney keeps on proving us right. The ever-decreasing circle gets smaller and smaller. Simon thinks he's a clever man though....a typical politicians move to get everyone talking about something else other than the real problem. Keep falling for it.


Don't forget folks:


1) Under a transfer embargo coz we can't pay up to other clubs


2) Wages and Tax Bill next week that he seems (live on camera) to have no idea how it's getting paid


But keep on worrying about whether a couple of posters need to go in a room and perform pantomime with the man :titanic:

So ask him about those points then!


In the time frame you have asked, you've also said we are going bust, into League 2 etc and they haven't happened either.


You have the intelligence and knowledge to ask probing questions you can ask why ideas have not been taken up.


Grow a pair, and get it sorted.

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I don't know how much we can take from this interview. An interview run by the club not asking the difficult questions that we want to hear the answers to. And by inviting the posters from on here to speak to him is a bit of a cop out. If he was feeling brave he would have asked Matt Chambers, Mike Keegan or whoever, someone with proper journalistic training to ask him the things we want to know whilst knowing some of the facts they're asking so they can call him out on the bull:censored: whilst having the gumption to not back down on the questions. (Not that I'm saying that people of here wouldn't for clarification)


For me its interesting that Brassbank wasn't mentioned at all, yet we all know that they are the biggest drain on our income. The bit that didn't surprise me for him to slate most of our fans, because lets be honest who is really happy with the way the club is run, yes its good for them to try to tackle the dwindling attendances with the offers and the season ticket deal, but this has been a recurring trend for the past 5-10 years and something should have been done sooner. 2006 our average attendance was 6,300, 10 years later were struggling to get even half of that on a regular basis. And we know that the season ticket deal was a massive cock up. The board sat down and 'probably' wanted to make it look like they were doing things to help the fans and looked at the run of games and thought 'were going to win 1, 2 at a push' and thought it was going to be safe for them to do it then. It backfired and we lost a significant amount of money. The bit about this that did surprise me if he went back to praise the fans. I feel he only did that because he had a PR person behind the camera and again this brings me back to the original issue...It was a club run interview. A Chambers interview would not let that happen, or if it did it would be reported. I completely get why only the easy questions were asked, its business sense, you don't want to show the bad points of your business yourself. Why would you. But as fans its not what we want to know.


To me the point of this interview was to make it out like he's doing everything he can, almost a woe is me act, I've been travelling, I am trying honestly. But is he really?? He says he is a fan, but is he? I think he's only saying this to try to and clear this. Obviously he has to say this and take an interest but that is because it is his business, all business owners have to take an interest in what they do. Personally, I think he is running us as a business, and a bad one at that, to put the money back into brassbank to help his mates out.


A quick google of the clubs books say at the end of the 2015 financial year show were have £50k in the bank with liabilities (i.e. the money we owe out) of over £9m. So it begs the question, where is the money coming form? It seems to me that the board have been banking on a huge cup run, like 2013, every year and as Simon said time and time again in the interview 'thats football' and they should know that it cannot be guaranteed. He says he's looking for the right man but the more you look into it I start to wonder if he is the right man or not. Looking at the same information for Rochdale show much healthier balances; over a million in the bank, assets of over 2 million and debts of only £750k. We had the Koukash offer on the table, and whilst I agree with him not to have took it, Koukash is mental and you only need to look at Salford to see that, it shows there are people out there willing. He'll probably call me out for that but I am not in the world of business, I don't have the masses of contacts but why should we have to when were putting our faith in him to do the best by the club. He says is robbo wanted the money for new players then he'd find it. But where from? We already have the masses of debts that we can't afford to make any bigger.


At the end of the day we put our money into the club buying tickets and merchandise and what not. We pay our hard earned money to go so why should we not be able to pass our comments. Granted early on in the interview he says he is willing to let people voice their opinions, clearly making reference to the situation at Blackpool, but the says about things being shouted at the manager and players. Why shouldn't we. We pay to be there and are entitled to voice our opinions. Don't get me wrong i'm not a boo boy, I will never boo a team of the pitch because what good does it do? But I will shout at the staff or players if I feel that it is not satisfactory and things need to be changed. They are grown men. They should be able to take a bit of criticism and their being paid to be there, if they don't like it then get out. By being a professional footballer you are putting yourself in the limelight and should expect criticism.


I also love the fact he's telling us what its like to support Oldham. WE KNOW. We're the ones that are there game in game out and have been for years, most for a long time before he got involved with the club yet he's surprised, quote 'amazed,' we come back. The fact he is surprised about that I think means he is too far unconnected with the club. So is it any wonder we go 'a little bit further.' He says: 'Its only football and some people need to get a grip' but what i feel he doesn't consider is we pay our own hard earned money to watch it. We choose to go. If you went out for a meal you'd want to enjoy it because you're paying your money and if you don't then what? You try and get a refund or failing that write a snotty review on Tripadvisor but you can't do something like that with football. So people are going to vote with their feet. If you have a bad meal somewhere, you're probably not going to go back to that restaurant again so until things get better on the pitch its not going to happen.


Personally I think it's too late for this season and feel we need to just write it off and start to prepare for next year when we will undoubtedly be in League 2. Bring through our youth and save money at every possible option so we can get ready for next year and give promotion a bloody good go. The you never know people might come back and enjoy what they see again.


Yes we know its only football but its our club and it matters to us and for some unknown stupid deranged reason the one thing everyone on here shares is we love the club and all want to see it do well.


Is there anything he could have said in the interview that you would have taken as a positive?

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To be fair, he's been perfectly candid.


Stated that he's done about as much as he can and that he can't take us any further forwards. He admits the football hasn't been good, owns up to making poor decisions and hasn't denied the financial difficulties - he says that this is about par for the course for a league 1 club, and I suspect this is the reality. The fact he made TWO trips to China suggest to me that there was at least more than a passing interest vis à vis investment (the more cynical will, at this point, suggest that the whole interview was in fact faked, as was the Oxfam chair, the niggling cough and the wan, unhealthy pallor). To me, it suggests the grim reality that football at this level is a loss making venture exacerbated by the obscenity of the Premier League. Rather than making a scapegoat of Corney, we should be boycotting Sky and any other support that promotes Premier League football.


He also alluded to the crushing negativity of a tiny percentage on this board and on social media in general. He has a point, with all due respect to prozac and bb80, whose loyalty to the club has never been in question, because without money, there is really very little that we, or anybody else, can do. It's very easy to criticise with hindsight, but unless you have serious ideas, real skills or big money to accompany your glib opinions, then what can you do but let the man in charge continue to be in charge?

Edited by piglinbland
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what can you do but let the man in charge continue to be in charge?


Demand a strategy that involves more than just cutting the cloth and hoping to get lucky in a cup draw. Demand some competence in handling the club's affairs. Demand some, even a little, ambition. I dunno, call me crazy...

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Indeed. As I've just put on twitter... "so news about transfer embargo on #oafc turns into an opportunity for Corner to call out those pissed off at hour we are run #priceless"


Then goes on to say if we wanted to sign players we needed we would...erm,..but we're under a transfer embargo Simon :petesake:


At least a bit of honest about the forthcoming bills has been aired (confirming the concern many of us have put on here which is supposedly doom and guesswork) and we now know the massive forthcoming :censored: we are in...lose to Lincoln and we can do a raffle for who gets to turn off the lights.


That's because we are not under a transfer embargo. Where's your evidence to say we are? He says in the interview that he doesn't know where the Chron. reporter gets his stories from, because they aren't true. He says that the reporter needs to write something or he may lose his job so he makes it up. I'm not saying everything I accept everything Corney says, but I'm even more sceptical about stories on here, which have no facts whatsoever behind them.

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