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Simple rule change. All teams Premier or otherwise in England must play 4 English born players in their starting 11.


Watch them improve! Used to have a similar rule in Europe 20 years back. United used to have to drop Schmeical Cantona, Kanchelkis etc for British lads like Phealan and Blackmore.....

I think they had to drop that rule because of the Bosman ruling and/or EU employment law. That might have been what Danny Mills was alluding to when he was on radio 5 last night talking about how "there were a lot of things we wanted to but unfortunately we couldn't because of European law, and, y'know,we're in Europe." Yeah alright, Farage.

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I think they had to drop that rule because of the Bosman ruling and/or EU employment law. That might have been what Danny Mills was alluding to when he was on radio 5 last night talking about how "there were a lot of things we wanted to but unfortunately we couldn't because of European law, and, y'know,we're in Europe." Yeah alright, Farage.

Ah I didnt catch that.

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Don't forget how we got bullied into the Elite Performance Plan meaning even if we put loads of effort developing kids we get peanuts for them, cos a team like City don't want to pay a couple of million for potential but can absorb massive losses and a £50m fine. This next thing is an excuse for them to hoover up all the young players without paying anything. Look at what happened with Philly, went to Chelsea as a prospect got eff all development drop back down to us. He could have developed more sticking with us but is probably a couple of years behind now!

No young players, no foreign players, no loans, who's going to be playing in L1 + 2? A load of journeymen, not good enough players? That'll be fun to watch!

Not only that what kind of wages are these 'highly rated' kids gonna be on when they don't make the grade and drop down the leagues? The days of former names on big wages were starting to die out as lower leagues started to balance the books better. You're gonna have a shed load of kids with Audis (was it Wabara who was on more at city than the whole of our squad - exaggeration of course) who act like Feeney & Parker an expect to be treated as stars. This will be a major f**k up, just so we can have 23 players to sell a brand and help pay of Wembley and FA wages (how the F**k is Howard Wilkinson still involved!!!)

Really p****d off about this,FA have no clue or care for anything outside the Prem. Echo others, where 's the money for grass roots?
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The :censored: thing about something like this is that the Premier League can effectively do what they want. It's not as if the rest of the league can pull away. The top clubs know that the likes of us need them more than they need us (50ish clubs just hoping they get an FA Cup glamour tie once a year to boost the coffers) and we'll just have to deal with whatever they decide.


I expect us to be playing regionalised amateur football in the next 20 years or so. Having said that, it'll probably end up with the 'A' teams playing in a European Super League and us getting dicked off Villa reserves. Either way, it's not as good as it used to be.

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We are in an age of instant success at football clubs, especially at the top, that, along with EU commission rules, means things wont change. The FA aren't in a position to compell clubs to have nationality based players, it's ilegal. And the top clubs will be gainst it.


How is it illegal? The FA run the league. It's their rules. If they impose rules they have to be followed.

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Anyone hear Steve Claridge arguing with Danny Mills before? Never the most articulate but a new found respect for Claridge.

Mills basically admitted that they'd not even talked to league clubs about the proposals whatsoever. I think that goes to show what the hierarchy think about league football in general.


They just can't grasp the idea that football league fans value their leagues just as highly as Premier League fans value their league. Most probably because the FA is increasingly coming to soley represent the Premier League - they've neglected grassroots football and are in the process of degrading league football.


How demeaning when we come up against the Swansea B team. If this is the price we have to pay for England national team having a better chance, I don't mind us being World Cup group fodder.

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We've all witnessed various young Premier League loanees over the years. Why does anyone think ten teams full of them would dominate League One?

Obviously it's no guarantee that will happen but its the most likely out come. If not all 10 but a good chance of 5 of them.


Here's a very real scenario that could happen. Arsenal B are in league 1. Last game of the season. They have not had the greatest of seasons and are fighting relegation alongside ourselves (as usual!). This year their under 22's, or whatever the age limit is, that have played all season have been crap. Arsenal A as usual are comfortably qualified in 4th place and nothing to play for (as usual). Arsenal A decide to send a couple of their 1st teamers (and they normally have a couple under 22) for example ones like Walcott and Chamberlain (not sure on their current ages). Now im not sure loans still apply at this stage of the season but if they do then these are players we could never dream of getting in on loan ourselves currently in such a situation. Reading how it works elsewhere I dont think the movement of these players between A and B will be classed as a loan adding further insult to injury if loans aren't allowed for teams like ourselves at this point. Arsenal B go on to win, with goals from Walcott and Chamberlain, and regardless of our winning result we go down. Arsenal B with their regular squad were much more likely to lose and thus go down.


People may say we deserved to go down for a crap season. But when it is so heavily influenced by these particular players rather than say a regular team being in the role of Arsenal B and that team staying up on the merit of the squad at its disposal its unfair and i would feel cheated.


It's a specific example but one that has happened in a similar vein in Germany at least once that i have just read about and no doubt other times too in other countries.

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May have missed it but has there been any talk of how they plan to price matches? They won't need the money so could charge £10 or £5 even. League 1, 2 and conference teams couldn't afford to drop prices so would naturally lose floating fans to prem b teams.

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This is just a further insult from the FA to the lower league clubs and adds to a growing list of actions that demonstrate their inability to act as footballs governing body. Previously we've had:


- The reduction in prize money in the early rounds of the FA Cup which clearly is a direct reduction in revenue aimed directly at lower league clubs

- The bullying of the football league to accept revised increased parachute payments, in effect rewarding failure and increasing the ability of relegated clubs to outspend their competitors on rejoining the FL

- Changes to the transfer system for youth players which allows big clubs the chance to speculate on an endless number of youth players at minimal cost, the list goes on...


Now we have these new plans for B teams in the lower leagues which would cheapen the competition immeasurably. The most clear thing to me is how illogical it is, coupled with the above, rich clubs now have the ability to speculate on endless numbers of youngsters at minimal cost (negligible for most in the EPL) whilst presented the opportunity to give them first team experience in the lower leagues without loaning them out. This will just see the top clubs even more aggressive in their hoovering up of talent and have less regard for the consequences. It's in effect the same system we have now only the lower league clubs only have chance for a decent transfer fee from the youngsters that actually make the grade. Transfer fees we received for the likes of Danny Philliskirk and Scott Spencer (possibly add Tom Eaves to that list) would no longer exist as both failed at their respective clubs and were released. There would no longer be a consequence to big clubs signing youngsters from lower league teams in a purely speculative manner, it costs them nothing unless they become a success and the financial reward to the original club in that eventuality is uncertain. In my opinion the FA is either completely incompetent or completely corrupt to propose these policies. In one policy they take away a vital stream of revenue for lower league clubs whilst reducing risk to the big clubs in another and then reward the big clubs for hoovering up an endless number of youth players, shameful. Where is the incentive for the FL clubs to produce homegrown players knowing they will be taken if they show any level of potential for peanuts and then released if they don't make it to be then open to offers from the rest of the FL clubs anyway, where is the security for those clubs who have got good youth academies and scouting networks? Pathetic.


If the FA is serious about supporting development of English players then they should be looking at the reasons why players aren't developing. There is a clear issue with the rich clubs taking on so many young players who never get the chance of first team football or competitive football beyond the odd month loaned out. There is a clear issue with the financial might of the big clubs. It's been obvious for years that the EPL has become dominated by the need for instant success and the thus transfers of foreign players. None of the ideas the FA put forward address any of this, in most cases they just compound the issues. Surely far less ground breaking but more effective would be to:


1) Limit the number of foreign players on the pitch at any one time (already used in the CL in a slightly different guise), guaranteeing that a certain number of British players saturate the top division of English football across all the clubs.

2) Limit the total number of playing staff any one club can have. Difficult to enforce given behind closed doors friendlies, but it would change the way youth players consider moves to clubs where their chances will be clearly limited. This would cut down on the speculating of the big clubs on youth players, it would mean they have to be more selective in who they sign to add to their playing staff. the knock on effect would be a number of players who would otherwise be taken by PL clubs would have the chance to continue developing at lower league clubs and picked up later if their potential truly warrants it (works together with point 1). The issue to me is mainly about first team football than lack of potential and youngsters would benefit more from getting game time earlier in their careers than sitting in the youth teams of PL clubs until their early twenties before being released. This will in someway be covered by the idea of B Teams but we still have the problem that there is no real incentive to give these players first team football (ie. not B team), the PL will still be swamped with off the shelf foreign players and the FL clubs will have lost out regardless. The B teams to me act more to extend the current loan system (which is out of control due to the size of PL squads) which will still be active in parallel. It seems rather than take the problem head on, ie. the PL clubs carrying unnecessarily massive squads full of players with potential that can't get a game, the FA has ignored the cause and tried to just remedy the effect to suit the 'elites'.


For point 2 I think there is the opportunity for the big clubs to be forced to really be cautious about who they sign, right now we have the problem that they can just take on as many players as they like and the consequences are negligible. This is what needs to be addressed, whether this is the right way to go about it I don't know but it seems an obvious problem that needs to be looked at. Instead the FA is showing it's true colours... again.

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Mills basically admitted that they'd not even talked to league clubs about the proposals whatsoever. I think that goes to show what the hierarchy think about league football in general.


They just can't grasp the idea that football league fans value their leagues just as highly as Premier League fans value their league. Most probably because the FA is increasingly coming to soley represent the Premier League - they've neglected grassroots football and are in the process of degrading league football.


How demeaning when we come up against the Swansea B team. If this is the price we have to pay for England national team having a better chance, I don't mind us being World Cup group fodder.


I don't think it's necessarily about them thinking we don't value it, I think it's that they are now starting to see football in the same way FIFA do - ie. as a business. To me over the past two decades football has changed dramatically in that making money seems to be a primary goal and the integrity of the sport is working it's way down the list of priorities. In fact football being talked about as 'sport' seems to be being phased out, how many times do you hear it described as a 'product' and 'entertainment', shows how things are changing for the worst...

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There are two big problems which affect the number of good young players coming through the ranks in English football. Lack of quality coaches to coach young players, and big clubs stockpiling talent which means very good players end up lost in the system and miss out on a career.


Putting B teams from big clubs in the Football League wouldn't solve these problems. In fact, it would more than likely just make it worse.

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Thought a lot about this - this plan is nonsense and would add absolutely nothing. It would be relatively easy to sort out the English game as I see it:


  • Announce now that starting in 2020, 7/11 of the starting XI for all Premier League clubs must be eligible for selection by England. This would force them to immediately put some of their big bucks towards youth systems.
  • Put proper investment into grassroots - maybe a tax by the FA of 1% on transfer fees to cover it?
  • For God's sakes stop putting children on full sized pitches. Refereed many an U12 game that ends up about 13-8 because the goal is 8ft high and the goalkeeper is half that! They just end up shooting from anywhere!
  • Maybe further reform the youth game - no 11 a side leagues till 14? Play small sided stuff till then, on appropriately sized pitches

Not a chance in hell they'll do it, would likely ruin their precious profit margins...

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cant help getting the feeling that we are being set up for a fall here dickhead dyke and his cronies know this would never get through and would meet with lots of opposition watch them "listen to the fans/clubs etc " and withdraw it but substitute something else as "we took this away but are gonna have to do this rather than nothing " and it be a fudge that in the long run doesent do anything for the clubs outside the premier league

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Is it right in saying that with the ban on European players we would not be able to sign the likes of wesolowski kusunga if it came about in 2017-18. How is this fair on us when a man city can spend loads on an augero or the next big thing. These forego players help to develop the younger players and if you have a look at the lower most are British born players. Why don't they do something about the premier greed that will sort it out. Like Adrian Durham stated that there is a lot of Wnglish players playing like Lallana and Barkley you only need 23 players I'm show we have enough for that

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