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This is a really good post BUT it seems to me that you have all the ideas but want somebody else to go and do it. Well who? Me? Why should I? Why should I put the time and effort into doing something that you can't be arsed doing?


Its a bit of an easy retort for people at the moment to be honest. I haven't been putting forward these ideas for the last 10 mins... I have been putting forward and challenging for the past eight years or so... During that time its been a :censored:ing nightmare to established why the hell everything was going so wrong, what needed putting right, trying to communicate with Barry about it, getting nowhere, asking questions... The truth is I had serious conversations with a large number of fans about the possibility of making a move to do something about it about four years ago... But it was at a time when I was also having massive changes in my personal life (birth of my first child) and also my interest in coming to games was feeling various pressures.


Its quite funny actually because while that was happening there was a trust meeting no one knew about and Barrys position was secured for another term. Funny that isn't it :)


I don't want to rake over old ground but I am not in a position these days to do something about it. But I can see a turd when I see one, and I have proposed ideas on how things can be improved. If people want to take that on then good luck to them. But it doesn't do down what I am saying just because I am not in a position to do something about them.

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And while we're at it I call bollocks on this one too. Nobody would resort to fighting or throwing punches at a trust agm. Jesus it's not Ukrainian parliament for heavens sake! If it makes you feel better I will personally come along and sit next to you at the meeting and make sure nobody throws a punch at you. Except Rummy. I get the impression he might be a bit of a handy lad so let's not upset Rummy or the deal is off ok?

Joking aside, I think Lags is right in saying if you want to change things then join up, come along, and make yourself heard. You may be surprised, people may actually listen to you. It could be one of those tub thumping revolutionary moments that you see on the TV. Like minded converts carrying you round on their shoulders chanting your name!


Imagine if Martin Luther King wrote a letter to a few mates saying "I have a dream. I was thinking of organising a rally and telling everyone about it and starting a revolutionary movement that would change history but I'm watching TV with the kids that night so someone else do it. Good luck, MLK." Don't think it would have gone far.


Zeroes for President!


Edit..... See, I can't even work the bloody multi quote system. I'd be useless come the revolution.....



I don't think it would come to throwing punches etc... But I think there would be a lot of beating of chests etc...


Cheers for the President comment... But the power would go to my head and I would spend all the Trusts money on drugs and hookers...

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I think what you're trying to say here, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that we need a Trust that punches the ticket on every part of the value chain whilst adopting and adhering to some blue sky thinking on both a linear and lateral scale, holistically? Whilst always pushing the envelope up the flagpole to see who salutes.




I think that pretty much covers it, although I'm sure there's some room left over for some singing off hymn sheets.

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So where do we go from here? Zero has put a lot of good ideas forward and Lags is very passionate about the whole thing BUT like them or not we still have a Trust that is supposedly doing something even if we're not sure what it is. Someone on the other thread suggested a meeting/team of trust members plus fans that could get together and barnstorm it out. I like that but would it just lead to a bigger trust? It's all getting a bit animal farm.... I wish I could have got to the meetings tonight. Wouldn't have had a clue what they were on about but it would have been enlightening!

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So where do we go from here? Zero has put a lot of good ideas forward and Lags is very passionate about the whole thing BUT like them or not we still have a Trust that is supposedly doing something even if we're not sure what it is. Someone on the other thread suggested a meeting/team of trust members plus fans that could get together and barnstorm it out. I like that but would it just lead to a bigger trust? It's all getting a bit animal farm.... I wish I could have got to the meetings tonight. Wouldn't have had a clue what they were on about but it would have been enlightening!

Enlightening or a free for all.

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Cheers for the President comment... But the power would go to my head and I would spend all the Trusts money on drugs and hookers...

That might be why Barry's so reluctant to answer questions on his role within the club......

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Sorry chaps, bike chain slipped of the damn cycle half way up Sheepfoot lane and I forgot my gloves too so I've come home have frozen,


Myself, Jorvik, real, Diego and mrs Diego, latics for England, C.Hill, and bugger I forgot his username again but something with 5's were there as well as a couple more too. Think I count 13 heads there for the open door meetings.


Yes maddog is right idid write up some notes bit jus to make sure I have got it right and not opening myself to be sued, I'd like Diego, Jorvik, real, latics for England and c.hill to read them tomoz once I have typed them up.


What I will say is personally, I now have a better understanding of the role of trust in relation to how it works with the club.


What the trust agree is that communication has been poor with the fans and this must be resolved as soon as possible with clear lines of how fans can contact the trust and an agreed timeline on a reply/response back.


Sorry to ask if I can ask for a bit more time in typing up and getting the chaps to proof read them first.


Opinions and chaddy smoker, Deigo managed to get most of your questions in as we did overrun into the AGM time.

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Thanks for your efforts underdog....


How many members turned up for the actual AGM ?

TBH I don't think anyone did come enter the room after the open door session ended and not knowing those that remained thereafter where trust members too, is a difficult one to answer.


My best guess, possibly 6/7 people from the original 13.


I was asked as a none member, if I would like to stay behind to listen, maybe contribute, which I thought was a nice touch so I could actually see how a members meeting was run and maybe to encourage me to join too

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