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Apologies for being pedantic but the current process in Evans's case is a review by the Criminal Cases Review Commission, which is not an appeal. Evans appealed to the Court of Appeal, made various submissions, and the CoA determined that there were not grounds to overturn the original verdict.


His review may be based on procedural failings or on new evidence. If his review is successful, his case will be referred back to the Court of Appeal. The CCRC cannot quash his conviction.

Thanks. That makes sense!

I've just read someone else saying about things that weren't included as evidence in the original trial that will be included in his 'appeal', such as what the hotel night porter allegedly heard from outside the room etc he might not be right on that specific point but that makes some sense on the 'new evidence' reference you made...

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If anyone wants to read why his appeal was rejected, and new evidence was indeed submitted, then they can here. You can also view the full transpcript if youi like.It gives a synopsis first.

I wont paraphrase, it gets very technical. Especially on the memory aspect.



Edited by singe
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As I understand it, the whole prosecution case was based upon the premise that the lady was too drunk to give consent at the time the rape occurred. It matters not whether she agreed to go back to the hotel room. Her evidence was that she couldn't remember having sex with either footballer, because she was too drunk. What is puzling in this case is how the jury concluded (if they did) that she wasn't too drunk to give consent in respect of the first footballer but was too drunk in respect of the second, albeit it is not clear what findings the jury made as to the two footballers own states of mind. NB and for the avoidance of doubt - this is only my opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs!

Edited by laticio
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As I understand it, the whole prosecution case was based upon the premise that the lady was too drunk to give consent at the time the rape occurred. It matters not whether she agreed to go back to the hotel room. Her evidence was that she couldn't remember having sex with either footballer, because she was too drunk. What is puzling in this case is how the jury concluded (if they did) that she wasn't too drunk to give consent in respect of the first footballer but was too drunk in respect of the second, albeit it is not clear what findings the jury made as to the two footballers own states of mind. NB and for the avoidance of doubt - this is only my opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs!


Singe's above link explains.

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Agreed Jim - but no one actually knows what happened except the parties involved - one of whom was apparently so drunk she could not remember anything.

We're delving into the merits of the case again. Can we draw a line, please?

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Isnt it about time this got locked so we can draw a line under the issue until we are linked again in a months time

I think the Evans discussion will continue for a while, so closing this thread will probably only lead to others popping up.

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I think the Evans discussion will continue for a while, so closing this thread will probably only lead to others popping up.


It's petering out though and will probably drop off the page next week.

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At least we can have some sort of discussion and not face this sort of nonsense. It is easy to forget at times. Still cant helping think if Evans does clear his name beyond doubt would he be calling latics to review position seeing as only club willing to even consider him, somehow that call will not happen even though the situation very different. But at least we have a system that is circa 98% accurate by looks of things re all cases. Russia who knows....


Russia has listed transsexual and transgender people among those who will no longer qualify for driving licences.

Fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism are also included as "mental disorders" now barring people from driving.

The government says it is tightening medical controls for drivers because Russia has too many road accidents.

"Pathological" gambling and compulsive stealing are also on the list. Russian psychiatrists and human rights lawyers have condemned the move

That would leave the roads nice and empty for us cyclists if they brought that in over here.

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That would leave the roads nice and empty for us cyclists if they brought that in over here.



At least we can have some sort of discussion and not face this sort of nonsense. It is easy to forget at times. Still cant helping think if Evans does clear his name beyond doubt would he be calling latics to review position seeing as only club willing to even consider him, somehow that call will not happen even though the situation very different. But at least we have a system that is circa 98% accurate by looks of things re all cases. Russia who knows....


Russia has listed transsexual and transgender people among those who will no longer qualify for driving licences.

Fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism are also included as "mental disorders" now barring people from driving.

The government says it is tightening medical controls for drivers because Russia has too many road accidents.

"Pathological" gambling and compulsive stealing are also on the list. Russian psychiatrists and human rights lawyers have condemned the move


“They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

And then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

Rev. Martin Niemoeller, a Protestant minister in Nazi Germany, in 1945; from “Political Quotations”, Daniel B. Baker, ed.

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“They came first for the Communist...


They came for the palmists, but I wasn’t a palmist so I did nothing

They came for the bungee jumpers, but I wasn’t a bungee jumper so I did nothing

They came for the players’ agents, but I wasn’t a players’ agent so I did nothing

They came for the Charles Manson fans, but I wasn’t a Charles Manson fan so I did nothing

They came for the reflexologists, but I wasn’t a reflexologist so I did nothing

They came for the camp TV chefs, but I wasn’t a camp TV chef so I did nothing

They came for the RoMos, I laughed

They came for the martial arts enthusiasts, but I wasn’t a martial arts enthusiast so I did nothing

They came for Eamonn Holmes and I think I’m right in saying I applauded

They came for the fire-eaters, but I wasn’t a fire-eater so I did nothing

They came for Dani Behr, I said she’s over there, behind the wardrobe..


Sometimes you have to turn a blind eye...


Half Man Half Biscuit. 1998.

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I'm not sure it's possible to write anything interesting on this anymore. Every journalist out there seems to have had their two penneth. Any journalist writing a piece now would do well to come up with a different view instead of just repeating what's already been said.

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When this issue first hit the headlines, I was dead against the idea of a convicted Rapist Playing for my club. However, the more I have read up on the topic, the more I consider that Ched Evans should be given a second chance in life.

In rape cases, the issue frequently revolves around 'does no mean no?' In Cheds case, the issue appears to hinge around 'does yes mean yes?'. The evidence given by both Ched and Clatron as far as I can see has been accepted that she said Yes in that hotel room. She was unable to confirm or deny one way or the other due to her memory loss.


There are rapists and rapists. The incident in the news this week where a young girl was abducted and put through a torrid sexual ordeal is not in the same league.


Ok, so the verdict went against Ched in his case, but judging by the strong emotions on both sides it is clear that public opinion is divided. It could quite easily have gone for him and he could have be playing alongside Clayton Donaldson this afternoon.


I am now proud of my club for being prepared to stand up to the ferocious media attention and whilst ithis could not ultimately be sustantained, I intend to stand proud this afternoon and we should all use this to galvanise us and get behind the boys......COME ON LATICS!!!!!!!!!!!

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When this issue first hit the headlines, I was dead against the idea of a convicted Rapist Playing for my club. However, the more I have read up on the topic, the more I consider that Ched Evans should be given a second chance in life.

In rape cases, the issue frequently revolves around 'does no mean no?' In Cheds case, the issue appears to hinge around 'does yes mean yes?'. The evidence given by both Ched and Clatron as far as I can see has been accepted that she said Yes in that hotel room. She was unable to confirm or deny one way or the other due to her memory loss.


There are rapists and rapists. The incident in the news this week where a young girl was abducted and put through a torrid sexual ordeal is not in the same league.


Ok, so the verdict went against Ched in his case, but judging by the strong emotions on both sides it is clear that public opinion is divided. It could quite easily have gone for him and he could have be playing alongside Clayton Donaldson this afternoon.


I am now proud of my club for being prepared to stand up to the ferocious media attention and whilst ithis could not ultimately be sustantained, I intend to stand proud this afternoon and we should all use this to galvanise us and get behind the boys......COME ON LATICS!!!!!!!!!!!

Rape is rape

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