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Abdallah looking to sell!

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Isn't Bartercard some kind of magic beans currency too?


I don't blame people for the scepticism TBF. We've been shat on that many times of course it's natural to look worried when another seagull approaches.


The plans sound all a bit wishy-washy fantasy land though and they've cunningly dropped in a few lines in such as backing the current management and building an enviable youth setup that no doubt will get supporters salivating.


However, they operate in a realm I don't fully understand. I'm more than prepared to accept it if this is the world we're evolving into but not willing to get carried away until at least Abdallah gets balls-deep in negotiations and it gets the backing of the Foundation who should be there to run through the proposal properly.


At the moment I'm more concerned about how to avoid my new Claire Raynor's getting caked in mud on the way from the Clayton Green this afternoon TBQHWY.

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1 hour ago, Mercater said:

As said previously, there is a lack of regulation around cryptocurrencies and what regulation there is is different around the world. It is very volatile and can be subject to manipulation, which I guess is what gaz_oafc is hinting at when he mentions fans being asked to invest. It is known as the preferrred choice for organised crime money laundering and illicit business payments. I maintain we need straight forward cash rich owners. Maybe they wanted to buy abdallah off in bitcoin and thats why he hasn't talked to them.


However, to try and be balanced, the consortium does appear to have a sensible and thought out plan, which almo have never provided. Who else makes up the consortium will be interesting to find out.


I believe Chris Lee is going to be on GMR this afternoon, so it will be interesting to hear what he says and what develops over the next few weeks. Then hopefully my fears will have been put to bed and it will be something we can get behind

The chances of one person, outside of a few super elite billionaires (e.g. Elon Musk), being able to outright manipulate the BTC market are extremely slim.

Fiat is used for the types of dodgy dealings you hint at every single day. That doesn’t mean there’s an inherent flaw with the commodity itself. Furthermore, BTC is fully traceable - the ledger is completely public. Couple this with the fact that the fees are quite high means it probably isn’t the preferred choice of cryptocurrency for serious organised criminals.

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11 minutes ago, Ryan said:

The chances of one person, outside of a few super elite billionaires (e.g. Elon Musk), being able to outright manipulate the BTC market are extremely slim.

Fiat is used for the types of dodgy dealings you hint at every single day. That doesn’t mean there’s an inherent flaw with the commodity itself. Furthermore, BTC is fully traceable - the ledger is completely public. Couple this with the fact that the fees are quite high means it probably isn’t the preferred choice of cryptocurrency for serious organised criminals.

I think you undermine your arguments a bit here Ryan. Organised crime can manipulate the crypto by cryptocurrency spoofing. You don't have to be Elon Musk, just a very successful criminal organisation. You say that Fiat are used daily for underhand actions on the crypto market. You are corect that transactions are fully traceable, so are Rolexs but criminals buy them. Fees do not matter if you are making a lot of money and are washing funds as what is stolen is never sold for its full value, its just about getting a good return.


As a pound in the pocket guy, it's not a subject I know a great deal about, so am happy to defer to better knowledge and experience. As I say lets see what happens and what the proposals are and judge from there.

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2 hours ago, nzlatic said:

I’ve used the term plan too but it isn’t really. It’s a list of lofty aims and if someone had asked me to come up with a list of aims for the next 7 years it wouldn’t be too far from this. 

A plan would be how they go about achieving those aims.

'The Plan' is a list of things most people would want for their local, lower league club. For those of a certain vintage, it sounds a bit Ken Bates.


That said, this could be the first signs of hope.


An interpretation , with the early links with OASF, is that this is a stalking horse, which tests ALMO's willingness to sell or engage with buyers. It's one thing saying you are willing to sell, quite another to do something about it.


Of crypto currency et al, I know nothing. Very sceptical, but then I'm sceptical about a lot of things and they're not always bad.


What would be encouraging are some posts along the line of ; Yeah, I knew Chris Lees growing up, used to stand on The Chaddy End with him, great day in the seventies when we got chased half way round Bolton.


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7 minutes ago, Mercater said:

I think you undermine your arguments a bit here Ryan. Organised crime can manipulate the crypto by cryptocurrency spoofing. You don't have to be Elon Musk, just a very successful criminal organisation. You say that Fiat are used daily for underhand actions on the crypto market. You are corect that transactions are fully traceable, so are Rolexs but criminals buy them. Fees do not matter if you are making a lot of money and are washing funds as what is stolen is never sold for its full value, its just about getting a good return.


As a pound in the pocket guy, it's not a subject I know a great deal about, so am happy to defer to better knowledge and experience. As I say lets see what happens and what the proposals are and judge from there.

BTC is the least vulnerable crypto to the types of underhand tactics that you mention. Given the market cap and BTC’s high value, you have to be extremely rich to make a significant dent in that market.


I wasn’t referring to the crypto market, I meant organised criminals in general. More illicit transactions are being done in fiat (£, $, € etc) than any cryptocurrency. That doesn’t make me want to burn all of my cash.


As I’ve already hinted at, anybody shady trading in BTC is asking for a knock at the door. There are much better crypto alternatives if that kind of activity is how you make your income.

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2 minutes ago, Ryan said:

BTC is the least vulnerable crypto to the types of underhand tactics that you mention. Given the market cap and BTC’s high value, you have to be extremely rich to make a significant dent in that market.


I wasn’t referring to the crypto market, I meant organised criminals in general. More illicit transactions are being done in fiat (£, $, € etc) than any cryptocurrency. That doesn’t make me want to burn all of my cash.


As I’ve already hinted at, anybody shady trading in BTC is asking for a knock at the door. There are much better crypto alternatives if that kind of activity is how you make your income.

Lets lay this to bed as it is well off topic now, but just to say we are only assuming it is BTC and not one of the others you refer to, as that is the one most of us know. The guy could be genuinely minted through his other businesses.

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44 minutes ago, League one forever said:

Conversely, we should immediately bin off said plan because it part contains something a lot of us don’t understand? 

Cautious optimism methinks. 

That's where I'm at. Cautious optimism. 

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33 minutes ago, Ryan said:

10% btw you histrionic lot…

Either he believes in it..in which case why only 10% or he doesn’t, in which case what’s the point?

you’ll say… “it’s a hedge against inflation”



If there is one thing we have discovered about Bitcoin recently is that it is no hedge. It has behaved exactly like a growth tech stock in reaction to the interest rate/inflation shock. It’s pretty much tracked the Nasdaq the last few months. 

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17 minutes ago, kowenicki said:

Either he believes in it..in which case why only 10% or he doesn’t, in which case what’s the point?

you’ll say… “it’s a hedge against inflation”



If there is one thing we have discovered about Bitcoin recently is that it is no hedge. It has behaved exactly like a growth tech stock in reaction to the interest rate/inflation shock. It’s pretty much tracked the Nasdaq the last few months. 

Simply untrue

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My initial feeling of cautiousness is offset by three things:


A ) They clearly know what they’re doing with regards to crypto if that’s how they’ve made a chunk of their millions.


B ) It’s 10%.


C ) It’s headed by a lifelong fan. I trust that his intentions are pure based on that fact alone.


Surely the most encouraging news for years.


The plan to bring BP back under the ownership of the club, and further develop it, was something Abdallah never talked about in his initial presser. THIS is the future of the club and I think everyone agrees that OAFC won’t progress until everything is under one company.

Realistically, this is the best we could’ve hoped for imo. 

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4 minutes ago, Ryan said:

My initial feeling of cautiousness is offset by three things:


A ) They clearly know what they’re doing with regards to crypto if that’s how they’ve made a chunk of their millions.


B ) It’s 10%.


C ) It’s headed by a lifelong fan. I trust that his intentions are pure based on that fact alone.


Surely the most encouraging news for years.


The plan to bring BP back under the ownership of the club, and further develop it, was something Abdallah never talked about in his initial presser. THIS is the future of the club and I think everyone agrees that OAFC won’t progress until everything is under one company.

Realistically, this is the best we could’ve hoped for imo. 


I was around at the time of the Ken Bates era and for all his faults he brought a breath of fresh air to the club at a time of gloom and doom.

This has a similar feel to it. Do we really want to turn this bid down and be happy to stick with AL?  I for one wold like to see it go ahead - we may never get a better offer.


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3 minutes ago, BP1960 said:


I was around at the time of the Ken Bates era and for all his faults he brought a breath of fresh air to the club at a time of gloom and doom.

This has a similar feel to it. Do we really want to turn this bid down and be happy to stick with AL?  I for one wold like to see it go ahead - we may never get a better offer.


It's not a bid is it? More of an intention to make one

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1 hour ago, Ryan said:

BTC is the least vulnerable crypto to the types of underhand tactics that you mention. Given the market cap and BTC’s high value, you have to be extremely rich to make a significant dent in that market.


I wasn’t referring to the crypto market, I meant organised criminals in general. More illicit transactions are being done in fiat (£, $, € etc) than any cryptocurrency. That doesn’t make me want to burn all of my cash.


As I’ve already hinted at, anybody shady trading in BTC is asking for a knock at the door. There are much better crypto alternatives if that kind of activity is how you make your income.

Quick question, what is Fiat? If it is the car manufacturer then what have they got to do with cyrptocurrency. 

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3 minutes ago, disjointed said:

Quick question, what is Fiat? If it is the car manufacturer then what have they got to do with cyrptocurrency. 

Fiat is actual money. Issued by say the Bank of England and handled by other financial institutions for transactions. So what's in your pocket as opposed to a crypto which is a virtual transaction between two parties.

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So I heard the interview what's people's thoughts? Alot of red flags for me here. 


We mustn't get into the mindset that because the current owner has been so bad for us that anybody else will therefore be better. Let's also not lose sight of the fact that the club are in discussions with 3 other parties.

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27 minutes ago, Mercater said:

Lee is on GMR now

Right, thats's it, I'm sold. He sounds genuine. Interesting that Oldham say they have not had an approach from him and he said their first contact was 18th Dec and has all the emails and  whatsapps. to prove it. He is trying to force Abdallah and Moralees to the table I suppose.


He put forward a good argument for the Bitcoin, although the Prof in Football Finance did comment on how it is unregulated, volatile and open to manipulation.


Lets see what happens.

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Good interview, he comes across well. 

Apparently 3 bids have gone in, but the club says he isn’t one of them. He refutes that, and says he’s been talking to the club for over a year. So 4 interested parties. 

While that’s encouraging, perversely it’s also an issue, because I think AL will just play them off each other while his court case goes through. In AL’s deluded mind if he can sell it with the North stand he’ll get a lot more.

Will there be buyer fatigue? 

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